Can we declare main method as final?

Yes, we can declare the main () method as final in Java. The compiler does not throw any error. If we declare any method as final by placing the final keyword then that method becomes the final method. The main use of the final method in Java is they are not overridden.
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Can we declare main method as private?

Yes, we can declare the main method as private in Java. It compiles successfully without any errors but at the runtime, it says that the main method is not public.
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Can a method be declared as final?

You can declare some or all of a class's methods final. You use the final keyword in a method declaration to indicate that the method cannot be overridden by subclasses. The Object class does this—a number of its methods are final .
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Can we declare main method?

Yes, we can overload the main() method but we cannot override it. We can declare any number of main() method in a class, but the method signature must be different.
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Can we declare final variable in main method in Java?

We can declare Java methods as Final Method by adding the Final keyword before the method name. The Method with Final Keyword cannot be overridden in the subclasses.
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Can we declare main method as final in Java ?

Can we write main method in subclass?

Well, it depends, But usually main method put in sub class. There is quite big difference between in inheritance and shadowing. But you can put it subclass or super class. Remember main method is static.
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Can we override static method?

No, we cannot override static methods because method overriding is based on dynamic binding at runtime and the static methods are bonded using static binding at compile time. So, we cannot override static methods.
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Can we declare main () method as non static?

You can write the main method in your program without the static modifier, the program gets compiled without compilation errors. But, at the time of execution JVM does not consider this new method (without static) as the entry point of the program.
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Can we execute program without main?

Yes, we can execute a java program without a main method by using a static block. Static block in Java is a group of statements that gets executed only once when the class is loaded into the memory by Java ClassLoader, It is also known as a static initialization block.
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Why main method is static?

Why the main () method in Java is always static? Java main() method is always static, so that compiler can call it without the creation of an object or before the creation of an object of the class. In any Java program, the main() method is the starting point from where compiler starts program execution.
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Can we write main method twice in Java?

Here first, main() get called by static block and then JVM(Java Virtual Machine) call the main(). So, main() is executed two times by calling only one time.
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Why methods are made final?

The main reasoning behind making a method final is to prevent it from being overridden by subclasses. By making a method final, you not only indicate but also ensures that your tried and tested method is not overridden.
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Why main method is overloaded?

Java main() Method Overloading

The JVM starts the execution of any Java program form the main() method. Without the main() method, JVM will not execute the program. Syntax: public static void main(String args[])
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Can we overload main method?

Yes, we can overload the main method in Java, but When we execute the class JVM starts execution with public static void main(String[] args) method.
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Can we write main method without void?

Yes. Things like libraries don't have a main method. The main method is the entry point for the program, so you'll have to have a main method somewhere or the code won't execute, but not necessarily in any given Java file.
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Why main () method is declared as public static void?

The main method is public in Java because it has to be invoked by the JVM. So, if main() is not public in Java, the JVM won't call it. That's all about why the main method is declared public and static in Java.
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What happens if I remove static from main method?

1 Answer. If you don't add the 'static' modifier in your main method definition, the compilation of the program will go through without any issues but when you'll try to execute it, a "NoSuchMethodError" error will be thrown.
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Can we run spring boot without main method?

You don't need the main method, all you need is to do is to extend SpringBootServletInitializer as Kryger mentioned. @SpringBootApplication public class Application extends SpringBootServletInitializer { @Override protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application) { return application.
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What happens if we write main () inside main () method?

Well,you can call a main() within the main() function ,but you should have a condition that does not call the main() function to terminate the program. Otherwise,the program will never return and run infinitely. It will cause a stack overflow when the stack space is used up.
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Can we make constructor static?

No, we cannot define a static constructor in Java, If we are trying to define a constructor with the static keyword a compile-time error will occur. In general, static means class level. A constructor will be used to assign initial values for the instance variables.
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Can we call static variable in non static method?

Static variables are class variable not instance or local variable . that is why we can use static variable in non static method also. and static variables are not per object . static variables have one copy that will be used in entire program.
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Can we call static method inside non static method?

A static method can call only other static methods; it cannot call a non-static method.
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Can constructor be inherited?

Constructors are not members, so they are not inherited by subclasses, but the constructor of the superclass can be invoked from the subclass.
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Can we overload constructor in Java?

Yes! Java supports constructor overloading. In constructor loading, we create multiple constructors with the same name but with different parameters types or with different no of parameters.
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Can static class be inherited?

Static classes are sealed and therefore cannot be inherited. They cannot inherit from any class except Object. Static classes cannot contain an instance constructor. However, they can contain a static constructor.
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