Can nail polish cause discoloration toenails?

Excessive use of nail polish can cause toenails to become discolored. In particular, using red, yellow, or orange nail polish can cause the toenails to appear yellow. Although they may look unpleasant, yellow toenails resulting from too much nail polish are harmless.
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How do you fix toenail discoloration from nail polish?

Easing the stain

Dr. Rowland advises applying vitamin E oil or coconut oil to the nail and the nail bed — underneath the nail where it meets the skin — and gently rubbing it in when you do not have nail polish on.
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Can nail polish damage toenails?

Most nail polishes contain formaldehyde, a carcinogenic chemical best known for preserving cadavers. On a toenail, the formaldehyde dries and damages the nail. Polish remover has acetone, which is popular for removing adhesives and paint, and it is also damaging for the nail.
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Why are my toenails stained from nail polish?

The most likely reason is a color reaction. Darker-colored polishes in particular can stain nails due to a chemical reaction between the colorant and the nail plate. This reaction is hard to predict because it doesn't happen for everybody and for every dark polish. It can also take a few days to a few weeks to occur.
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What happens when you leave nail polish on toes too long?

By the time you get around to it, your polish may have chipped off, leaving your nails discolored and yellow or maybe you notice white spots. And you might have heard that leaving nail polish on too long prevents your nails from breathing, leading to fungal infections.
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White Cracked

What are the white spots on my toenails after removing polish?

Superficial White Onychomycosis often occurs after nail polish has been left on for too long causing the polish to lift ever so slightly leaving a moist, warm environment between the polish and the nail for fungal spores to thrive.
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Why are my toenails white after taking off polish?

Keratin granulation

If you remove your nail polish only to find that part of your nail is white and dry underneath, you may have this common condition. It's caused by wearing toenail polish for too long. If you have this, it's best to let your nails heal for a while.
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Why do my toenails turn yellow after nail polish?

For most people, the cause of yellow toenails will be fungal infection or overuse of nail polish. In the case of excessive nail polish use, ceasing to use nail polish for at least a week should allow the nail to return to normal.
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Can nail polish turn toenails black?

What makes a toenail turn black? Toenails are naturally white in color. Sometimes discolorations can occur from nail polish, nutritional deficiencies, infection, or trauma. Black toenails are attributed to a variety of causes, some of which resolve on their own.
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Why are my toenails turning dark?

Black Toenail: Common Causes

If your toenail turns black, it's most likely a bruise under the nail, technically called a subungual hematoma. You can get it from stubbing a toe or from footwear that cram your feet into the front of the shoe.
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What does a discolored toenail mean?

Causes of Nail Discoloration

Dirt, poor hygiene, and living in a humid area are all causes of a fungal infection in your toenails. Fungal toenail infections can cause discoloration, making your nail appear any of these colors: Yellow. Red-brown.
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Can wearing nail polish cause toenail fungus?

Polish traps in moisture from the nailbed (tissue below the toenail). Because fungi thrive in moist environments, wearing nail polish may make a fungal infection worse.
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Can you get nail fungus from nail polish?

It's kind of a yes, but maybe not in quite the way you might expect. In terms of direct spread of the fungus from nail to nail (or person to person) through a bottle of polish, the chances of this happening are fairly low. A bottle of polish isn't exactly the most conducive environment for fungal growth.
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How do I get my toenails white again?

Prepare a baking soda paste using 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide with two and a half tablespoon of baking soda in a bowl. Stir the two ingredients and then using a cotton swab apply it onto your nails and also under the tip of your nails. Leave this mixture for three minutes and then rinse it with warm water.
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How do I get the yellow out of my toenails from nail polish?

If you suspect your nail polish is the culprit of your yellow toenails, make sure you have removed all polish with acetone cleaner. You may need to buff the nail lightly to work out the coloring. Soaking your nails in a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide can add to the whitening process.
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How do you treat discolored toenails at home?

Vinegar is an antifungal ingredient that can be mixed with water to create a foot soak. Its acetic acid component helps to whiten discolored toenails and stop the spread of the infection to other toes. Try one part vinegar to two parts warm water and soak feet for 20 minutes daily.
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Can leaving nail polish on too long cause yellowing?

Firstly, your nails need to breathe. Secondly, without a base coat, your nails will suffocate. The reason why your nails stain is because you aren't using a base coat and you're keeping high-pigment polish on too long. Most often, yellowing of the nails is caused by staining from colour polishes.
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Can wearing nail polish cause yellow nails?

So what causes yellow nails? Most commonly, yellow nails are caused by our beloved nail polish. The darker polishes especially take a toll on your nails, leaving them stained with leftover dyes. The easiest way to prevent this from happening is by always using a clear base coat.
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Can nail polish leave white spots on toenails?

Upon removing the polish you may discover some white spots on your nails and even some discoloration. Many of time the discoloration can actually be the beginnings of a fungal toenail infection. Studies have shown that fungus can be caused from wearing dark nail polish for too long without removing it.
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Why do my toenails have white patches?

Calcium deficiency can appear as white spots on the nails. Zinc deficiency can also cause white spots on the nails. If you injure on your toe, it can cause fungus to grow and white to appear on the nails.
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How long should you keep nail polish on your toes?

If you paint your toenails, it is best to leave the paint on until it's time for it to be removed (around two to three weeks in most cases), and then allow an equal amount of time for your toenails to be left natural. This includes not putting on a clear top coat of polish.
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Can nail polish damage your nails?

exposure to UV light. Removal process of gel polish can be destructive to nails. Removal involves soaking in acetone, and aggressive buffing, scraping, and peeling of polish, which can injure the nail plate. Wearing gel polish for long periods may result in severe brittleness and dryness of the nails.
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Why do my toenails look white and chalky?

White chalky patches on the nail can simply be a result of excessive dehydration of the keratin molecules on the nail surface, causing keratin granulations.
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What does fungus toenails look like?

Whitish to yellow-brown discoloration. Brittle, crumbly or ragged. Distorted in shape. A dark color, caused by debris building up under your nail.
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Is it OK to wear nail polish all the time?

Wearing nail polish for long periods of time can allow chemicals in the polish to seep into the nail bed and cause it to discolor, split and peel, according to experts.
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