Can goldfish get pregnant on their own?

No. Goldfish cannot actually be pregnant because they cannot carry live babies inside of their bodies. They release unfertilized eggs into the water where the male fertilizes them and they wait to hatch.
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Do goldfish lay eggs on their own?

Yes, they do! And female goldfish don't just lay one or two goldfish eggs at a time… It's one of our favorite goldfish facts that a female goldfish can lay several thousand goldfish eggs in one spawning!
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Can goldfish make themselves pregnant?

Goldfish don't get pregnant, as they are egg bearers. However they will increase in size when ready to lay.
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Can goldfish lay eggs without male?

Females can lay eggs whether there is a male around them or not, but the eggs that she deposits will be infertile.
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Do goldfish breed on their own?

Goldfish naturally spawn in the late spring and early summer. The period of cold winter weather, followed by warmer spring weather, triggers their bodies to start spawning. If your goldfish are kept in a pond, it's important to watch for spawning behavior once the air temperature starts to rise.
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Goldfish Hand Breeding (Step by Step)

How do I know my goldfish is pregnant?

Female's Appearance

The female goldfish typically looks rounder than the male, making body shape an indicator of sex and the possibility of pregnancy. If its abdomen gets larger, the chances are that it's carrying eggs and ready to spawn. The extra weight may also affect its behavior.
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Why are all my goldfish chasing one fish?

Overcrowded. Fantail goldfish can become aggressive if they don't have enough space in their fish tank. According to, confined quarters can make the fish feel like they need to compete for space, causing them to chase one another in an attempt to claim their territory.
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Will goldfish eat their babies?

Goldfish will eat their eggs, or eat the fry after they hatch. As soon as you notice eggs, remove the parents from the tank and transfer them somewhere else until the goldfish are grown. You can also remove the eggs from the tank and transfer.
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Should I remove goldfish eggs from the tank?

Leave Goldfish Eggs in The Community Tank

Only leave goldfish eggs in your tank if you are uninterested in letting them hatch. Adult goldfish will eat unfertilized and fertilized goldfish eggs, and they will be gone in no time. The goldfish eggs are a great source of protein for the adult goldfish.
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Are goldfish asexual?

Fish mate in lots of different ways. Goldfish mate by chasing each other until the female goldfish releases her eggs. The male goldfish then releases his “milt”, which fertilizes the eggs.
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Why is my goldfish laying on the bottom of the tank?

Usually goldfish sit at the bottom of the tank due to not feeling well for some reason. Improper water conditions, parasites, stress, GI problems, and swim bladder problems can all cause a fish to sit at the bottom of the tank.
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Is my goldfish male or female?

To identify a female goldfish, look for a rounder, thicker body shape. Females may also have a bulge on one side as breeding season approaches, and their vent, or anal opening, may protrude slightly. Male goldfish often have a thinner, more streamlined body shape than females, with a concave vent and a midline ridge.
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How long do goldfish stay pregnant?

Hatching Time

After release and fertilization, goldfish eggs hatch in two to seven days. In water at 84 degrees Fahrenheit, fertilized goldfish eggs hatch in 46 to 54 hours; in water at 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit, they hatch in five to seven days.
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Do pregnant goldfish sit at the bottom of the tank?

Fish that sit at the bottom are pregnant

Fish that sit at the bottom – most of the time are actually doing so because they are not feeling well. Or suffering from poor water quality.
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Why are my baby goldfish black?

Newborn baby goldfish start out black. As they grow, they develop a brown color, perhaps with hints of silver. Some areas of their body are almost see-through. It can take up to two years for a goldfish to fully develop its color.
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What time of year do goldfish lay eggs?

Being a "batch spawner," goldfish reproduction takes place in the spring and summer. Laying her eggs at this time of year usually ensures sustainable temperatures of 60.8 F, or warmer. Goldfish roe take three to seven days to hatch into fry, but the larval development term depends on the temperature.
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What do goldfish do when pregnant?

The first thing to know: there is no such thing as a pregnant goldfish. These fish do not carry live young within them until gestation, and they do not give birth to live fish. Goldfish are an egg-laying species.
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How many babies do goldfish have?

How Many Babies Do Goldfish Have? A female can lay up to 10,000 eggs but this doesn't mean you should expect to have that many babies when breeding. Only a small amount of these eggs will be viable as not all will be fertilized by the male.
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How do I stop my goldfish from breeding?

How to Avoid Unwanted Fish Breeding in Your Tank
  1. Buy only one gender of fish, preferably males. If you don't have male and female fish together, there is less chance for baby fish to appear. ...
  2. Choose egg-laying species rather than live bearers. ...
  3. Adjust tanks conditions to make breeding less comfortable.
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Will a big goldfish eat a little goldfish?

Goldfish by nature are not aggressive, and are not predatory. The short answer would be, "No, they don't eat each other".
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Can a goldfish and a koi mate?

Both koi and goldfish can be beautiful and they come in a variety of colors. Koi will breed with the goldfish. Some of the baby fish (fry) will be born brown or grey and may turn orange as they get older. These fish will not be pure koi, something that doesn't really matter unless you are really into koi!
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How big is a 1 year old goldfish?

Your goldfish will reach about 2 inches in 6 months. As long as it has adequate nutritional support, it'll reach over 3 inches by the end of its first year.
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Is it OK to feed goldfish once a day?

Until they are one year old, you should feed goldfish 2 or 3 times per day. Once they are older than one year, you should feed goldfish just once per day. There are, however, a number of factors that could lead you to adjust this schedule. Also, the type and amount of goldfish food you feed your goldfish is important.
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Do goldfish talk to each other?

Goldfish Can Communicate via Tiny Current Ripples

Even when one isn't looking directly at another, it seems that a goldfish can detect that other goldfish's presence and follow its lead, demonstrating strong coordination.
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How often do goldfish mate?

Sometimes if the water temperature stays warm long enough, the fish will spawn more than once. In warmer climates outdoor goldfish might spawn two or three times a season. In aquariums, if the water temperature remains pretty much the same, they may spawn all year long.
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