Do you salute one magpie?

An old British rhyme predicts a person's fate on the basis of the number of magpies they've seen: “One for sorrow, two for mirth, three for a funeral, and four for birth.” Some say that if you fail to salute a magpie you've walked past, bad luck waits patiently behind the next corner.
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Should you salute a magpie?

Indeed, according to the rhyme coming across a larger group of magpies could actually bring you good fortune and wealth. To help ward off the bad luck that might come your way from seeing a solitary magpie there are a number of things you can do: Salute the magpie. Say 'Good morning general' or 'Good morning captain'.
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What do you say when you see one magpie?

The most well-known superstition in the UK is that seeing a single magpie is supposed to signal bad luck. A way of combating the bad tidings is to say, "Good morning, Mr Magpie - how's your lady wife today?" This means you're showing the magpie due respect, hoping that he won't pass bad luck on to you.
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What's the magpie rule?

The well-known magpie rhyme goes: One for sorrow Two for joy Three for a girl Four for a boy Five for silver Six for gold Seven for a secret, never to be told Eight for a wish Nine for a kiss Ten for a bird you must not miss .
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What do magpies symbolize?

Magpies are symbolic of intelligence and wit. These black and white colored birds show an extraordinarily high IQ and are equally resourceful as well. However, due to their shrewd nature, they're also known to symbolize deceit, opportunism, and illusion.
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Marine Receives First Salute from Grandfather, WWII Veteran

What is the myth about magpies?

In ancient Rome, the magpie was associated with magic and fortune telling, while in Scandinavia some witches rode magpies or turned into them. In Germany, the bird was considered a bird of the underworld and in Scotland it was said that magpies had a drop of the devil's blood on their tongues.
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Is it lucky to see a magpie?

Sometimes they appear as a sinister omen, but equally often as a friend. In the UK, a lone magpie is considered especially ominous and it is commonplace to voice a respectful enquiry as to the health of its wife and children. Conversely in China and Korea magpies are seen as bringing good luck.
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Do magpies remember faces?

Interesting fact: It's true, magpies remember your face. They have excellent recall for faces and very long memories. So, if you've been swooped before, or even if you just look like someone they swooped last year, you're likely to get the same treatment again.
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What does it mean if a magpie taps on your window?

They believe that this incidence is a warning sign that the person should prepare for difficult days. Other traditions believe that the bird hitting your window is just a messenger. Some believe the bird carries a goodwill message, while others believe it's a message of death.
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How do you salute magpies?

We reveal how to salute a magpie and other fascinating facts: 1. In order to ward off bad luck, greet the sight of a lone Pica pica with the words: 'Good morning, Mr Magpie, how are Mrs Magpie and all the other little magpies? '
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Why do magpies keep coming in my garden?

Magpies are very attracted to water, just like any other bird, so getting rid of your bird baths – at least while trying to fight magpies – is an essential step. You should also look for and eliminate any standing pools of water in your garden and avoid overwatering your plants.
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What does it mean if you see 2 magpies?

One for sorrow, Two for joy, Three for a girl, Four for a boy, Five for silver, Six for gold, Seven for a story yet to be told.
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What do you call a group of magpies?

magpies - a conventicle of magpies.
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How do you get a magpie to trust you?

Taking a piece of mince or taking a wide berth around the magpies nest may eventually convince the nervous magpie that he does not need to deter this individual anymore because she or he poses little or no risk, and who knows, may even become a friend in future.
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Why do magpies befriend humans?

This bond can extend to trusting certain people around their offspring. A key reason why friendships with magpies are possible is that we now know that magpies are able to recognise and remember individual human faces for many years. They can learn which nearby humans do not constitute a risk.
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How do you tell if a magpie is a boy or girl?

Explained simply, you can determine the gender of an adult White-backed, Black-backed and Western Magpie by looking at the nape. Males will have a pure white nape. Females will have motley grey shades and markings on their nape.
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How do I attract magpies to my garden?

Try to:
  1. Install a bird bath so buddies like the Magpie can have a drink, bathe or play in the water. ...
  2. Include mulch, leaf litter and rocks in your garden as this will attract lizards and insects which Magpies and other birds love to eat.
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How many magpies live together?

Australian Magpies live in very strict groups of up to 25 birds. Females make up most of the group with usually one or two males being the dominant individuals.
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What do magpies eat?

Diet. The black-billed magpie is an opportunistic and omnivorous feeder, whose diet consists mainly of ground-dwelling arthropods, seeds and carrion, which it obtains on the ground in open areas, rarely in trees.
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What is a group of dogs called?

When animals get together in a group, we have a specific name for the group. For example, you probably know a group of dogs is a pack.
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What does 3 for a girl mean magpies?

I saw a magpie this week. One for sorrow, as you may remember from the theme tune of the children's TV show Magpie. It's basically a magpie reward system. 'One for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl and four for a boy. Five for silver, six for gold, seven for a secret never to be told.
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What are magpies scared of?

Deterrents for magpies

Half-full plastic bottles or CDs hung up in trees to scare the predators away. Magpies don't like the way light reflects from the surface. GuardnEyes scarecrow balloon, available from Dazer UK. It may be possible to deter them by playing a tape of a crow or rook distress call.
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Are magpies good for the garden?

Although magpies will peck around in the soil looking for insects, the main garden damage is done to the lawn where they create holes while looking for grubs, such as leatherjackets and chafer grubs. That being said, magpies are a useful control for these two root-eating plant pests.
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What are magpies predators?

Natural predators of magpies include various species of monitor lizard and the barking owl. Birds are often killed on roads or electrocuted by powerlines, or poisoned after killing and eating house sparrows or mice, rats or rabbits targeted with baiting. The Australian raven may take nestlings left unattended.
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What is the lifespan of a magpie?

If the young birds survive to breed, their average life expectancy is around three years. Some live much longer than this, with the oldest recorded being more than 21 years old.
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