Can gum disease fatal?

Studies have shown that people with poor oral hygiene and gum disease are more likely to suffer from a wide variety of conditions—some of which can be life-threatening and even fatal. It may be hard to believe, but your mouth, teeth, and gums have a direct link with your body's cardiovascular system.
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What can happen if gum disease goes untreated?

Gum disease is an infection of the gums that is caused by poor oral hygiene. When plaque is left to build upon the teeth and harden, periodontal disease develops. When this is left untreated, it can result in damage to the jaw and even tooth loss.
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How do I know if my gum disease is serious?

Symptoms of gum disease include: your gums bleeding when you brush your teeth, floss or eat hard foods such as apples. your gums becoming swollen, red and sore.
Check if you have gum disease
  1. bad breath and a bad taste in the mouth.
  2. your gums shrinking.
  3. your teeth becoming loose or falling out.
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What happens if you have severe gum disease?

Periodontitis (per-e-o-don-TIE-tis), also called gum disease, is a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue and, without treatment, can destroy the bone that supports your teeth. Periodontitis can cause teeth to loosen or lead to tooth loss.
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How long does it take for gum disease to get serious?

It can also make the gums more prone to bleeding. During the early gingivitis stages, gum inflammation can occur in as little as five days. Within two to three weeks, the signs of generalized gingivitis become more noticeable. If you still leave this untreated, it would progress to slight periodontal disease.
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What is Stage 4 periodontal disease?

In stage four the periodontal disease has taken a firm hold. Your gums will be visibly receding, exposing tender tooth enamel which can be easily damaged and then start to decay. The hidden damage to your jawbone will start to become noticeable as your teeth start to loosen, becoming wobbly or even moving position.
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What is Stage 3 gum disease?

Stage 3: Advanced Periodontitis

In this final stage, periodontitis has been left untreated and has become advanced periodontitis. Bacteria that was allowed to grow, spread, and cause destruction has destroyed the connective tissues and bones that support the teeth.
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Does gum disease go away if all teeth are removed?

Tooth extraction in the case of periodontal disease is usually done as a last resort. It is to be noted, however, that the extraction of teeth alone does not cure gum disease.
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Can you live with periodontal disease?

Living with periodontal disease can cause aesthetic complications and bone loss of a serious nature. Unlike other injuries, periodontal disease does not cause any pain. It is a silent disease when the teeth gum becomes inflamed and bleeds.
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Can my teeth be saved if I have periodontal disease?

Saving teeth from periodontal disease is possible if you detect the signs and symptoms early or regularly visit your dentist for cleanings and exams. Let the condition progress unhindered, and tooth loss should be considered as an eventuality.
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Can gum disease make you sick?

If the gums and areas between teeth are not cleaned properly, gum disease can begin. Here are some examples of how tooth problems such as decaying, cracked or missing teeth and gum problems can affect your health and make you sick.
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What do dentists do for gum disease?

Professional gingivitis care includes: Professional dental cleaning. Your initial professional cleaning will include removing all traces of plaque, tartar and bacterial products — a procedure known as scaling and root planing. Scaling removes tartar and bacteria from your tooth surfaces and beneath your gums.
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What does a infected gum look like?

Your gum is swollen and filled with pus. The raised swelling may look similar to a pimple around your infected tooth. An open pimple called a draining fistula, ruptures and releases pus, which is a sure-fire sign of an infection. A bad taste in your mouth or bad breath may also be an indicator of an infection.
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Is gingivitis life threatening?

Periodontal diseases are often classified depending on their severity, which may range from a mild case of gingivitis through to severe periodontitis and acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, which can be a dangerous and life-threatening condition.
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Is periodontitis life long?

Periodontitis can last forever if you never see a dentist to have it treated. Likewise, as long as periodontitis is left untreated, the disease will progress and worsen. If you have the symptoms of periodontitis, it is recommended that you see a dentist as soon as possible.
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Can gum disease be cured?

So how do I cure gum disease? Gum disease can be cured. Essentially, it's all about removing bacteria from your mouth and allowing the gums to heal back to a healthy state. If you want to get rid of gum disease, the first step is to get the right education so that you know how to clean your teeth effectively at home.
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Does gum disease shorten my life?

Analysis showed that having a history of periodontal disease, which affects almost two-thirds of US adults over 60, was associated with a 12% higher risk of early death from any cause.
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Can periodontitis lead to death?

Conclusions. Individuals with periodontitis have an increased risk for future events of ischemic heart diseases and death.
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What are the stages of periodontal disease?

Periodontitis is broken down into four stages:
  • Periodontitis Stage 1: Initial.
  • Periodontitis Stage 2: Moderate.
  • Periodontitis Stage 3: Severe with potential for tooth loss.
  • Periodontitis Stage 4: Severe with potential for loss of all the teeth.
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Can I have all on 4 with gum disease?

Can I Still Get All-On-Four After Gum Disease? Patients who have had gum disease are often still good candidates for All-On-Four. If the underlying jawbone remains intact, or if any affected areas have been effectively treated, you can still enjoy the benefits of permanent dentures, even after gum disease.
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How can you cure gum disease without a dentist?

Salt water is extremely effective in helping to heal gums affected by gum disease. Salt water can treat inflammation, ease pain, and reduce bacteria in the mouth and gums. Rinsing with salt water 2-3 times a day can be effective in battling a gum infection.
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Do I have advanced gum disease?

You can recognize inflamed gums by their redness. They may also feel tender, swollen and bleed while you brush your teeth or eat. In addition, two further signs of gum disease include: pain when chewing.
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What does Stage 2 gum disease look like?

Stage 2: Slight periodontal disease

At this stage, the infection has spread to the bone and begins to attack bone tissues with stronger, highly aggressive bacteria. Symptoms of slight periodontal disease include increased swelling or redness of the gums and bleeding during brushing or flossing.
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Is gum disease painful?

It's typically caused by poor brushing and flossing habits that allow plaque—a sticky film of bacteria—to build up on the teeth and harden. In advanced stages, periodontal disease can lead to sore, bleeding gums; painful chewing problems; and even tooth loss.
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Is gargling salt water good for gum disease?

Salt water can help to remove the plaque and bacteria from your teeth and gums. Salt has healing properties that can treat and heal inflamed or swollen gums caused by gum disease. Even though salt water is extremely effective in helping to treat gum disease, salt water cannot cure gum disease.
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