Do warts leave scars?

Wart treatments work by removing the wart rather than curing HPV. Due to this, warts may reoccur after treatment because the virus remains. About two⁠–thirds of warts resolve by themselves over 12⁠–24 months, leaving no scarring or side effects.
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Can you get a scar from a wart?

Depending on how the lesion is removed from the face, a scar may or may not occur. Shaving a lesion at the base normally does not leave a noticeable scar. However, full thickness excision of the lesion will lead to a scar.
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Does wart removal leave scars?

Your doctor may choose to burn the wart, cut it out, or remove it with a laser. These treatments are effective, but they may leave a scar. They are normally reserved for warts that have not cleared up with other treatments.
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How do you get rid of wart scars?

Pressure and massage: One of the cheapest and most effective ways to help heal the scar is to apply pressure and massage to the area. You can use bandages or tape to apply pressure. Over time, it can help weaken the scar tissue and improve the appearance of the scar.
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Do warts ever go away completely?

Will Warts Go Away On Their Own? Some warts will go away without treatment, others will not. Even those warts that eventually go away can take months, or even years, to disappear.
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What are warts (HPV)? - 3D animation

Can a wart last for 10 years?

Sometimes warts last longer, particularly in adults. In some cases warts may take between 5 and 10 years to clear. Treatment can often clear warts more quickly.
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Why am I suddenly getting warts?

Warts are caused by an infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV). The virus causes an excess amount of keratin, a hard protein, to develop in the top skin layer (epidermis). The extra keratin produces the rough, hard texture of a wart. Read more about the causes of warts.
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Are all warts HPV?

Warts appear when a virus called human papillomavirus (HPV) infects the top layer of the skin. There are several different kinds of warts including common warts, plantar (foot/mosaic) warts, and flat warts. All types of warts are caused by HPV.
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Do HPV warts leave scars?

In some cases, treatment may cause scarring, but that's the only permanent visible effect. However, it's important to remember that even though the warts themselves go away, the virus that causes them may remain in your body. This virus -- called the human papillomavirus (HPV) -- may cause another outbreak of warts.
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Can I cut off a wart?

Do not cut off a wart yourself! While it's technically possible to perform a little “bathroom surgery,” and some people have claimed success using the method, it's a very bad idea.
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How does skin heal after wart removal?

It is expected to form a scab a week after treatment. However, if it breaks before scabbing, make sure to apply an antiseptic on the site and avoid touching the fluid. The scab will fall off on its own. Until then, do not pick at the site, as that will spread the virus.
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How long does it take skin to heal after wart removal?

The laser's heat may also attack the virus that causes the wart. The laser may feel like a rubber band snapping against your skin. You won't feel much pain after the procedure is done. You should heal fully in 2-4 weeks.
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Does freezing warts leave a scar?

Liquid nitrogen treatment does not usually leave a scar. The treated area may be lighter in color and take several months to return to normal. If the wart is around the fingernail, there may be changes in the nail (such as grooves), but these are not usually permanent.
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Do warts have roots?

Contrary to popular belief, warts do not have "roots." They originate from the top layer of skin, the epidermis. As they grow down into the second layer of skin, the dermis, they can displace the dermis but not form roots: The underside of a wart is smooth.
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Can you cut off a wart with nail clippers?

Don't pick at warts or try to peel them off, as this will only spread the virus. Have separate nail clippers for healthy and infected areas. Try not to shave over warts.
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Why is my wart turning black?

Most warts do not cause any symptoms. However, people may experience pain, tightness, or itching. Some warts may also have small brown or black dots as a result of clotted blood from tiny blood vessels in the skin.
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Are there non STD warts?

Non-genital warts (verrucas) are an extremely common, benign, and usually a self-limited skin disease. Infection of epidermal cells with the human papillomavirus (HPV) results in cell proliferation and a thickened, warty papule on the skin.
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How long do HPV warts last?

Sometimes, the immune system clears the warts within a few months. But even if the warts go away, the HPV might still be active in the body. So the warts can come back. Usually within 2 years, the warts and the HPV are gone from the body.
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Can HPV cause scars?

How Is Human Papillomavirus Infection Treated? Treatment isn't always successful, and not all warts need treatment. Treatment itself can cause problems, such as pain, infection, and scarring. Treatment depends on wart location.
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Does having warts mean HPV?

Warts are a type of skin infection caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). The infection causes rough, skin-colored bumps to form on the skin. The virus is contagious.
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Can warts be cancerous?

Common warts never turn cancerous. They may bleed if injured. Since warts are caused by a virus (e.g., human papilloma virus), they are contagious. Warts may spread on the body or to other people.
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Do warts bleed?

Common Wart (verruca vulgaris): Common warts are typically rough and can vary in size and number. Because warts have blood vessels near their surface, they can bleed easily if injured or bumped. The “black dots” often seen at the surface are really small blood clots at the ends of these blood vessels.
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How do you stop warts from spreading?

To help prevent warts from spreading to other parts of your body:
  1. Don't scratch or pick at your warts.
  2. Keep your warts dry.
  3. Try to avoid your warts while shaving.
  4. Consider covering your warts.
  5. Don't use tools like a nail file or nail clipper on both your warts and on unaffected skin.
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What happens if you leave a wart untreated?

Most warts will persist for one to two years if they are left untreated. Eventually, the body will recognize the virus and fight it off, causing the wart to disappear. While they remain, however, warts can spread very easily when people pick at them or when they are on the hands, feet or face.
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What does a cancerous wart look like?

Squamous cell carcinoma has many symptoms, one of which is very wart-like. Squamous cell carcinoma usually first appears as: a red, scaly, sometimes crusty plaque of skin that may get bigger and develop a sore. a red, hard domed bump that won't go away.
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