Do goldfish need complete darkness to sleep?

Goldfish need at least 8 to 12 hours of complete darkness to sleep, and anything less will start to show negative effects on their health over time.
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Do goldfish need to sleep in the dark?

They do sleep better when it's dark and quiet, so many fish will sleep at night. If you make noise around a sleeping fish, it will startle awake. Thus, it's best to keep the noise level down when your fish wants to sleep.
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How do I know if my goldfish is sleeping?

Watch your fish at night and you might notice them hovering in one spot, only moving slightly to keep themselves stable in the water. This behaviour tells you that your goldfish is sleeping. The hovering spot will usually be somewhere near aquarium decorations and lower down in the tank.
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Do fish need total darkness to sleep?

Fish don't necessarily need complete darkness to sleep, but it's best to provide them with the amount of darkness they would have in their natural environment. They may sleep when tired if the lights are on, but it will be better for their sleep and overall health if they can rest in darkness.
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Is darkness good for goldfish?

Yes, goldfish need light and they also need nightly periods of darkness. What is this? Using lights to illuminate your tank and simulate a day / night cycle is beneficial to your goldfish, the overall health of your tank and is an important aspect of successful goldfish care.
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Do Fish Sleep? How Do Fish Sleep? Goldfish Sleeping in My Aquarium

Can goldfish sleep with light on?

Goldfish get tired just like humans do and enjoy a good night's rest. Goldfish can only sleep when the surrounding area is dark, and no lights are on over the tank or throughout the environment. This makes it important to ensure that you give your goldfish a period of darkness for several hours a day.
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Should I turn off the light in my goldfish tank at night?

Aquarium fish do not need light and it is best that you turn it off during the night. Leaving the light on can cause stress to fish as they need a period of darkness to sleep. Too much light will cause algae to rapidly grow and make your tank look dirty. So the short answer is no, do not leave your lights on.
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Do fish like it dark at night?

Do fish need and like darkness? It depends on the species. Some fish prefer to remain in the dark, while others thrive in light. It is important to note that some fish, such as angelfish, are diurnal, meaning that they are active during the day.
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Can fish sleep with black light?

Black lights should not be used to heat or illuminate a fish tank. Fish need aquarium lighting that's designed to provide the natural lighting they would receive in the wild. Because black lights are ultraviolet, it's only safe to use them in small doses.
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How many hours of darkness do fish need?

Fish Lighting Requirements

Before determining how much light to give your fish each day, check the care requirements for your individual species, as needs vary slightly. However, most fish require around 12 hours of light a day.
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Are goldfish more active at night?

Goldfish are not specifically diurnal or active during the daytime, but they are much better adapted for daytime hunting and exploring than they are for nocturnal activities. So it's natural for your pet to sleep more when the lights are off than when they're on.
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Do goldfish recognize you?

Pet goldfish can distinguish between humans, and often recognise the human that regularly feeds them. Pet goldfish can also seem quite scared of new people, but become more comfortable with their owners over time as they realise they aren't a threat.
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How many times a day should you feed a goldfish?

Feed 2-3 times daily. It is important to avoid overfeeding goldfish as this can cause indigestion and/or contaminate the tank. In terms of the amount to feed, a good rule of thumb is to only feed an amount that the goldfish can consume in under two minutes or only feed as much as the size of the goldfish's eye.
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How do I know if my fish is sleeping?

It's pretty easy to tell when fish are sleeping: they lie motionless, often at the bottom or near the surface of the water. They are slow to respond to things going on around them, or may not respond at all (see some sleeping catfish here). If you watch their gills, you'll notice they're breathing very slowly.
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How much light does a goldfish need?

In the wild, goldfish live in cool rivers, lakes and streams where they have regular access to relatively bright light. In captivity, their light cycle should mimic the lighting of their natural environment. Give your goldfish 12 to 13 hours of moderately bright -- but not hot -- light daily.
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Will a goldfish turn white in a dark room?

Goldfish will lose their color and turn white if they are kept in the dark and not exposed to any sunlight. Goldfish actually see more colors than humans.
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Do goldfish like blue light at night?

Blue or red lights should also be turned off as goldfish do not require night lights and appreciate complete blackness to truly rest and regain their strength. Allowing your goldfish to experience more than 6 hours of darkness will have a positive effect on their health.
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What color light is best for goldfish?

White daytime LED lights are the best choose for fancy goldfish. They last for years before fading. They are also the least likely to grow algae and bacterial blooms that could cloud the water. They are typically the most energy efficient and will cost less to power.
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Does Bluelight stress fish?

No, you should not keep a blue light or any other colored light on in your fish tank through the night. Unless you have nocturnal fish, they depend on light cycles to maintain their sleep cycle. Leaving a light on at night will disturb this cycle and result in sleep-deprived and stressed fish.
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Do fish get stressed in the dark?

Aquarium fish are indifferent to lighting... How bright or how dark the light is isn't important to them. Thats not true at all honestly- a complete generalization... Fish absolutely care about how bright a tank is and many will stress if the tank is too bright- especially if there aren't any hiding places.
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Are LED lights good for fish?

Fish are not as reliant on light as plants. In general, aquarium owners can use incandescent, fluorescent, or LED lights for fish but should be aware of the heat issues that incandescent lights cause.
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Can I cover my fish tank with a towel at night?

During winter, you should insulate your tank and all filtration by wrapping them in blankets, towels or cardboard. 1 Don't forget to cover the top of your tank, but make sure you do not cut off the oxygen supply. Resist the urge to frequently check your fish.
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Do goldfish like light or darkness?

If your tank is in a poorly lit area – or if you want to grow live plants, such as hornwort – then it would be a good idea to include a light in your aquarium. Remember to switch off your aquarium light at night, as this will replicate natural day/night cycles. Like humans, goldfish prefer to sleep in the dark.
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What time should I turn my fish tank light off at night?

Keep your aquarium light on for the recommended 8 to 12 hours then turn off the light to mimic the natural day and night cycle. In case your fish gets restless when the lights go out, turn off the room overhead light an hour before your tank lights.
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Should I turn off the bubbles in my fish tank at night?

Generally, fish should be able to sleep without being bothered by bubbles or water agitation created by air pumps. Besides, if you want, you can turn off your air pump at night, but make sure the filter continues to run, so it fulfills the required aeration in the aquarium.
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