Can a guy not have an Adam's apple?

Adam's apples are found on both women and men they just show up more prominently in men as a chunk of bony cartilage that's wrapped around the larynx. Also known as the laryngeal prominence, the Adam's apple sits right on top of the thyroid gland, so the area is fittingly called the thyroid cartilage.
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Why do some guys not have an Adam's apple?

Although it is present at birth, it grows during male puberty or with testosterone hormone therapy. Males typically have higher testosterone levels than females, so they also usually have larger Adam's apples. However, biological females may develop an Adam's apple if they use testosterone or transition genders.
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Is it normal to have no Adam's apple?

The degree of laryngeal growth in females isn't as significant as in males, so most women don't have Adam's apples. Some women with a larger larynx do, but this indicates the size of the voice box only.
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Does every boy have Adam's apple?

This is what's called an Adam's apple. Everyone's larynx grows during puberty, but a girl's larynx doesn't grow as much as a boy's does. That's why boys have Adam's apples. Most girls don't have Adam's apples, but some do.
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Why is Adam's apple attractive?

Yet another commenter even provided some biological reasoning, however tenuous, for why such a feature might be attractive, suggesting that a large or pronounced Adam's apple “probably corresponds” with higher levels of testosterone, meaning it might also be linked to “a host of other markers of reproductive fitness” ...
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Why Do Men Have an Adam's Apple and What Does It Do?

Does testosterone give you an Adam's apple?

In teenage boys, increased testosterone production causes the vocal folds (vocal chords) to thicken, lengthen and mature. The cartilage of the larynx grows, further influencing the tone of voice. It also tilts slightly, resulting in a bump on the throat—the Adam's apple.
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What happens if you push your Adam's apple?

The damage can range from minor vocal cord weakness to fractures of the cartilage structures of the larynx or trachea. These fractures can cause air to escape into the neck and chest, leading to significant respiratory compromise and even death if not diagnosed and treated quickly.
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Does the size of your Adam's apple mean anything?

So a larger Adam's apple may be linked to having a deep voice. In general, excessive hormones, mainly testosterone, produced at puberty decide the size of your Adam's apple. A woman may have a larger Adam's apple if she has high levels of testosterone, especially during puberty.
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Does Adam's apple hurt?

Adam's apple pain could be a sign of a bigger problem. While it may not be the Adam's apple itself that's hurting, pain in your neck and throat near the Adam's apple can potentially be a serious problem.
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What is the purpose of Adam's apple?

In both sexes, regardless of the angle, the primary function of the Adam's Apple is the same as that of the thyroid cartilage which it comprises, to protect the vocal cords immediately behind it.
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Does Adam's apple affect height?

No. The Adam's apple does not affect height. But our hormones do affect both. Hormones (androgens) like testosterone produce secondary sexual characteristics, which includes, growth spurt and enlargement of larynx (voicebox, Adam's apple).
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How do I strengthen my Adam's apple?

Mendelsohn maneuver.

Use your throat muscles to stop your Adam's apple at its highest point for a couple of seconds. At first, it may help you to use fingers to help keep it up, until you understand the movement that is involved. Then finish the swallow by allowing your Adam's apple to return to a resting position.
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Can you grow 6 inches after 21?

Especially, if you are getting closer to your 20s. Well, in fact, we can grow 2 to 6 inches even after the age of 18. Many people think that post-puberty height gain is not possible, however, it can be done with some determination and the right approaches.
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Do guys stop growing at 21?

Growth charts show that majority of guys grow just a little after the ages of 18. In rare cases, some people may hit puberty in their late teens and continue to grow into their early twenties. The reason most guys stop growing at this age is because their growth plates fuse shortly after puberty.
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What age do boys grow the most?

Boys tend to show the first physical changes of puberty between the ages of 10 and 16. They tend to grow most quickly between ages 12 and 15. The growth spurt of boys is, on average, about 2 years later than that of girls. By age 16, most boys have stopped growing, but their muscles will continue to develop.
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Why would a woman have an Adams apple?

Myth: Women Don't Have Adam's Apples. In fact, it's actually not that terribly uncommon if you were to look close enough to most women's throats, though “man sized” Adam's Apples are somewhat rare in women. The “Adam's Apple” is really just an enlarged larnyx which becomes big enough to be visible in your neck.
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What is the real name for an Adam's apple?

The term Adam's apple (or technically "laryngeal protuberance," formed by the largest cartilage of the larynx) has been used in English since at least 1625.
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Why does my throat click when I press it?

Clicking hyoid is an abnormal condition of hyoid bone which is characterized by enlargement of greater cornua of hyoid bone. These enlarged cornua impinge on cervical vertebrae. This impingement of cervical vertebrae produces interosseus friction.
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Can your throat pop out place?

Tracheal deviation happens when your trachea is pushed to one side of your neck by abnormal pressure in your chest cavity or neck. The trachea, also known as your windpipe, is a tube made of cartilage that allows air to pass in and out of the lungs as you breathe.
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Why does something pop in my throat when I swallow?

Causes. The "lump in the throat" sensation that characterizes globus pharyngis is often caused by inflammation of one or more parts of the throat, such as the larynx or hypopharynx, due to cricopharyngeal spasm, gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), laryngopharyngeal reflux or esophageal versatility.
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Are you supposed to move your throat?

First, it's mobile. This means that other than its attachment site to the thyroid cartilage (which is part of the larynx and discussed below) it floats. You can even move your hyoid from side to side—for safety's sake, very gently—by lightly touching either end and then alternating an ever so slight pushing action.
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What is an Eve's apple?

Eve apples are a modern variety of Malus domestica from New Zealand that stand out because of their bright red skin and resistance to turning brown when cut. They are most closely related to the Braeburn apple and share some similarities.
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Do girls have an Adam's apple?

Adam's apples are found on both women and men they just show up more prominently in men as a chunk of bony cartilage that's wrapped around the larynx.
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