Can INTP be irrational?

INTPs focus more on logic and reason, and so being considered irrational can be frustrating. While this is something that displeases them, there are times when their imagination and intuition can lead them down different paths than what is expected.
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Can INTP be rude?

While INTPs enjoy playing the devil's advocate and are often correct, they often may seem “pushy” or “rude” when sharing their ideas with others. must remind themselves to make others feel heard, even when don't agree. Others may view INTPs as impatient and harsh.
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Are INTPs controversial?

INTPs keep to themselves most of the time and might even reserve their inner thoughts for only a special few. While they might not always be outwardly controversial, they do possess many thoughts that would shake things up.
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What upsets an INTP?

INTPs are also inclined to be shy, and may feel stressed by frequent socialization or large gatherings of people they don't know very well. Being with someone who is always pushing them to get out more or go to a new party or club will cause them stress and frustration.
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Can INTP be toxic?

INTPs who are especially unhealthy or immature can function with a warped introverted thinking process. They can appear isolative, disinterested in others, or harsh. They may pride themselves on being extremely direct and unconcerned with social niceties, only to offend people they care about or who care about them.
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When an INTP likes you...

What is the dark side of INTPs?

1. They have a really hard time empathizing with other people. The main downfall for most INTPs lies in the “T.” Instead of Feeling, like several other personality types, INTPs are prone to neglecting emotional aspects of life which leads to defects in their relationships with others.
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How manipulative are INTPs?

INTPs can be more overtly manipulative as well, sometimes doing this in hopes of pushing buttons and figuring people out. They are curious people who value information and want to be able to learn as much as they can about the subjects they are interested in.
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How do INTPs act when hurt?

INTPs can be sensitive to getting hurt feelings without fully realizing that they are, since they have a tendency to bury things inside in hopes that they will go away. Sometimes neglecting those emotions can make them worse and cause them to fester as they go unresolved for so long.
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Do INTPs get irritated easily?

INTPs definitely experience feelings of anger, but this isn't always something they express outwardly. They can be somewhat reserved about expressing emotions, and find it more natural to keep these things to themselves.
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Are INTP easily angry?

The ISTP. This type is the most likely to get upset or angry and show it, according to the MBTI® Manual.
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Are INTPs argumentative?

INTPs will be more open to theorizing, switching sides in an argument, or including more abstract details. Both ISTPs and INTPs can see many options for everything, and can easily play both sides of an issue.
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Are INTPs arrogant?

INTPs can be both humble and overtly confident, depending entirely on the subject at hand. When they have spent plenty of time researching and learning something, they will certainly be willing to be confident and maybe a little arrogant about their knowledge.
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Are INTPs intimidating?

INTP. INTPs have a natural intensity which can be rather intimidating to others, even their loved ones. INTPs don't intimidate others intentionally, they just have a naturally complex personality which can overpower people sometimes.
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Why INTP are so mean?

Because we are more focused on noticing and pointing out logical inconsistencies and getting our work done than trying to engage other people in small talk or respond in an understanding and empathetic way to what the other person says.
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Are INTP cold?

The common misconception about INTPs is that they are cold and lack feelings. This is entirely false, and misleading to the type. INTPs actually feel emotion very purely, in an almost child-like and innocent way. Emotions for them are very real, and often very strong.
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Why are INTPs so unhappy?

While keeping some sort of structure is good, INTPs are unhappy if they are forced into rules and strict regulations. They need to have some sort of creative freedoms, and really need to be able to open themselves up to possibilities.
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Are INTP passive aggressive?

While INTPs aren't entirely in touch with their own emotions, they definitely dislike passive aggressive behavior in others. They can become frustrated when people try to be subtle but their behavior completely gives them away.
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Do INTPs hold grudges?

INTPs try not to hold grudges, and would rather find ways to resolve the issues. While they don't enjoy holding grudges against someone, INTPs can often bury their own emotions and avoid dealing with them.
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Can INTPs cry?

INTP. INTPs definitely feel things very deeply, but they often try to keep these emotions bottled up inside. INTPs rarely cry, especially when they are in front of other people. Usually they will hold their emotions in and attempt to ignore how they are feeling entirely.
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What is an INTPs biggest fear?

INTPs are extremely independent individuals who pride themselves on their autonomy. Being physically helpless, suffering from paralysis, or feeling a loss of physical control all came up repeatedly as major fears.
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Do INTPs mood swings?

The INTP wants the world to make sense, so they may have a hard time admitting they feel emotions like disappointment, anger, or embarrassment. The INTP is naturally defensive about experiencing emotions, because it puts them in a vulnerable position.
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Are INTPs scary?

The INTP. Your cool, detached demeanor can be intimidating to people who want to be able to easily “read” you. You're not easily de-coded and your independence, unpredictability, and enigmatic demeanor can put some people on edge.
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Are INTP selfish?

INTPs require more freedom than most other types, which inevitably leads to accusations of selfishness from those who don't understand them. When partners try too hard to control them, INTPs' behavior may become shifty, passive-aggressive, and generally injurious to the relationship.
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Is INTPs hard to read?

At first, INTPs may seem hard to read and disinterested in friendship or romantic relationships. Because they often exist in their own heads, as Introverted Thinking types, INTPs can notice other people long before other people notice them.
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Is it hard to manipulate INTP?

INTPs are often extremely skeptical of other people, which makes them naturally hard to manipulate. They constantly have their guard up, and are almost expecting people to try and manipulate them. They have a hard time believing most people, and will do plenty of research to back up whatever information they receive.
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