Can you use Miracle Grow on money tree?

Miracle-Gro Indoor Potting Mix
Not only are they known for their high quality, but they are also known to cater to a wide variety of plants and cacti. This is more for an all-purpose plant, but it can definitely be used for your money tree plant.
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What fertilizer should I use for my money tree?

Your Money Tree is most comfortable in temperatures between 65-80 degrees. Feed once a month in the spring and summer when it is producing new leaves with a water-soluble, well-balanced plant food at half the recommended strength, such as our All Purpose Fertilizer (20-20-20).
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Should I give my money tree plant food?

Fertilizer can serve up much-needed nutrients and give your Money Tree that extra oomph it needs to start growing again. For healthy, long-living Money Trees, you should fertilize once a month during the growing season with a mixture that has been diluted to half strength.
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How do you stimulate growth on a money tree?

One of the main ways to encourage a Money Tree to grow bigger is by giving it ample space to do so. Replanting your Money Tree into a larger pot, preferably one size up from its current pot, will give your Money Tree plenty of room to stretch out its roots.
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What soil is best for a money tree?

Since a well-draining soil is necessary when potting a tree, the best soil for money trees typically contains ingredients like sand, pebbles, perlite, or horticultural charcoal, all of which help facilitate drainage. Look for soils containing either peat moss or sphagnum moss because moss makes soil slightly acidic.
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STOP killing your MONEY TREE | Money Tree Problems

How do I revive my money tree?

To revive a dying money tree, recreate the conditions of the money tree's natural environment with 30% humidity, temperatures between 53.6°F and 77°F and water the money tree as often as required so that the soil is consistently moist.
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How can you tell if a money tree is overwatered?

Look for the following signs that overwatering is causing your Money Tree to drop leaves.
  1. Generally yellowing leaves. ...
  2. A wilting plant without evidence of underwatering.
  3. Soil that drains very slowly after watering.
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Should I Unbraid money tree?

Mature, unbraided trunks are usually resistant to bending and movement. At this point, it is not advisable to try to braid the trunk of the tree. If the trunks do not bend properly, they may snap, leaving you with an injured plant. If this happens, your tree may slowly recover, growing new stems and leaves.
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When should I fertilize my money plant?

Replenish its vitals by feeding your money tree with Miracle-Gro® Indoor Plant Food on a weekly basis during the summer months, and every other week in fall and winter, when its growth slows down.
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Can we use Epsom salt for money plant?

Houseplant Epsom Salt Tips

Epsom salts would be used if your plants exhibit a magnesium deficiency. Although both magnesium and sulfur are very important, it is usually not a problem in most soil blends unless your potting mix is highly leached out over time through continued watering.
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Are coffee grounds good for money tree?

Coffee grounds are best for Money Trees when used as compost or compost tea. Many people swear by adding coffee ground into their home gardens, and for a good reason! Coffee grounds are a great source of natural nutrients that plants need.
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How do you get a big and bushy money plant?

To make money plant leaves bigger, provide it bright indirect sunlight, high humidity, feed it with nitrogen rich fertilizer and water it less. Giving it less water is they key to bigger money plant leaves. Only water it when the soil becomes dry. As bigger leaves naturally makes money plant look more bushier.
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How do I make my money plant leaves green?

Even though they can be grown in low-light, a good exposure to bright sunlight will initiate speedy growth and brighter looking leaves. A very common issue observed with money plant is browning of the tips, which indicates infrequent watering. To keep a check as to when to water, do the sticky test.
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What is the lifespan of a money tree?

If properly maintained, domestic money trees can last anywhere from 10 to 15 years. Interestingly enough, money trees that grow in the wild (in South and Central America) are known to last over 30 years or more.
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How do you know if a money tree is healthy?

Feel the top inch— if it's dry, you should water your Money Tree. If your Money Tree goes too long without water, the leaves will entirely turn brown and may even begin to start dropping from the plant. Try to avoid this as it is a serious stressor for the plant. Money Tree leaves should be a healthy and vibrant green.
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Where is the best place to put a money tree?

Best Growing Conditions for Money Trees

Place your money tree in a spot with lots of bright, indirect light, like a south- or west-facing window, but take care to keep it out of direct sunlight, which can burn the leaves.
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Should I mist my money tree?

As far as humidity goes, money trees thrive with extra moisture, so make sure you mist your plant regularly.
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Should I cut yellow leaves off money tree?

Simply cut the unwanted leaves off so that new ones can grow and replace. Do not leave yellowing leaves on until they turn brown since it can spread decay to other parts of the plant.
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Will the leaves grow back on my money tree?

Will Money Tree leaves grow back? While some leaf shedding is natural, excessive leaf loss is a sign of imbalance in the plant's care regimen. But don't worry! With proper care, including the right amounts of water, fertilizer, and sunlight, your Money Tree leaves will most likely grow back.
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Why is my Money Tree leaves dying?

Too much direct sunlight can burn the leaves of a money tree plant and cause leaf loss. Place your money tree plant near a south-facing window during the summer months, and move it to your east window in the winter. Rotating it 90 degrees once a week can help ensure it receives the right amount of light to grow evenly.
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Is milk good for money plant?

Milk is known as the nectar for Goddess Lakshmi. It is considered auspicious to offer milk and milk products to the Goddess of money. If you add a few drops of milk while giving water to the money plant, then luck can be kind to you. Yes, by offering milk to the money plant, it grows faster and luck also shines faster.
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What fertilizer makes leaves green?

Nitrogen (N) is probably the most widely recognized nutrient, known primarily for its ability to “green up” lawns. Nitrogen mainly affects vegetative growth and general health.
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How do you thicken a money tree trunk?

As such, the best way to thicken the trunk of your Money Tree is by naturally allowing the trunk to get thicker over time. However, that could take years, even with fast-growing tree species.
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Why is my money plant not Bushy?

Feed Them Properly: Unlike heavy feeders, Money Plant does not require fertilizer. If you want to spur growth, you will need to fertilize the plant. Fertilization will boost foliage growth, making the plant look heavier and healthier. - Compost or Liquid Fertilizer can be used.
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Why is my money plant leggy?

A Pilea becomes leggy because of inefficient exposure to bright, indirect light. This can most often be fixed by moving your plant to a location that receives more light. If your plant is extremely leggy, topping the plant may be your best course of action.
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