Did Tom Hardy take steroids for Batman?

Some actors have been rather open about their use of performance-enhancing drugs. For example, in an interview, Tom Hardy sarcastically replied, Tom Hardy as Bane in the 2012 film “The Dark Knight Rises.” In an interview with Men's Journal, Hardy made a veiled reference to using PEDs to bulk up for the role.
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How much muscle did Tom Hardy gain for Batman?

Tom Hardy, who is 5'9″, put on about 30lbs of muscle to play Bane in The Dark Knight Rises. He was close to 200lbs.
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Why is Tom Hardy so big in Batman?

"Compared to Christian Bale I've been by no means extreme in my body changes," Hardy told The Daily Beast in a separate interview. Hardy used a bulk-up "matrix" (check the moves out below) to build muscle on to his chest, arms and shoulders.
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How much muscle did Tom Hardy gain for Warrior?

Warrior (2011)

Even though Hardy didn't put on as much weight for this film as he did for transformations to play Bane and Bronson, he still had to pack on some muscle. J.J. Perry, one of the stunt coordinators on the film, said Hardy came into training at 162lbs and bulked up to around 185 to play the character.
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How much did Tom Hardy workout for Bane?

Hardy hasn't been a slender man for some time, but for Bane he still had to pack on 30 pounds of muscles, a challenge that had him training four times a day and eating like a horse. In an interview with the Daily Beast, the actor revealed that it was this particular pre-shoot training that proved his hardest.
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Tom Hardy’s Steroid Cycle - Was He Natural In "Warrior" Or As Bane?

Did Tom Hardy do Bane's voice?

Tom Hardy has admitted he knew people may laugh at his Bane voice in The Dark Knight Rises. The actor played the masked DC villain in the 2012 conclusion to Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy – though his voice has been the subject of some mockery among fans.
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How do you get ripped like Tom Hardy?

Monday: Chest & Legs
  1. Floor Crunch – 4 sets of 10-20 reps.
  2. Dumbbell Lateral Raise – 2 sets of 10-15 reps.
  3. Modified Arching Pull Up – 2 sets till muscle failure.
  4. Dumbbell Floor Press – 2 sets of 5-8 reps.
  5. Incline Barbell Bench Press –2 sets of 5-8 reps.
  6. Partial Deadlift – 2 sets of 5-8 reps.
  7. Clean & Press – 2 sets of 5-8 reps.
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How many pounds of muscle did Tom Hardy gain for Bane?

Tom Hardy gained almost 30 pounds to play Bane in 'The Dark Knight Rises'
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How long did Tom Hardy get in shape for Bane?

Three of four months of training and lifting and eating lots of pizza. It wasn't great for my heart." When asked if he felt good during that time, he confirmed he did not.
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Is Bane Ra's al Ghul son?

Bane's Backstory

When Bruce is thrown in the same pit Talia grew up in, he learns of Ra's al Ghul's child that escaped the underground prison. It's assumed by both Bruce and audience that the child was Bane. But in the flashback scene, the child who escaped is not wearing a mask.
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Is Bane Russian or Mexican?

The name given to him is latino in origin, but apart from that he is played by Robert “Jeep” Swenson, a Caucasian American wrestler. His background is actually more similar to a character named Ivor, a man who henched for Poison Ivy in 1982's Batman #344, but Bane was a bigger name and got tagged in to take his place.
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What was wrong with Bane's face?

He was injured early in his story. Hes suffering from pain and he needs gas to survive. He cannot survive the pain without the mask. The pipes from the mask go back along his jawline and feed into the thing at the back where there are two canisters of what ever it is…the anesthetic.
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Why is Tom Hardy so tall in Dark Knight Rises?

A tricky situation, right? But here Christopher Nolan's mind came into the play. In order to make Tom's Bane appear taller, three-inched lifts were used for the actor. Thanks to this technique, The Dark Knight Rises' Bane appeared taller and dominating than other characters.
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Why is Bane so strong?

Venom Usage: He utilizes the super-steroid known as Venom to enhance his own physical attributes to superhuman levels, namely his strength, durability, speed, and endurance.
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How much did Tom Hardy weigh as Bronson?

Bulking up for Bronson

Standing at 5'10", Hardy weighed in at 150lbs when he began training for the lead role in Bronson. No amount of mimicry would do justice to the formidable, moustache-wearing, hostage-taking criminal, though.
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What is Batman's workout?

According to this source, Batman begins every morning with a half-hour jog, followed by 30 minutes of meditation or yoga. In the evenings, his workout varies, but is always lengthy and intensive.
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How long did it take Tom Hardy to train for Warrior?

What's interesting about Tom Hardy's training is that he didn't need to just look like an MMA fighter, he needed to move and react like one too. Because of this, he took it seriously and trained sometimes 8 hours a day for 7 straight days. This kind of routine went on for 10 weeks at a time.
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How do you get Tom Hardy in physique?

Tom Hardy's Workout Routine
  1. Dumbbell shrugs (3 to 5 sets of 12 reps)
  2. Seated rows (3 to 5 sets of 12 reps)
  3. Military press (3 to 5 sets of 12 reps)
  4. Lateral raises (3 to 5 sets of 12 reps)
  5. Lat pulldowns (3 to 5 sets of 12 reps)
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Why does Bane have a British accent?

“It's based on a guy named Bartley Gorman,” he told us. (So, not Mr. Belevedere?) “He's the king of the gypsies, and he's a boxer, a bare-knuckle boxer, an Irish traveler, a gypsy.” If you are unfamiliar with the legend of Bartley Gorman, a clip from his 1995 documentary is below; the accent does not disappoint.
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How did Blake know Bruce is Batman?

When cop John Blake was a child, Bruce Wayne visited a boys' home/orphanage run by the Wayne Foundation. And because his parents had also been tragically taken away from him, Blake was able to tell that Wayne was Batman by looking at his face. At his face.
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Why does Bane sound like an old man?

"And what he did with it was extremely surprising at first. It's an extremely peculiar take on what the voice would be - but once you've heard it for five minutes or so it becomes essential to the character." Hardy said that the voice was supposed to indicate someone prematurely aged from being in constant agony.
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Why didn't they make a fourth Dark Knight?

And since The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises are both within the top 50 highest-grossing movies of all time, a fourth movie would've done incredibly well. However, Nolan chose to stop at a trilogy and expressed no interest in returning to the franchise.
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How did Tom Hardy get the role of Bane?

Tom Hardy came up with Bane's voice on his own

Hardy says that he looked at the concept of Latin and found a character — a Welsh-Irish boxer named Bartley Gorman. And that's where he found Bane's voice.
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How does Bane eat and drink?

Bane in comics likely eats normally. A friend of mine broke a his jaw and had to get it wired shut. He received sustenance by consuming liquid food through a straw.
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