Can you make your voice sexier?

To sound more attractive:
Men: Lower your pitch, but do not go beyond the norm. Women: Keep your pitch high but natural. Both: Expand the range of your pitch/use intonation more frequently. Frequent intonations are associated with eloquence and confidence.
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Can you make your voice more attractive?

Your maximum resonance point is the ideal vocal range that makes you sound the most attractive. Women tend to force their voice in a slightly higher range to sound more appealing, while men tend to speak slightly lower. But forcing your pitch an octave higher or lower makes your voice sound unnatural.
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How can I make my voice deep and attractive?

Try inhaling deeply through your nose, bringing the air all the way in and as far down as possible; then, while exhaling slowly, say something. You should feel a vibration as you speak. This technique—popular among singers and actors—might be able to help you control the pitch of your voice.
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How can I make my voice sweet and attractive?

Slow down and lose the filler words.

Faster speech will make you sound less confident, and will make you harder to understand. One way to improve the quality of your voice immediately is just to slow down. Practice by reading anything out loud, first with your normal speaking speed, and then slowed down.
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What kind of voice do guys like?

It seems that studies done on the speaking voice say that men prefer women with higher-pitched voices. These studies report that men 'see' women with higher-pitched voices as being younger and thinner.
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How To Have A Sexy Voice | Developing A DEEPER Voice | Manly Voice Tips

Is it possible to feminize your voice?

Learning to soften your consonants and create a smoother vocal line is a major step in voice feminization therapy – even with a lower pitch and less than ideal resonance, this element can allow someone to be perceived as having a feminine voice.
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How can I make my voice womanly?

Transfeminine people can use methods like vocal therapy and vocal training apps to make their voices sound more feminine. This process can transform the voice by changing pitch, volume, resonance, articulation, and melodic intonation.
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Can I naturally deepen my voice?

To deepen your voice, you'll want to try and lower your pitch. To do this, relax your throat as much as possible, to avoid tightening your vocal cords. Moisten your mouth and throat, and hold your chin up.
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Can you force your voice to be deeper?

Breathe through your belly

Belly breathing, also known as diaphragmatic breathing, helps you access a deeper pitch. This breathing style lets your diaphragm reach its lowest position, which helps slow down vocal cord frequency. Try standing straight, breathing in deep through your nose, and feeling your ribs expand.
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Does smoking deepen your voice?

Smoking can be a cause of voice change, specifically deepening and hoarseness. Voice change may indicate a need to follow up with your doctor. Two common causes of voice changes as a result of smoking include Reinke's edema and cancer of the vocal cords.
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What voices are most attractive?

There is also abundant evidence that women prefer men with a deep voice, while men prefer women with a high voice. Attractive male voices are around 96 Hz and the most attractive women voices are up to 280 Hz.
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Why is the female voice so attractive?

Women with higher-pitched voices are perceived to be younger—as well as thinner. Looking further into these studies, it is often the case that we perceive men and women that have attractive voices to have sex earlier and with more sexual partners, as well as being more physically attractive with a better personality.
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What is the most attractive male voice?

A deep husky voice in men and a high-pitched breathy voice in women is perceived as most attractive, a new study has found.
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Can I feminize my voice without surgery?

As a non-surgical procedure, feminization voice therapy consists of increasing fundamental frequency, improving oral and pharyngeal resonance, and behavioral therapy. Surgical feminization usually can be achieved by external approach or endoscopic approach.
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Can I change my voice from male to female?

Voice feminization surgery is a procedure to increase the pitch of your voice. Transgender women may choose the surgery as part of their transition from male to female. There are several surgical techniques available, all of which change the length, tightness or size of your voice box.
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Can I change my voice with hormones?

Feminizing hormones don't modify the voice for transgender women. Anti-androgens and estrogens have no effect on the voice. Targets of speech therapy might include: Pitch.
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What causes a feminine voice?

"Higher fundamental frequency, greater pitch variability, and increased vowel space were all correlated with an increased perception of femininity." HOWEVER, it's important to note that attitude and emotions can play a role in this too.
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How can I train my voice to sound like a girl?

One of the most effective ways to sound “girly” is to increase the pitch of your voice, either to the A/B range for a pubescent girl or the C/D range for a prepubescent girl.
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Does estrogen deepen your voice?

Oestrogen hormone therapy given to people transitioning into female will not have any effect on the vocal cords or the vocal tract. This can sometimes be disappointing news to some transgender females because they really hope (and understandably so) that it would help to make their voice higher or a bit lighter.
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What is the rarest female voice type?

Contraltos are arguably the rarest of female voice types and they possess a tone so dark they often give the men a run for their money. If mezzos are like clarinets, contraltos are more like bass clarinets.
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Are guys attracted to girls voice?

As a result, women find men with lower-pitched voices more attractive. It's the opposite for men, who are more attracted to women with higher-pitched voices, which is perceived as a marker for femininity. Attractiveness in the voice is important for the impressions we give our potential partners.
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What does it mean if a girl has a deep voice?

Lower-pitched voices are associated with dominance and protectiveness — but without breathiness, such a voice can sound too aggressive. Sounding more assertive — and being more assertive — might have the unintended effect of changing whether or not a man finds a woman attractive.
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