Can rats eat peas?

Most rats love a variety of vegetables, including broccoli, corn, squash, carrots, greens, asparagus, cauliflower, cucumber, peas and parsnip. These vegetables can provide a rat's diet with a range of crucial minerals, but it's important not to go overboard with these as large amounts of roughage can cause diarrhea.
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Can rats eat raw peas?

Peas (legume) – can be eaten raw or cooked, shoots or leaves from the plant can also be palatable.
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What foods are poisonous to rats?

Toxic foods are poisonous to rats and should be completely avoided.
  • Avocado skin and pit.
  • Chocolate.
  • Citrus fruits (causes kidney damage)
  • Mango (causes kidney damage)
  • Green potato.
  • Fluorinated and/or Chlorinated Water (use only filtered water, never tap water)
  • Green bananas.
  • Uncooked/dried beans (contains toxic hemaglutin)
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Do pet rats like frozen peas?

Frozen veggies are great for rats on hot days. They love it when I place the veggies in some water so they can play with their food before they eat it.
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What food kills rats instantly?

Combine 1 cup of flour or cornmeal with 1 cup of sugar or powdered chocolate mix. Add 1 cup of baking soda and blend the mixture very well. The sugar or chocolate will attract the rats, and the baking soda will soon kill them after they've consumed it.
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Cute Rats Pea Fishing

What are rats favorite food?

Fruit and berries — Out of all the foods rodents consume, their top two loves are generally fruits and berries. In the wild, rats and mice consume these foods at every opportunity. Therefore, raspberry and blackberry bushes — as well as apple and pear trees — can serve as magnets for the animals.
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Can rats have snow peas?

Brown rice, wholemeal pasta and oats can be offered as extra treats occasionally. Vegetables – broccoli, broccolini, bok choy, capsicum, corn, zucchini, cucumber, herbs, beans, snow peas, peas, carrots, beetroot and celery.
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Can rats have green beans?

Yes, rats can eat green beans. Green beans provide numerous health benefits to the animals, so you should absolutely consider including them in your rats' diet. I've heard that some rats will only eat them cooked, so if your rat or mouse won't touch the raw ones, try cooking them!
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Can rats eat raw broccoli?

Yes, rats can eat broccoli. There are no toxins in broccoli for rats. Even the stalks, stems, and leaves are non-toxic for them and can even be a healthy addition to their diet when offered in moderation.
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What veg can rats eat?

Basic Rat feeding guide

Some examples of suitable fruit and vegetables are: apples, pears, banana, melons, stone fruits, citrus fruits, broccoli, cabbage (not red cabbage), endive, carrots, Bok choy/other Asian greens, celery, parsley, berries, fresh corn (small amount only) and peas.
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Can rats have cucumber?

Most rats love a variety of vegetables, including broccoli, corn, squash, carrots, greens, asparagus, cauliflower, cucumber, peas and parsnip. These vegetables can provide a rat's diet with a range of crucial minerals, but it's important not to go overboard with these as large amounts of roughage can cause diarrhea.
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Do rats like peanut butter?

Rats especially love peanut butter, and it's harder than cheese to get at without setting off the trap. The downside: Snap traps should only be set where no children or pets can get to them.
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Can mice have snap peas?

Fresh Food Items

Some examples of fresh vegetables and fruits that are beneficial for domestic mice are blueberries, cilantro, apples, cauliflower, bananas, broccoli, turnip greens, peas, carrots and celery. Slice these fresh items up into tiny bites and allow your mouse to eat them on a once a day basis.
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Can rats eat bananas?

Fruits to Avoid

Even though rats can eat banana, make sure the banana you give him is ripe. Green bananas are harsh on his sensitive digestive tract. Avocados can be toxic; dried fruit including apricots, banana chips, raisins and dried apples can be a choking danger; refrain from giving them.
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Can rats eat cheese?

Rats will eat just about anything, but rats don't view cheese as a treat. While it's perfectly safe for them in small quantities, they view it as just another food source. That's why it's best to feed your rat something that they'll actually view as a treat instead of cheese, even though you can indeed feed it to them.
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What vegetables can rats not eat?

However, be careful with certain cooked veggies that can be particularly gas-producing if fed in large amounts, including cabbage, Brussels sprouts and artichokes. Also avoid iceberg lettuce and celery, as these foods are mainly made of water and simply don't provide your rat any nutritional value.
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Can rats have grapes?

Grapes can be part of your rat's regular diet if you make sure to ration them appropriately. Remember that even though your rats will love them—they are full of natural sugar that can lead to weight gain and other health issues.
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Can rats eat Honey Nut Cheerios?

If you're looking for a great treat to help you connect with your rat, go get some Honey Nut Cheerios! They're a super healthy treat that they just can't get enough of. You can just sit there with a handful of them and they'll come right to you.
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Can rats have chickpeas?

Small amounts of fresh fruit and vegetables. There's a list of rat-friendly fruit and veg below. Occasional treats such as small pieces of lean meat, mealworms, egg, lentils, beans, peas and chickpeas.
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Can pet rats eat peanuts?

Can rats eat peanuts? Peanuts contain anti-nutrients and, like raw beans, harm your pet rat's digestive system. For this reason, you should also avoid peanut butter.
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Can rats eat blueberries?

Blueberries should be offered to rats in small amounts, along with other types of fruits and vegetables, as a supplement to their pellet diet. Too many blueberries can cause diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and nutrient deficiencies.
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What do rats like to play with?

Rats enjoy playing in cardboard boxes with holes cut in them, toilet paper tubes stuffed with shredded paper or hay, small pieces of apple branches cut from a pesticide-free tree in the yard, ping-pong balls and paper bags from the grocery store.
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How often should you feed a rat?

Ideally, your rat should be offered no more than 1-2 tablespoons a day, split over two meals (morning and evening). Fresh water should always be made available.
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What do pet rats love eating?

Rats are omnivores, meaning they are healthiest when they eat a combination of fruits, veggies, and meats. So, the best rat diet consists of mostly fresh fruits and vegetables, plus a small portion of rat pellets or rat cube food daily.
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