Can a guinea pig eat an apple?

Small, bite-sized portions of fruit a few times a week will delight your guinea pig and may provide essential vitamin C. Fruits guinea pigs can eat in small quantities include: Apples. Pears. Strawberries.
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How much apple should I give my guinea pig?

How much apple can you give your guinea pig. While a small amount of fresh apple will help add some variety and additional nutrients to your guinea pig's diet, too much can be harmful. Veterinarian Dr. Edele Grey recommends that a good portion size for cavies is 1/2 a cup of apple, chopped into manageable chunks.
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Can guinea pigs eat apples with skin?

So, to sum up: If you want to give your guinea pig pieces of apple, go for it! Apples are a good source of Vitamin C. Their peels contain fiber, and their leaves are a source of calcium too. However the fruit is also high in sugar, so keep apple fruits as a treat for your pet.
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What foods can guinea pigs not eat?

Make sure you do not feed your guinea pigs the following foods (this is not an exhaustive list): cereals; grains; nuts; seeds; dried beans, corn, and peas; buttercups; garden shrubs (such as hemlock or privet); lilies of any kind; sweet peas; nightshade; oak; avocado; onion grass; onions; potato tops; mushrooms; ...
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What fruit can guinea pigs eat daily?

A small quantity of fresh vegetables—and occasional high-fiber fruit, such as apples or pears—should be offered daily to help keep guinea pigs hydrated. Discard fresh fruits or vegetables that are left uneaten after 10-12 hours so they don't spoil.
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Can Guinea Pigs Eat APPLES, Apple Skin, Apple Cores

What is a guinea pig's favorite food?

Each guinea pig is different, and most will have their own favorites. Most of them love carrots and broccoli, and some love nothing better than fresh grass nibbled from a lawn.
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Can a guinea pig swim?

Yes, guinea pigs can swim, but no, they don't enjoy it. If they have no other option in their natural habitat, swimming will allow them to escape predators. They may also decide to get their paws wet if there is a food source nearby. But their desire to go in the water stops there.
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How do I know if my guinea pigs are happy?

Signs of happiness/ friendliness: If your guinea pig is pleased with you, he will find ways to express this in body language. A common sign of happiness is rapid hopping up and down, similar to popcorn popping. Another sign of friendliness is rubbing noses, which guinea pigs will often do with each other.
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Do guinea pigs laugh?

Admittedly it sounds like a laugh but it is not a response to humour. Similarly, guinea pigs are known to 'chuckle' and when parrots 'laugh' they are merely immitating sounds they have previously heard.
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Can guinea pigs watch TV?

The quick answer is yes, although they obviously don't understand what's happening on the screen. Guinea pigs love to watch tv once they are used to the home, and they feel safe. They don't usually do that on their own but will sit with their owners when they're watching TV.
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Why does my guinea pig vibrate when I pet her?

Good vibrations

When petting your guinea pig, you may notice it start to vibrate. Much like when cats purr, these vibrations show that they are at ease and are in a good mood. This response is more commonly seen in younger guinea pigs, a characteristic that they grow out of as they get older.
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Can guinea pigs cry?

This is clear evidence of how highly evolved they are social and emotional. So, although we wouldn't consider guinea pigs to cry 'emotional tears', like all mammals their eyes do produce physical tears. This is to keep their eye moist and clean.
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Can guinea pigs see color?

Unlike most rodents, guinea pigs -- also called cavies because of their scientific name, Cavia porcellus -- do see colors. They are not color-blind; they see most colors accurately. They also rely on their other senses, such as hearing and touch, which are more developed.
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Do guinea pigs like showers?

Guinea pigs don't enjoy being wet, and in cold climates bathing guinea pigs and not drying them off properly can give them chills, and make them feel very miserable at the very least.
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Why do guinea pigs squeak?

Squeal: Some guinea pigs will squeal when they are experiencing potential pain or they need attention. It can sometimes be that another guinea pig is stealing his favorite spot to eat. Pay attention to your guinea pig if you hear a squeal because it could indicate that they need help from something hurting them.
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What do guinea pigs like to play with?

What Do Guinea Pigs Like To Play With? This Top 10 List Will Give You Some Great Ideas!
  • Crumpled paper or paper bags.
  • Cardboard boxes.
  • Tunnels.
  • Hay or grass chew balls.
  • Chew sticks.
  • Fleece accessories.
  • Stuffed socks.
  • Stuffed tubes with hay.
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What do guinea pigs like for treats?

Commercial treats are unnecessary and a waste of money. Your pig will be perfectly happy with high quality pellets and hay and treats of fruits and vegetables. For a special snack, try mixing some rolled oats into your guinea pig's pellets or stuff a small cardboard tube with fresh hay.
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Do guinea pigs like to be in the dark?

Yes, as your cavy's nighttime antics would suggest, guinea pigs do like the dark. However, that doesn't mean they're nocturnal animals. In fact, guinea pigs are crepuscular, which means they're most active at twilight.
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Can guinea pigs know their name?

Yes! Guinea pigs can certainly recognize and respond to their name with the help of some training, along with consistency, patience, and time. Guinea pigs can learn words through classical conditioning. As such, they can be trained to recognize individual words, meaning they can also learn their name.
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Do guinea pigs enjoy music?

Do Guinea Pigs like music? Yes, Guinea pigs have been found to enjoy certain types of music played at a soft volume. There have been many studies on the topic of what music is best for guinea pigs to listen to. Most people agree that classical music or soft jazz, in particular, might be good choices.
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Why does my guinea pig stare at me?

Guinea pigs often stare at people because they want attention. Perhaps piggies need to be cuddled, pet, or you should bring them a toy. They behave this way if they're used to being around humans and have bonded with their owners.
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Do guinea pigs miss their owners?

Yes, of course they will miss you and their normal routine. Our first family piggy back in the 70ies did a big dance of joy every time he came back home after a holiday. Now my piggies always visibly of relax when I come back from a family visit to another country.
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How often should I bathe guinea pigs?

How often should I bathe my guinea pig? Unlike humans, guinea pigs will only ever need a bath approximately 2 to 4 times a year. For hairless varieties, bathing is very rarely encouraged due to their particularly sensitive skin, and their difficulty in regulating their temperature.
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What do guinea pigs think of humans?

However, they have also been shown to demonstrate the same enjoyment for socialization with their human family. When we are in their presence, they want to see, smell and hear us. This means that, yes, guinea pigs do recognize their owners.
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Why is my guinea pig jumping?

When content and running around you may occasionally see your guinea pig jump, twist and jerk, making a grumbling purring noise as they go. This is usually as a display of happiness and if witnessed in a healthy guinea pig, exploring or playing in their environment, then it should be enjoyed as a sign they are happy.
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