Can I live with a cracked molar?

Sure, you can probably live with a cracked tooth
cracked tooth
Cracked tooth syndrome (CTS) is where a tooth has incompletely cracked but no part of the tooth has yet broken off. Sometimes it is described as a greenstick fracture. The symptoms are very variable, making it a notoriously difficult condition to diagnose. Cracked tooth syndrome. › wiki › Cracked_tooth_syndrome
. There may be minimal pain and it might not even show when you smile-but there are many dangers to living with a fractured tooth that could affect your oral health for years to come. A tooth can crack/fracture when there is a weak spot or trauma to the tooth.
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How serious is a cracked molar?

Is A Cracked Molar an Emergency? Although cracked molars may not feel like an emergency if you're not in pain, they require urgent treatment. Any cracked tooth has the potential to become an emergency at a moment's notice.
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What happens if you don't fix a cracked molar?

An untreated cracked tooth can lead to tooth sensitivity, tooth decay, and ultimately tooth loss. If you've cracked a tooth, it's important to make an appointment to see Dr. Walkington as soon as you can so that it can be evaluated and treated if necessary. A cracked tooth can vary in its severity.
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Should I be worried if I have a cracked molar?

Anyone who suspects that they have a cracked tooth should make an appointment with the dentist as soon as possible. Leaving a cracked tooth untreated may lead to more problems, pain, and discomfort over time.
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Should a cracked molar be removed?

Whilst your general oral health may be positive, if the crack in the tooth is major, meaning it's cracked into two pieces, the tooth is severely decayed you're suffering from gum disease, the dentist will need to consider tooth extraction treatment.
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Understanding Cracked Tooth Treatment and Symptoms

Can I live with a fractured tooth?

Sure, you can probably live with a cracked tooth. There may be minimal pain and it might not even show when you smile-but there are many dangers to living with a fractured tooth that could affect your oral health for years to come. A tooth can crack/fracture when there is a weak spot or trauma to the tooth.
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What do you do for a cracked molar?

Your dentist may recommend a crown, root canal, or tooth extraction. If your dentist thinks a crown is best, a filling material can repair the crack. If the inside of your tooth is damaged, your dentist may suggest a root canal to remove the damaged tissue. The root canal will be recommended if there's an infection.
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How long can you go with a cracked tooth?

Ideally, patients should schedule a visit to have the cracked tooth treated within a few days after the crack occurs and no more than two weeks after the incident. If symptoms begin to worsen, an emergency visit to the dentist for immediate care is most likely necessary.
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Can a cracked molar heal itself?

The straightforward answer is no. A cracked tooth will not heal on its own. Unlike your bones, which have a lot of blood vessels, tooth enamel does not have any blood supply and is not able to repair itself when damaged.
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Can a split molar be repaired?

Minor cracks may be repaired and covered with dental bonding, a process where a resin is used and then hardened with a special light. Root Canal Therapy. In situations where the broken molar is causing pain, it may be necessary to remove the pulp in a root canal therapy procedure.
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Does a cracked tooth need a root canal?

The most common cause of front-tooth fracture is trauma or physical injury. For fractures where the tooth pulp is not affected, a root canal will not be necessary, except if patients show signs of pulpitis (pulp infection). If the pulp gets exposed due to breakage, a root canal will certainly be necessary.
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How do you live with a chipped tooth?

Call the dental office and schedule an appointment immediately. Cover any sharp parts of the tooth with a piece of dental wax or sugarless gum. Stay away from extremely hot or cold foods. If the tooth is sensitive or causing pain, ask your dentist what over-the-counter pain relief option is best.
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Is a cracked tooth an emergency?

A broken tooth often warrants a visit to an emergency dental office. In fact, tooth fractures are one of the most common dental emergencies.
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When should a molar be pulled?

You may need to have a tooth extracted if: Periodontal disease has badly infected the tooth. The tooth is badly damaged and cannot be restored by a filling or a crown. You are suffering from pain even after a filling, crown, or treatment for a root canal.
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Can you fix a cracked molar with a filling?

Dental fillings are one of the most effective options for repairing a cracked or broken tooth. Dentists often use restorative filling material as a way of temporarily fixing teeth that have suffered decay, are broken, or need to be fixed. Dental fillings are a painless and cost-effective option for minor tooth repair.
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How much does it cost to fix a cracked molar?

Generally, you might expect to pay the following prices for the different treatments that can fix chipped teeth: Bonding a tooth might cost anywhere from $100 to $1,000, and the total cost might depend on how much work needs to be done on a tooth. A filling might cost anywhere from $90 to $500.
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Can you save a tooth that cracked in half?

If a tiny piece of enamel or filling has chipped off, you may only need a new filling or some bonding material to restore the chipped portion. If only a small piece of your tooth broke off, your dental professional might be able to protect the remainder of the tooth with a crown or filling.
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Can a hairline crack in a tooth heal itself?

Yes, the tooth can repair itself over time if the damage is minimal. For example, if you have a hairline crack on the outer level of the enamel that doesn't cause pain, there is a chance it may repair itself. The process of healing the hairline crack is known as remineralization, which refers to minerals in your mouth.
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Can a tooth that needs a root canal heal itself?

The short answer is no, a tooth that needs a root canal cannot heal itself. The long answer is fairly straightforward. The infected tissue inside a tooth cannot heal by itself and will only get worse over time if left untreated. Even if you experience no pain, you should still seek treatment.
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Should you brush a cracked tooth?

Rinse but do not brush

There could be bleeding when there is a broken tooth. The person should rinse with warm water to flush out the blood. This will also keep the area clean. However, the individual should not brush the fractured tooth.
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Will a cracked tooth get infected?

Infection: A cracked tooth that is left untreated for a duration of time can result in a pulp infection. This requires immediate treatment, as infection can spread to the gums and bone. Besides swelling, you may notice fever, increased pain, tender glands, and bad breath.
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What does a cracked molar feel like?

Increased sensitivity.

You may notice that you experience pain when biting into hot foods or drinking cold liquids. Possibly, you may even experience sensitivity when eating sticky, sweet, or sour foods as well. Increased sensitivity may be a sign of a cracked tooth.
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When can a tooth not be saved?

However, saving your tooth is not always possible. If your tooth is cracked or broken due to trauma, especially below the gum line, there may not be any way to preserve the tooth.
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What happens if you ignore a cracked tooth?

Dangers of Cracked Teeth

When your tooth gets cracked as far as the pulp, you'll feel a shock of pain right away, since your nerves are exposed. Even if your tooth only cracks a little bit, it can be dangerous to ignore, since you use your teeth every day, which will eventually cause the crack to deepen and widen.
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Why does a molar crack?

Causes of a cracked tooth

pressure from teeth grinding. fillings so large they weaken the integrity of the tooth. chewing or biting hard foods, such as ice, nuts, or hard candy. blows to the mouth, such as might happen with a car accident, sporting injury, fall, or even a fistfight.
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