Can you QSS grounded?

Bonus tip: Grounded can be cleansed and qss'd but Singed and Cassiopeia make a blob on the ground. If you cleanse and use a movement ability in the same grounded tick (0.25 second window, just press it at the same time) you can actually escape.
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What can you QSS?

Quicksilver Sash, or QSS, is an active item in League of Legends that removes crowd control from your champion. When you use it, you instantly clear all disable effects, except Airborne effects. Every champion can buy QSS, but it only builds into AD items. Quicksilver Sash has 90 seconds cooldown.
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Unfortunately, you cannot QSS either part of Vi ult.
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Can you QSS Zed ULT 2021?

Zed's debuff is now no longer removable. Thus neither QSS nor Cleanse can remove it.
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Can I cleanse Naut ULT?

Nautilus ult and Alistar Q knockups only seem so long because they both have a 1s stun after the initial knockup. This stun can be QSSed or cleansed greatly reducing the CC time.
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Everything You Didn't Know You Could QSS

Can you cleanse Quinn Q?

We're used to thinking that Quinn's Q and Teemo's Q have the same effect in League. But this is simply not true. Cleanse can completely remove Teemo's Q from the target, but it can't help you much against Quinn's or Graves' nearsight.
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Does Nautilus Q knock up?

This ability not only knocks up the targeted enemy it also knocks up all enemy champions standing between you and them, making it great for team fights. Once targeted, the enemy can't flash or dash to escape, they'll get hit and knocked up regardless.
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Can u QSS blitz hook?

boop beep.
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Can u cleanse exhaust?

Cleanse will remove Exhaust's effects. Using Exhaust on a champion when the target is already affected by that spell will reapply the effect, resetting its duration. It will not increase the effect. The cooldown of this spell can be reduced by summoner spell cooldown reduction.
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Can you Quicksilver Sash Malzahar ULT?

History: QSS used to break the tether of malz ult negating the dmg. Recently(few months back iirc) Riot changed it so qss only breaks suppress but you keep getting damaged, if malz don't break the tether.
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Does Quicksilver remove exhaust?

Yes, it does remove ignite/exhaust.
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Does Quicksilver Sash remove Skarner ULT?

QSS negates skarner ult, but you still have e stun, zilean double bomb, senna root, rakan cc etc - I think it's a super difficult game to play for Eve.
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Does QSS cleanse Yasuo ULT?

Used with flash, qss can get you out of yasuo's ult.
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What Ults can you cleanse?

Cleanse will remove any and all of the following effects: blind, charm, flee, slow, polymorph, silence, root (sometimes called Entangle, Snare or Immobilize), stun and taunt.
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Can I cleanse Warwick ULT?

Warwick's ult is a suppression and suppression is not removed by Cleanse. It can however be removed with QSS.
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Can u exhaust Olaf ULT?

Macintosh. So vlad can pool while snared by lux and olaf can be exhausted during ult.
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Can you QSS Bard ULT?

And you can't use Quicksilver Sash (QSS) to remove Bard's ult either, no matter whether he is on your team or not. If you're hit by Bard's ultimate, you can't get out of it.
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Can you QSS Fiora ult?

Conversation. You can QSS the part were here pulls you cause that is hard CC. Fiora ult isn't.
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Can you cleanse thresh Q?

I guess you must've used QSS too late, because it does remove the chain. If you cleanse when he hitted the hook he can't press q again. :) Cleanse removes CC effects.
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Can Yasuo ULT off poppy E?

Didn't know poppy e was counted as a knock up and yasuo can combo his ult off of it. The more you know. Yasuo can use his ultimate on any displacement, such as thresh q or anything that moves the enemy, including enemies moved by their own team's trundle's pillar of ice.
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What champ has the most CC?

The Best Crowd Control Champions in League of Legends

Thresh – Thresh has an AOE knock-up with a 1-second slow, a hook with a 1.5-second stun, and an AOE slow that lasts for 2-seconds. Morgana – This champion has a 1.5-second AOE stun and a 2-second skill shot stun.
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Can Yasuo ULT off thresh hook?

Anything that forces a champion to move is coded as a knockup... Because any sort of displacement effect allows Yasuo to ult.
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Can you flash grounded?

Effect: Grounded champions cannot cast dash or blink abilities while grounded, including summoner spells.
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Can you cleanse blind?

Cleanse will remove any and all of the following effects: Ignite, Exhaust, Blinds, Charm, Fear (including Flee), Movement Slows, Polymorph, Silences, Snares (including Entangle, Roots and Immobilizes), Stuns and Taunts.
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