Can we store object in HashMap key?

Answer to your question is yes, objects of custom classes can be used as a key in a HashMap.
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Can a HashMap store an object?

Internal working. All instances of Entry class are stored in an array declard as 'transient Entry[] table' . For each key-value to be stored in HashMap, a hash value is calculated using the key's hash code. This hash value is used to calculate the index in the array for storing Entry object.
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Can we use object as key in Map?

A Map doesn't allow duplicate keys, so the keys are compared to each other using the Object#equals(Object) method. Because this method has poor performance, invocations should be avoided as much as possible. This is achieved through the Object#hashCode() method.
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Can we store objects in HashMap Java?

HashMap is similar to HashTable, but it is unsynchronized. It allows to store the null keys as well, but there should be only one null key object and there can be any number of null values. This class makes no guarantees as to the order of the map. To use this class and its methods, you need to import java.
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How do you make an object a key in HashMap?

If you want to make a mutable object as key in hashmap, then you have to make sure that state change for key object does not change the hash code of object. This can be done by overriding the hashCode() method. But, you must make sure you are honoring the contract with equals() also.
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How to use User defined Object as key in HashMap with an example

How objects are stored in HashSet?

HashSet internally uses HashMap to store it's elements. Whenever you create a HashSet object, one HashMap object associated with it is also created. This HashMap object is used to store the elements you enter in the HashSet. The elements you add into HashSet are stored as keys of this HashMap object.
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What happens if we put a key object in a HashMap which exists?

What happens if we put a key object in a HashMap which exists? Explanation: HashMap always contains unique keys. If same key is inserted again, the new object replaces the previous object.
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Why key in HashMap is immutable?

Immutabiility is required, in order to prevent changes on fields used to calculate hashCode() because if key object return different hashCode during insertion and retrieval than it won't be possible to get object from HashMap.
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Can we override key in HashMap?

Implementation: HashMap implements Map interface and HashSet implements Set interface. Duplicates: HashSet doesn't allow duplicate values. HashMap stores key, value pairs and it does not allow duplicate keys.
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Can we use custom object as key in TreeMap?

As TreeMap sorting is based only on the keys, I'm using a custom object as key in a treemap. I have respected in my opinion the contract between equals and compareTo in this case, if the two objects are equal, te compareTo returns 0.
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Can I use object as a key in map JavaScript?

A key of an object must be a string or a symbol, you cannot use an object as a key. An object does not have a property that represents the size of the map.
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Can an object be a key in a JavaScript map?

With maps, all native types (string, number, boolean, undefined, null, object) can be keys.
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Why string is used as key in HashMap?

Since String is immutable, its hashcode is cached at the time of creation and it doesnt need to be calculated again. This makes it a great candidate for key in a Map and its processing is fast than other HashMap key objects. This is why String is mostly used Object as HashMap keys.
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Can we pass object as value in HashMap?

Generally we need to pass an object as method argument to the containsKey() method. this method is to check if the HashMap contains the Object value specified as method argument. This method returns true if one or more keys were found that contains the specified value, otherwise return false.
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What is bucket in HashMap?

A bucket is one element of the HashMap array. It is used to store nodes. Two or more nodes can have the same bucket. In that case, a link list structure is used to connect the nodes. Buckets are different in capacity.
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Can we use int as key in HashMap?

HashMap doesn't handle primitives, just objects. Related SO question, but with int being the value, not the key.
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Why HashMap is faster than Hashtable?

HashMap is not synchronized, therefore it's faster and uses less memory than Hashtable. Generally, unsynchronized objects are faster than synchronized ones in a single threaded application.
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Can we have duplicate keys in a hash?

it can have duplicate values but not keys.
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Can we store null key in HashMap?

HashMap allows one null key and multiple null values whereas Hashtable doesn't allow any null key or value.
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Can we create a HashMap key Singleton?

It's now clear that you can't use the Singleton class in a HashMap as a key. Even If you override the HashCode Object as a key is stored as a reference in Map.
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Can HashMap keys be mutated?

The answer is NO. Making keys in any hashing data structure will cause memory leak. If we make the keys mutable then the hashcode() of the key will no more be consistent over time which will cause lookup failure for that object from the data structure.
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Is map of () immutable?

Note that it is an immutable collection, not collection of immutable objects, so the objects inside it can be modified. In Java, use of() with Set, Map or List to create an Immutable Map.
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Can we use StringBuffer as key in HashMap?

No, since StringBuffer overrides neither equals nor hashCode , so it is not suitable as a HashMap key (recall that HashMap relies on those two methods to tell if a given key is present in the map). Beyond that, StringBuffer s are mutable, and you typically want Map keys to be immutable.
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How an object can become serializable?

How an object can become serializable? Explanation: A Java object is serializable if class or any its superclass implements java. io. Serializable or its subinterface java.
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Can a HashMap have multiple values for same key?

HashMap can be used to store key-value pairs. But sometimes you may want to store multiple values for the same key. For example: For Key A, you want to store - Apple, Aeroplane.
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