Can I plant tomatoes with peppers?

Yes, you can grow tomatoes and peppers together – although it's important to bear in mind that growing plant members of the Nightshade or Solacaceae families together can increase the risk that disease will spread amongst them, especially if they are grown in the same bed after each other.
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What should not be planted with tomatoes?

What should not be planted with tomatoes?
  • Brassicas (including cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and brussel sprouts) - inhibit tomato growth.
  • Potatoes - along with tomatoes are also in the nightshade family so they will be competing for the same nutrients and will also be susceptible to the same diseases.
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How close can you plant tomatoes and peppers together?

For the best success, plant these plants at least 1-2 feet apart and keep up on your pruning. Pruning lower leaves and proper trellising ensure that tomatoes have plenty of airflow. Their pepper companions should be far enough away from the tomato plant to ensure aeration through the leaves.
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Do you water tomatoes every day?

Water newly planted tomatoes well to make sure soil is moist and ideal for growing. Early in the growing season, watering plants daily in the morning. As temperatures increase, you might need to water tomato plants twice a day. Garden tomatoes typically require 1-2 inches of water a week.
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What should not be planted near peppers?

Peppers – Pepper plants make good neighbours for asparagus, basil, carrots, cucumbers, eggplant, endive, oregano, parsley, rosemary, squash, Swiss chard, and tomatoes. Never plant them next to beans, Brassicas, or fennel.
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Planting Peppers

What grows well with bell peppers?

32 Companion Plants to Grow With Your Peppers
  • Basil. Arguably one of the most popular summer herbs, basil is great on its own, but also has a place next to and around pepper plants. ...
  • Chives. Growing chives near peppers can help to deter aphids and other insects. ...
  • Carrots. ...
  • Onions. ...
  • Chard. ...
  • Lettuce. ...
  • Spinach. ...
  • Okra.
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What grows well next to tomatoes?

Companion Plants to Grow With Tomatoes
  • Basil. Basil and tomatoes are soulmates on and off the plate. ...
  • Parsley. ...
  • Garlic. ...
  • Borage and squash. ...
  • French marigolds and nasturtiums. ...
  • Asparagus. ...
  • Chives.
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How far apart should tomatoes be planted?

“Tomatoes require plenty of room to grow well,” write the UC ANR advisors. They recommend spacing tomato plants two feet or more apart.
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Can you plant two tomato plants together?

Some determinate tomato varieties are bred to be smaller, and these can be planted more closely together; varieties labeled as compact or dwarf can be planted as closely as 12 inches apart. Indeterminate tomato varieties are vining plants that continue growing until pruned or until they are killed by frost.
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What vegetables should not be planted next to each other in a garden?

Other commonly believed plant incompatibilities include the following plants to avoid near one another:
  • Mint and onions where asparagus is growing.
  • Pole beans and mustard near beets.
  • Anise and dill neighboring carrots.
  • Cucumber, pumpkin, radish, sunflower, squash, or tomatoes close to potato hills.
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Do peppers like full sun?

Plant them 18 to 24 inches apart in a sunny, well-drained spot. Pepper plants need at least 6-8 hours of sunlight per day. Mix compost or other organic matter into the soil when planting. Water immediately after planting, then regularly throughout the season.
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Do peppers need a trellis?

Staking pepper plants may not be a requirement for growing them in your garden, but it has its advantages. Not only does pepper staking help support plants, keeping them upright, but pepper staking can also reduce sunscald on fruits and helps keep them off the ground, where they are susceptible to pests or rotting.
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How far apart do you plant peppers?

Space pepper plants 18 inches apart, in rows 30 to 36 inches apart. Grow plants closer together if temperatures are below 60°F. Closer spacing requires fertilizer at planting and during the summer.
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Why should you not plant cucumbers near tomatoes?

Cucumbers' and Tomatoes' Shared Diseases

Phytophthora blight and root rot are more serious issues as these disease pathogens can ravage both cucumbers and tomatoes. Plants can be treated with commercial fungicides as a preventive measure, but it's better to just use good cultivation practices.
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Do pepper plants need a lot of water?

As a general rule, pepper plants should be watered about once per week and allowed to thoroughly drain. However, this frequency can vary significantly based on the temperature, wind, and the size of the plant and its growing container. During a heat wave, you may need to water your potted peppers every day!
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Should I cut the flowers off my pepper plants?

If you have recently planted outdoors (within the last 2-4 weeks), you should pick off pepper flowers and any early-forming fruits. This will allow your plants to focus energy on producing a large root system and lots of foliage before switching to fruiting mode.
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How do I get my pepper plant to produce more fruit?

Steps to Increase Pepper Plant Yield:
  1. Start your pepper plants indoors.
  2. Use grow lights!
  3. Use the right soil.
  4. Use a big enough pot (for potted plants)
  5. Use the right fertilizer.
  6. Prune your plants.
  7. Optimize sunlight, heat and watering.
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Do peppers like to be close together?

Peppers will grow well just by themselves, but they're more productive if you plant two of them together. I started these peppers separately in jiffy pots, then grouped them together when it was time to move them to bigger pots.
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Can you plant peppers too close together?

It is fine to plant sweet and hot peppers close together, even intermingled in a raised bed or in the same row in your garden. If you are growing peppers in containers, you do not need to move the sweet and hot peppers apart.
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Do you plant peppers deep like tomatoes?

Can You Plant Peppers Deep Like Tomatoes? Peppers can be planted deep, but it is generally not recommended. The main benefit of planting peppers deeper than the top of the root ball is to help keep the plants from falling over.
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How should I arrange my vegetable garden?

Aim to plant crops in triangles rather than rows.

To get the maximum yields from each bed, pay attention to how you arrange your plants. Avoid planting in square patterns or rows. Instead, stagger the plants by planting in triangles. By doing so, you can fit 10 to 14% more plants in each bed.
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What is the common garden layout for growing vegetables?

The most basic garden plan consists of a design with straight, long rows running north to south orientation. A north to south direction will ensure that the garden gets the best sun exposure and air circulation. A garden that runs east to west tends to get too shaded from the crops growing in the preceding row.
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