Are neural networks generative or discriminative?

A discriminative model is so called because it tries to learn which values x will map to y, so it tries to discriminate among the inputs. Neural networks are an example. It is true that a generative model can be used to compute the conditional probability, but the other way around is not true.
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Are CNN discriminative or generative?

The convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have proven to be a powerful tool for discriminative learning. Recently researchers have also started to show interest in the generative aspects of CNNs in order to gain a deeper understanding of what they have learned and how to further improve them.
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What is a discriminative neural network?

Discriminative models, including neural networks trained. in a way that allows their output to be interpreted as approximate posterior class. probabilities, directly compute the probability of an output given an input.
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What is the difference between a discriminative and a generative model?

Discriminative models draw boundaries in the data space, while generative models try to model how data is placed throughout the space. A generative model focuses on explaining how the data was generated, while a discriminative model focuses on predicting the labels of the data.
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Is decision tree generative or discriminative?

Logistic regression, SVM, and tree based classifiers (e.g. decision tree) are examples of discriminative classifiers. A discriminative model directly learns the conditional probability distribution P(y|x).
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Neural networks [4.4] : Training CRFs - discriminative vs. generative learning

Is Knn generative or discriminative?

KNN is a discriminative algorithm since it models the conditional probability of a sample belonging to a given class. To see this just consider how one gets to the decision rule of kNNs.
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Is LDA generative or discriminative?

LDA is a generative model because it uses the joint probability distribution, P(x,y).
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Is linear regression generative or discriminative?

Examples of discriminative models include: Logistic regression, a type of generalized linear regression used for predicting binary or categorical outputs (also known as maximum entropy classifiers) Boosting (meta-algorithm) Conditional random fields.
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Are all generative models unsupervised?

Generative models are a class of statistical models that generate new data instances. These models are used in unsupervised machine learning to perform tasks such as probability and likelihood estimation, modelling data points, and distinguishing between classes using these probabilities.
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Is Lstm a generative model?

LSTMs can be used as a generative model. Given a large corpus of sequence data, such as text documents, LSTM models can be designed to learn the general structural properties of the corpus, and when given a seed input, can generate new sequences that are representative of the original corpus.
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Is PCA generative or discriminative?

Dimensionality reduction methods can be categorized into two groups: generative (typically unsupervised) and discriminative (typically supervised) methods. One of the most well-known unsupervised dimensionality reduction methods is Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
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Which is are generative models?

A generative model includes the distribution of the data itself, and tells you how likely a given example is. For example, models that predict the next word in a sequence are typically generative models (usually much simpler than GANs) because they can assign a probability to a sequence of words.
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Which of the following is are examples of generative models?

Generative models

Gaussian mixture model (and other types of mixture model) Hidden Markov model. Probabilistic context-free grammar. Bayesian network (e.g. Naive bayes, Autoregressive model)
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What are generative models in deep learning?

A Generative Model is a powerful way of learning any kind of data distribution using unsupervised learning and it has achieved tremendous success in just few years. All types of generative models aim at learning the true data distribution of the training set so as to generate new data points with some variations.
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Are discriminative models unsupervised?

There are two types of Unsupervised Learning: discriminative models and generative models. Discriminative models are only capable of finding the probability of X being there if they have a specific Y, whereas the generative model can tell you the total probability that you're going to see X and Y at the same time.
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Is generative model supervised or unsupervised?

Generative modeling is an unsupervised learning task in machine learning that involves automatically discovering and learning the regularities or patterns in input data in such a way that the model can be used to generate or output new examples that plausibly could have been drawn from the original dataset.
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Are GANs supervised or unsupervised?

GANs are unsupervised learning algorithms that use a supervised loss as part of the training.
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Is Bayesian generative?

A generative model (e.g., naive Bayes) explicitly models the joint probability distribution p(x,y) and then uses the Bayes rule to compute p(y|x). On the other hand, a discriminative model (e.g., logistic regression) directly models p(y|x).
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Is naive Bayes a discriminative model?

A Comparison of Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression

For example, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine and Conditional Random Fields are popular discriminative models; Naive Bayes, Bayesian Networks and Hidden Markov models are commonly used generative models.
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Which machine learning algorithm is discriminative in nature?

Discriminative models in machine learning are: Logistic regression. Support vector machine. Decision tree.
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Is Autoencoder a generative model?

An autoencoder is trained by using a common objective function that measures the distance between the reproduced and original data. Autoencoders have many applications and can also be used as a generative model.
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Is LDA naive Bayes?

LDA is a Bayes classifier, but not a naive Bayes classifier.
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Is Knn better than logistic regression?

Logistic Regression vs KNN :

KNN is comparatively slower than Logistic Regression. KNN supports non-linear solutions where LR supports only linear solutions. LR can derive confidence level (about its prediction), whereas KNN can only output the labels.
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Which of these neural networks is a generative models?

Bayesian Network or Bayes Network is a generative probabilistic graphical model that allows efficient and effective representation of the joint probability distribution over a set of random variables.
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Is Bert a generative model?

BERT has its origins from pre-training contextual representations including semi-supervised sequence learning, generative pre-training, ELMo, and ULMFit. Unlike previous models, BERT is a deeply bidirectional, unsupervised language representation, pre-trained using only a plain text corpus.
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