Does fizz counter ahri?

Ahri wins against Fizz 49.13% of the time which is 0.07% lower against Fizz than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Ahri wins against Fizz 1.73% less often than would be expected.
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Who is counter for ahri?

5 champions that counter Ahri are Fizz, Yasuo, Annie, Anivia, and Zoe. You can find all the matchup tips we use in this guide on the Mobalytics App.
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Who can fizz counter?

The Best Fizz Counter Picks in League of Legends for patch 12.8, Ranked Boost recommends these picks due to their win condition and abilities.
  • C. Zilean. The Chronokeeper.
  • E. Kennen. The Heart of the T ...
  • D. Anivia. The Cryophoenix.
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Does Annie counter ahri?

Ahri wins against Annie 48.93% of the time which is 0.38% higher against Annie than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Ahri wins against Annie 0.61% less often than would be expected.
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Does Cassiopeia counter ahri?

Ahri wins against Cassiopeia 51.25% of the time which is 3.38% higher against Cassiopeia than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Ahri wins against Cassiopeia 2.37% more often than would be expected.
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FIZZ vs AHRI (MID) | 7/0/6, 1.4M mastery, 400+ games, Godlike | NA Master | v11.14

Is Fizz AP or AD?

Fizz is an assassin and any extra bit of AP / AD is really going to help you to burst your target down.
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Does fizz counter sylas?

Fizz wins against Sylas 26.00% of the time which is 26.04% lower against Sylas than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Fizz wins against Sylas 24.93% less often than would be expected. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Fizz build & runes against Sylas.
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Does Vel Koz counter Ahri?

Ahri wins against Vel'Koz 50.50% of the time which is 1.39% higher against Vel'Koz than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Ahri wins against Vel'Koz 0.45% more often than would be expected.
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Does Ahri counter Zed?

Ahri wins against Zed 51.76% of the time which is 1.65% higher against Zed than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Ahri wins against Zed 0.02% less often than would be expected.
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Is Ahri easy?

Is Ahri Easy to Play? Learning the basics of Ahri's abilities isn't that hard, but mastering her is quite challenging. Many players fail to employ her dashes adequately, miss their Charm, and aren't able to land the second part of Ahri's ''Q'' ability in some instances.
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Can you cleanse fizz ULT?

If you use Cleanse while Fizz's ult is on you, you'll only remove the slow effect. The fish will still be attached to your champion, and it will damage regardless of what you do. That's why Cleanse isn't a good tool against Fizz either.
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What is Fizz ult cooldown?

Cooldown: 8 / 7.5 / 7 / 6.5 / 6 seconds. Range: 550. Active: Fizz dashes through his target, dealing (+100% total) physical damage plus magic damage. This spell applies on-hit effects.
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What animal is fizz?

Fizz is an amphibious yordle, who dwells among the reefs surrounding Bilgewater.
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How do you counter fizz WR?

League of Legends Wild Rift Fizz Counters are Kennen, Annie, and Akali, which have the best chance of winning Fizz in the lane. You DO NOT want to pick Aurelion Sol or Yasuo as they will most likely lose to Fizz. In Terms of Synergy, picks like Amumu and Nami are good with Fizz.
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Who is Zed counter?

The best champions that counter Zed are Garen, Pantheon, Diana, Anivia and Malphite.
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How do you counter fizz E?

How to Play Against Fizz (7 Tips)
  1. Poke and trade level 1.
  2. Hit level 2 first.
  3. Play respectfully at levels 3 to 4.
  4. Understand Fizz's ultimate.
  5. Invest in defensive items.
  6. Ward your flanks.
  7. Avoid walking around Summoners Rift alone.
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Is Amumu a yordle?

Amumu has been described as a Yordle for most of his presence in the game. His current state is left intentionally ambiguous, with characters in his lore commenting on the possibility of him being a yordle while others scoff at the idea. Amumu might have been the first and the last Yordle emperor of Ancient Shurima.
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Does Fizz's Shark have a name?

Guppy, chomper and Gigalodon, depending on the distance the shark traveled. Before his rework his pet shark was Chomper.
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How old is Gnar?

Universe. Gnar is a prehistoric yordle, at the very least older than 10,000 years, dating back to a time when there were no massive civilizations on land. He was able to survive for millennia due to hibernation and being encased in True Ice.
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Can u cleanse Zed ULT?

Zed's debuff is now no longer removable. Thus neither QSS nor Cleanse can remove it.
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Does QSS get rid of fizz ULT?

Riot Games changed Quicksilver Sash a couple of years ago, and now QSS only removes all crowd control rather than all debuffs. You used to be able to QSS Fizz's ult, Zed's ult, Fiora's ult, and even stuff like Zilean's bombs, but that's no longer possible.
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Can you cleanse Lillia ULT?

Invest in QSS or take Cleanse against her

There is, however, a way you can directly counter her Ultimate. This can be done by purchasing items that can remove the effect. Sleep can be removed by QSS or Mikeals and you can also take Cleanse if the enemy has tons of CC.
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Is Ahri late game?

Ahri falls off in the late game as the enemy will be healthier, and most champions will buy defensive items to protect them. It is unlikely you will be able to burst down any frontline champions, but you can quite easily take down the enemy Support or ADC.
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Is Ahri an op?

Some folks have taken to the forums to defend Ahri, saying that she really isn't that strong, but the general consensus is that she needs some work. And it's hard to argue with the numbers—and Ahri's numbers point towards her being OP. Nearly a 54 percent winrate coupled with a 20 percent playrate is ridiculous.
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