Can you walk with a grade 3 ankle sprain?

Grade 3 sprain
You experience severe swelling and bruising. The joint probably isn't functional because it's too unstable, and movement creates intense pain. If you have a grade 3 sprain in the ankle, for example, walking usually isn't possible.
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When can I walk on a grade 3 ankle sprain?

It depends on how your injured area, and body, is responding to the treatment. However, you can expect it to take about 12 weeks before you can slowly get back to your normal routine. In this period, your doctor may ask you to wear crutches or use a walking stick.
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Can you walk on a grade 3 ankle tear?

Grade 3: This is a complete tear of the affected ligament(s) with severe swelling and bruising. The ankle is unstable and walking is likely not possible because the ankle gives out and there is intense pain.
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How do you know if you have a grade 3 ankle sprain?

Grade 3: This is a full tear of the ankle ligament. You may have heard a popping sound when it happened. This level of sprain causes severe pain, swelling and bruising. Because the ligament is no longer able to do its job, your ankle will feel unstable and will be unable to support any of your weight.
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How long should you stay off a grade 3 ankle sprain?

Grade 2 ankle sprains involve greater injury to the ligament and can take up 4-6 weeks to allow full return to sport. Grade 3 injuries are more severe in nature and often involve full tearing of the ligament and possible bone fracture. The length of time to recover from grade 3 ankle sprains could be 3 months or more.
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Can you walk on an ankle sprain?

Is it OK to walk on a sprained ankle?

Do not walk on a sprained ankle. The inflamed tissue needs time to heal, and walking on it too soon may cause more damage. Ankle sprains are common musculoskeletal injuries that can occur from playing sports or from everyday activities.
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Do grade 3 ankle sprains need surgery?

A Grade 3 sprain can be associated with permanent instability. Surgery is rarely needed. A short leg cast or a cast-brace may be used for two weeks to three weeks. Rehabilitation is used to help to decrease pain and swelling and to prevent chronic ankle problems.
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Is a grade 3 sprain worse than a break?

A fracture is an injury to a bone when the tissue of the bone is broken. Many fractures will as strong as it was originally therefore, higher grade sprains can be worse than a fracture.
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Can a grade 3 sprain heal on its own?

Nearly all isolated low ankle sprains can be treated without surgery. Even a complete ligament tear (Grade 3) will heal without surgical repair if it is immobilized and rehabilitated appropriately.
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Can a grade 3 ligament tear heal on its own?

Can an MCL tear heal on its own? A grade 1 MCL tear (minor tear) can usually heal on its own with rest within one to three weeks. Grade 2 and grade 3 MCL tears, which are more severe, need proper treatment in order to heal, which can include resting, wearing a knee brace and doing physical therapy.
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How long does a grade 3 ligament tear take to heal?

A grade 3 tear usually takes four to eight weeks to heal, unless the ACL is also damaged, in which case recovery may take longer.
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How do you wrap a grade 3 ankle sprain?

Start by wrapping the tape twice around the ball of your foot below the toes. Work your way up by wrapping the bandage several times around your foot and ankle in a figure-eight pattern. Keep the bandage taut. Finish by wrapping the bandage twice around your lower leg, a couple of inches above your ankle.
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Is walking good for torn ligaments?

The short answer is yes. After the pain and swelling subsides and if there is no other injury to your knee, you may be able to walk in straight lines, go up and down stairs and even potentially jog in a straight line.
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Can walking on a sprained ankle make it worse?

Yes. That's the very short answer. According to the National Association of Athletic Trainers, ankle injuries, including sprains, are very often undertreated. Ignoring treatment, including excessive movement of the ankle through unnecessary walking, leads to a greater risk of worsening the injury.
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How long should you not walk on a sprained ankle?

Generally speaking, the sooner you can walk on your ankle the better. If it is not too painful to walk on your ankle immediately after an injury it's a good sign that you don't have severe ligament or bone damage. Take it easy for the first 24 to 72 hours.
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Can you walk with a torn ligament in your ankle?

Can You Walk with a Torn Ligament in Your Ankle? Yes, you can usually walk with a torn ligament thanks to the other ligaments and supporting structures, but you may feel a lot of pain and a sensation of weakness and instability as you walk.
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How do I know if my ankle sprain is severe?

People with a more severe ankle sprain — characterized by extreme bruising or swelling and an inability to bear weight on the foot without significant pain, or when there doesn't seem to be any improvement over the first several days after the injury — should seek medical attention, Drs.
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How do you treat a third degree ankle sprain?

  1. RICE.
  2. REST: Avoid weight-bearing on the ankle. ...
  3. ICE: Ice can be applied as an ice pack, an ice bath, or an ice massage. ...
  4. COMPRESSION: A tense wrap of the ankle will help lessen the swelling and bruising. ...
  5. ELEVATION: Raising the ankle above the level of the heart can help reduce swelling and bruising. ...
  6. OUT AND UP.
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How long do you wear a boot for a sprained ankle?

Your doctor might give you a cast, boot, or brace to wear. This will keep the ligaments and joint in place while they heal. It limits motion, provides protection, and helps reduce pain. You may need to wear it for 2 to 6 weeks.
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When can I start weight bearing after ankle sprain?

The general approach is to immobilize the ankle with a boot and avoid weightbearing for 5-7 days.
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Which is worse a high or low ankle sprain?

A lot less common but often more serious than low ankle sprains, high ankle sprains affect the upper ligaments around your ankle that connect your fibula (outside leg bone) to your tibia (shin bone).
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Can you walk on a sprained ankle after 2 days?

A grade 1 sprain causes little damage to the ligaments, and although the ankle will be tender for a few days, you can walk on it after a short period of rest. At grade 2 sprain, there is some tearing of the tissues and a longer recovery time of up to 4 weeks.
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Which is more severe sprain or strain?

Strain vs Sprain, which is worse? One is not technically worse than the other. Strains affect the tendons (an easy way to remember this is sTrains = tendons or muscles), and sprains affect the ligaments. Both tendons and ligaments are connective tissues, and both are measured by severity.
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Can you still walk with a torn LCL?

Will LCL tears affect how I walk? For a while, you'll have to use crutches or a knee brace. Your healthcare provider will tell you how long you need to wait before putting weight on your knee. You'll be back to walking normally after your LCL tear heals.
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Do ligaments ever fully heal?

As discussed earlier, ligament healing is slow and often incomplete. Joint laxity caused by ligament injury improves slowly over a period of six weeks to a year. However, at six weeks to one year after injury, a large percentage of patients still have objective mechanical laxity and subjective joint instability.
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