Can betta hear music?

By experimenting and using some common sense, it appears that many betta fish do enjoy listening to music, and will most likely hear sound through vibrations and pressure waves.
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Does betta fish like music?

Betta doesn't like music; in fact, every type of music appears as sound vibrations to them. Loud music for Betta always has a surprising effect on them. Fish size, sound intensity, tank size are all factors that affect your Betta fish ability to listen to sounds.
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Do fish like listening to music?

Fish are attracted to certain sounds and vibrations and not to others. Certain types of music and sounds repel fish while others interest them. Music and other sounds can define the change in the way fish behave in the water, including their eating and swimming patterns.
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Can pet fish hear music?

If you've ever thought that your goldfish can't hear or won't respond to the music that you blast in your room, it's time to think again. Though few people know this, all fish respond to sound, and several recent studies have shown that fish can even tell the difference between genres of music and composers.
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Do bettas watch TV?

What we do know is that Bettas show interest in the movement and light coming from the TV. They have no idea what they're watching, which means they can't appreciate the images; they only show interest strictly based on movement and light.
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Do Betta Fish Like Music? - Training your Betta!

Do betta fish like when you talk to them?

These fish are smart enough to recognize their owners and respond to your presence. While they may not show affection like our furry types of pets or respond to their name, they can show interest and affiliation toward their owners and will reciprocate if you spend the time to develop a positive relationship with them.
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How can I play with my betta fish?

With patience and a little persistence, you can teach him to do things like follow your finger, eat from your hand, swim through a hoop, play soccer, and even jump out of the water or come up to be petted. Fish food is the best reinforcement for desired behavior.
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How do you entertain a fish?

To stimulate your fish's brain, give it toys like floating rocks and caves for it to hide in. You can even train your fish to do tricks like swim through a hoop or jump out of the water with a little practice. Keeping your fish healthy and active will help you enjoy your fish for longer.
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What song does fish like?

The goldfish aced the test, easily distinguishing the two composers and getting a belly full of food in the process. The fish were more interested in the vittles than the music, but earlier studies on pigeons and songbirds suggest that Bach is the preferred choice, at least for birds.
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Does loud music scare fish?

Sounds above water, such as loud talking or music, do not penetrate water very well and rarely scare fish. However, sounds that transmit vibrations directly through water, like dropping pliers on the bottom of a boat, stomping on a dock or a running boat motor, can temporarily spook nearby fish.
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Do bettas like LED lights?

You may find most aquarium lights are LED; these work great. Some large or professional aquariums use UVB or others , but if you're planning to keep your betta in a basic aquarium with standard aquarium plants, LED will do fine.
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Can betta fish have toys?

Betta fish do like to explore and interact with toys in their environment. Bettas can be taught tricks using toys such as ping pong balls and hoops or a using a fish training kit.
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Do fish like metal music?

Rock, metal, symphony, oldies, classic rock... they love them all except rap/r&b...
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How long can betta fish remember?

It is popularly believed that fish have a memory span of only 30 seconds. Canadian scientists, however, have demonstrated that this is far from true -- in fact, fish can remember context and associations up to 12 days later. It is popularly believed that fish have a memory span of only 30 seconds.
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Do betta fish get bored?

If you've got your betta in a small tank with no decoration, feeding him the same food every day with no change in his environment then he can quickly become bored. And this boredom can often lead to depression and stress.
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What do betta like in their tank?

Your Betta will love swimming in a tank which contains caves to hide in and plants that provide plenty shady areas. Betta's enjoy lounging on leaves and have comfortable places to hide and sleep. It's important you check ornaments for spots that could snag or tear your Bettas delicate fins.
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What kind of decor do betta fish like?

It's always a good idea to add several decorations to your tank. Shipwrecks, leaves, foliage and balls are all excellent additions which can work to stimulate your fish, boosting its wellbeing, reducing stress and creating an environment in which your bettas feel at home.
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How do you tell if your betta fish likes you?

Coming Up to Greet You. Bettas are social and curious little fish who can be very interactive with owners. If they see you at the aquarium wall, they might come up for a quick hello. You'll find them following your finger across the glass or surfacing for a treat.
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How do I teach my betta fish to recognize me?

Follow the finger

One of the easiest is teaching your fish to come to you when you want them to. Start by running your finger along the outside of the aquarium — you can also drag your finger through the water — until your betta approaches you. Then give them a treat to encourage their behavior.
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Do betta fish bond with owners?

Over time, betta fish might even form an emotional bond with their owners. You'll know a betta has bonded with you when it swims faster or becomes interested when you're near its tank. Sometimes, you might even notice it staring at you or following you around.
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Can betta fish see humans?

Betta fish can certainly learn to recognize their owners. They are an intelligent fish that can be trained to recognize humans, especially the person who feeds them most of the time. Once they see you regularly, they'll grow to know you and become excited at your approach.
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How do you train a betta fish to follow your finger?

Teach your fish to follow your finger.

Drag your finger across the front of the fish tank (never keep a betta in under five gallons, it is unethical and cruel). If they move towards it, reward them quickly with a treat. If they do not notice you, shake your finger until they notice.
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What do betta fish do all day?

Male bettas are devoted fathers who build bubble nests for their young with their mouths and fiercely protect their babies from predators. Just like us, betta fish are diurnal. That means they're active during the day and sleep at night, requiring darkness to get a good night's rest.
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