Can you tame a wild possum?

Opossums can not only be housebroken, but they can be taught to come when they are called and to even sit on your shoulder as you walk around. With a little patience and a calm demeanor, you should be able to tame a pet opossum. Read on to learn more.
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Do wild possums make good pets?

Short-tailed opossums have grown in popularity as exotic pets over the past few years. They are very good pets for beginners due to their cleanliness, omnivorous diet, and general good health. These opossums are small, friendly creatures with easy care requirements—and they're cute!
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What do you do if you see a wild possum?

Leave the opossum alone and enjoy watching wildlife in your own backyard. However, if the opossum is injured or an orphan (less than 7 inches from nose to rump) then contact the Opossum Society of the United States, a local wildlife rehabilitator, a veterinarian, or your local animal shelter for help.
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Is it safe to pick up a possum?

If the opossum is very small (still thermoregulating) you can pick it up by the tail or body, always taking care to make your final approach from the rear. Going right over their head is threatening and will usually gain a harmless snap up at you at that age.
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Do possums bite you?

Just like any scared animal, it's possible for opossums to bite in defense. If they feel cornered or threatened, opossums will use several escape strategies ranging from playing dead to hissing. Biting is rare, but people should avoid contact with all wild animals to eliminate the risk.
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Are possums aggressive?

Opossum are not aggressive: their open-mouth, defensive hissing is merely a bluff to look vicious. And if that doesn't work they play dead when really scared! If there is an opossum in the backyard, don't worry. They aren't a threat, and more than likely they will be moving on in a short while.
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Should I let a possum live under my house?

A: Often times, you do not need to do anything. Opossums are typically harmless animals -- their only defense is to play dead! Likewise, they do not tend to cause structural damage to the foundations of buildings they are living underneath.
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Do possums carry disease?

Opossums carry diseases such as leptospirosis, tuberculosis, relapsing fever, tularemia, spotted fever, toxoplasmosis, coccidiosis, trichomoniasis, and Chagas disease. They may also be infested with fleas, ticks, mites, and lice. Opossums are hosts for cat and dog fleas, especially in urban environments.
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Can you house train a possum?

Whether you've just adopted a short tailed or a Virginia opossum as a pet, you can train your opossum to use a litter box. Both opossum species are clean animals and both tend to choose designated areas to defecate and urinate. These qualities make litter box training easier to accomplish.
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How do I make friends with a possum?

Offering tidbits such as mealworms or live crickets to your pet opossum by hand is an excellent way to get them to bond with you during the time you are trying to tame them.
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Where is it legal to own a possum?

You may be able to own a pet opossum in Colorado, Maine, Indiana, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, and North Dakota with a permit. In Missouri, you can keep an opossum as a pet, but the Virginia Opossum is considered a large carnivore, so large carnivore permitting is needed.
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How do you take care of a possum?

Provide an appropriate home for your opossum. You will need at least a 20 gallon home furnished with a nesting box, soft nesting material, an exercise wheel and branches to climb on. Keep the humidity at about 50 percent so your opossum does not get painfully dry skin.
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What is the possums favorite food?

They particularly like berries and fruits such as apples and persimmons. Possums will also eat nuts and seeds, although with less frequency than other foods.
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What is the difference between a possum and an opossum?

Both possum and opossum correctly refer to the Virginia opossum frequently seen in North America. In common use, possum is the usual term; in technical or scientific contexts opossum is preferred. Opossum can be pronounced with its first syllable either voiced or silent .
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What does it mean when a possum is out during the day?

Is this normal? Opossums are generally nocturnal, foraging throughout the night. But it is not at all unusual to see an opossum out during the daytime, especially during cold weather. They also can be seen in the day when food is scarce or when they have been disturbed from their sleeping quarters.
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Do possums carry fleas?

Admittedly, opossums do carry fleas (as do all wild and some domestic animals). And the opossum may bite you if you are foolhardy enough to grab one; after all, they are wild animals.
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Can a possum be relocated?

Transport and release of opossums is illegal in most states and is not recommended because survival of released animals is often severely reduced and can result in the creation of new problems near the release locations. Opossums are not particularly wary and are relatively easy to live trap.
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Do possums like humans?

Opossums are much more afraid of humans than we are of them. There are two lines of defense for an opossum when confronted by a human. They will rarely attack, or they will play dead to avoid confrontation. The opossum has an instinct to act dead when standing against humans or other animals.
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What happens if you touch a possum?

If your touch an opossum with your bare hands, chances are that it might bite you and you could get infected with numerous serious diseases, rabies being one of them. Opossums are a species of animals that can carry and transmit rabies, which happens through bites.
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Are possums gentle?

Opossums Are Gentle Wild Neighbors

Opossums are peaceful animals that prefer not to fight although they may hiss, growl, and even bite if cornered. It is much more likely that the opossum will faint or “play dead” at the prospect of a confrontation. This physiological response is involuntary and automatic.
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Can I pet a possum?

Question: Can I keep an opossum as a pet? Answer: No. All wild animals belong in the wild. Give the opossum the chance to live the life nature intended…in the wild.
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How do you take care of a wild baby possum?

Help for Baby Opossums
  2. Place the box in a warm, dark, quiet area away from people and pets.
  3. If the opossum's eyes have not opened yet, please get it to a licensed rehabilitator as soon as possible.
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Where do possums go during the day?

They are generally nocturnal and they spend the day in hollow tree trunks, rock crevices, under brush piles, or in burrows. They are excellent climbers and good swimmers. Opossums also spend a lot of time slowly ambling about on the ground, and as a result they are frequently struck by cars.
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What do you do if you find an abandoned baby possum?

According to the California Wildlife Center, baby opossums, also known as Joeys, that are seven inches or longer should be left alone if found in the wild unless they are noticeably injured. Smaller Joeys should be taken to your local animal welfare center.
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