Can you bathe Angora rabbits?

Avoid bathing in general. It's usually not necessary for Angoras as long as you groom them properly, and it can be a stressful experience for the rabbit. Bathe only a small area of the body that needs it, if possible. Use non-medicated shampoos created for dogs and cats.
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Can Angora rabbits get wet?

Because there are fewer guard hairs and hollow hair fibres, the coat is less waterproof than normal and indeed is absorbent, so the fur of Angoras mats when wet and the rabbits easily become soaked through in the rain.
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How do you keep Angora rabbits clean?

I raise my rabbits for wool production only, therefore I give them a good brushing twice a week to keep them free from tangles and mats. Removing their loose hair helps prevent Wool Block. On the other hand, show angoras need to maintain the density and length of wool to score well.
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How often should I brush my Angora rabbit?

In non-shedding weeks I usually groom each of my rabbits once a week, taking about 30 minutes per rabbit. During shedding times the grooming takes a bit longer because I am trying to make sure I get all the loose fur, taking about 45-60 minutes per rabbit.
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Do angora rabbits need bedding?

Weighing between 7.5 to 10.5 lb, the French Angora is the second-largest ARBA recognized Angora rabbit. The French Angora's wool is largely confined to its body with no facial furnishings. It's a low-maintenance breed in terms of diet and bedding, but its coat does need frequent grooming.
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How to wash and groom an Angora Rabbit

Do angora rabbits bite?

English Angora Rabbit in a narrow cage that is much too small. Even though rabbits are social creatures, you should not house them together. Bucks will fight, kicking & biting at each other for dominance. Kicks with sharp nails can tear the other rabbits skin.
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How long do Angora rabbits live?

Life span: 5-8 years. Temperament: Angoras are intelligent, gentle rabbits who love to play, especially with cat toys.
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What can Angora rabbits not eat?

Do not feed your rabbits extra alfalfa (no more than is provided already in their commercial pellets). Alfalfa is high in calcium & can increase the risk of urinary problems such as bladder sludge & stones. After 6 months your rabbit is an adult & as a result, his or her feed needs to be cut back.
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How do you give a bunny a dry bath?

You can towel dry the rabbit, gently rubbing the fur to remove as much of the excess water as possible. Be very careful as rabbit skin tears very easily. Use a hair dryer on a warm, but not hot and on a gentle setting to carefully dry the rabbit.
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How do you care for Angora?

Angora Rabbit Care
  1. Angora rabbits are more sensitive to both heat and cold. ...
  2. Shearing every 3 months means bare skin that can sunburn. ...
  3. Angoras need plenty of hay in their diet to keep their bowels moving. ...
  4. While some rabbit breeds are well suited to pasture or colony raising, angoras do best individually on wire cages.
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Can you give baths to rabbits?

Rabbits are meticulously clean and almost never need a bath. Bathing them can even be harmful, since they tend to panic in water and may fracture a limb or their spine if they thrash around.
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Can you give a rabbit a bath with shampoo?

Don't run more than an inch of water, and make sure the water is just warm – not hot or cold. Only use shampoo that is specially made for rabbits and use only the directed amount. Avoid the rabbit's head and ears unless absolutely necessary.
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Can Angora rabbits live indoors?

The ideal temperature range for angora rabbits is 50 to 75 degrees F. They really need cool, shady and consistent temperatures year-round. I highly recommend keeping all angora rabbits indoors except for very specific and ideal circumstances. Next, it's important to keep your rabbit well-groomed.
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Can Angora rabbits eat apples?

Fruit such as stone fruits, apples and bananas are also readily eaten. Be very careful of quantities of soft leaf vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage and spinach. Root crops are also good, but be careful of potato greens which are poisonous as well as tomato greens, although the fruit is fine in small quantities.
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What bedding do you use for Angora rabbits?

Compressed pine pellets (equine bedding) are a good choice for absorbing urine in pans. If cages are hung outside over dirt, the amount of cleaning that needs to occur is greatly reduced (rabbit droppings make excellent compost and can be put directly on plants without causing damage).
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Is Angora itchy to wear?

Angora is also rare and requires a lot of work to produce, so it's generally more expensive than other varieties. Alpaca wool is lightweight, soft, silky, and durable. It's similar to traditional sheep's wool but is warmer and less scaly. (Read: not as itchy.)
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Do rabbits recognize their owner?

Is it surprising? Yes, rabbits can know their owners from face features, smell, and even from your voice. These creatures can be great friends. They remember you for a long time, even without seeing your face for years.
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How much do Angora rabbits sell for?

Because they can be income-producing, angora rabbit kits generally sell for around $50 each, meaning that even a small breeding operation could be quite profitable between harvested fiber and kits sold.
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Can my bunny sleep with me?

If your rabbit wants to sleep with you and can do so safely, it's fine. If you're prepared to risk losing sleep, sharing a bed with a rabbit will deepen your bond. Just remember that rabbits like routine. You can't share your bed some nights but not others.
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Are Angora rabbits messy?

Since angora rabbits do have long hair, they require a lot more grooming than short-haired rabbits. If they do not get the grooming attention they need their fur can very quickly become an out-of-control matted mess that is uncomfortable for the bunny.
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How cold can Angora rabbits tolerate?

Fluffy Angora rabbits are just fine in even below zero temperatures (the cold is actually much easier for them to handle than the heat). They should be kept from blowing winds, and you don't want snow blowing into the hutch.
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Are Angora rabbits nocturnal?

Rabbits are crepuscular.

Lots of people think that rabbits are nocturnal animals (who sleep during the day and stay awake at night), but they're not. Bunnies don't sleep at night and stay up during the day like humans do, either. They are crepuscular.
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What is the best food for Angora rabbits?

Rabbits enjoy grass and fresh greens such as kale, spring greens, savoy cabbage, spinach, pak choi, chard and clover. High sugar foods such as apple and carrot should be given sparingly as treats.
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How do you clean a rabbit's fur?

You simply take a damp washcloth and work out any stains or dirt from your rabbit's fur. It's okay to use a little bit of soap to help if it's a tough spot to clean.
  1. First, take the washcloth or rag and get it wet. ...
  2. Rub the dirty fur on your rabbit. ...
  3. If necessary, dry off your rabbit's fur.
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