Are ENTPs easily angered?

The ENTP. ENTPs can be argumentative and direct, but they're less likely to blow up or express anger outwardly. In a national sample, this type was the highest in coping with stress by “Confronting the problem”.
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Can an ENTP be angry?

ENTPs can become angry over many different things, but most of those just become small annoyances for them. Most of the time the things which really leave them feeling angry and on edge, is dealing with ignorant or idiotic people.
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Do ENTPs have tempers?

ENTP. ENTPs try hard not to be short-tempered people, and simply want to let things roll off of them. They don't want to waste their energy becoming frustrated with others, but they do have their breaking points.
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How do you upset an ENTP?

Believing in something that can't be rationally verified or held up to scrutiny seems like a crime to an ENTP. While some ENTPs find superstitions amusing; there are not many who are bound to take them seriously, and they will be puzzled and eventually annoyed if someone tries to push their superstitions onto them.
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Can ENTP be violent?

ENTPs are generally not violent people, simply because it seems like the weak way out of something. They would much rather debate a topic and find verbal ways to beat someone. ENTPs know that they can often talk their way out of a physical altercation, simply because their minds are very powerful.
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how to TRIGGER ENTP? | Philosophy of Anger?

Which MBTI is the scariest when angry?

According to the MBTI® Manual, ISFPs were the type most likely to get upset or angry and show it, as well as the type most likely to get upset or angry and not show it. When I asked ISFPs about this many of them said that they would simply cut off a person who repeatedly made them angry.
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What does ENTP hate?

ENTPs are constantly searching for new ideas and possibilities to explore. They hate to be stifled or have to focus on mundane daily routines. The ENTP wants to be stimulated by new creative options and ideas to think about and discuss and experiment with.
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Are ENTPs passive aggressive?

ENTP. ENTPs are not usually seen as passive aggressive people, and would much rather express things when they feel they need to. ENTPs can often avoid emotions, but will use humor as a way to deflect. They aren't fans of passive aggressive people and can become very frustrated by this.
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What happens if you ignore ENTP?

They do however enjoy spending time with their loved ones, and can become upset if they are ignored for too long. ENTPs are not generally needy people, and truly hate feeling like someone views them this way. If someone doesn't want to pay attention to them, they will usually weed this person out of their lives.
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Do ENTPs hold grudges?

ENTP. ENTPs try not to hold grudges because they don't want to feel held back or blocked up by these feelings. They would rather move forward and try to let go of those negative emotions. While ENTPs might not harbor grudges, they won't forget what someone has done to wrong them.
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Which personality type is impatient?

Characteristics associated with a Type A personality may include operating at a more urgent pace, demonstrating higher levels of impatience, having a more competitive nature, getting upset easily, and associating self-worth with achievement.
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Which MBTI is the most emotional?

ESFP. ESFPs are highly emotional individuals. They feel everything very deeply and the intensity of their emotions is so strong that they can find them completely overwhelming. ESFPs are one of the personality types who are most comfortable with expressing their emotions and sharing their thoughts.
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What is the kindest personality type?

1. ESFJ. People who fit the ESFJ personality type can usually be recognized by their big hearts and kindly manner. ESFJs are warm and welcoming and their love of tradition means they value good old-fashioned manners highly.
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Are ENTPs vengeful?

ENTPs aren't often vengeful people, but they do have moments where their curiosity can take hold. If the ENTP feels like someone is being unjust or taking advantage of someone else, they might step in a bit. This is often to see how the person will respond, or just how far they can go in order to control the situation.
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What is the most mysterious personality type?

The INFJ personality contains many layers and is indeed a trove of secrets. Private and mysterious, INFJs will reveal those layers slowly — if ever at all! Let's dive into some of the “secrets” of the rarest personality type in the world.
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How do you deal with an Entp?

ENTPs are usually comfortable with addressing conflict. Address it head-on, but be prepared to meet them at their energy level; you will likely need to match their intensity to be fully heard. Avoid taking what they say personally - they may let things slip out in the heat of the moment.
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What makes an Enfp angry?

ENFPs are often angered by injustices or feeling like people just don't care about others. Witnessing people without good moral judgement simply going about their lives not caring how they affect others, can become very frustrating for the ENFP.
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Why are INFJs ignored?

INFJs might get ignored, because they trigger existential discomfort in others. As you may know, INFJs are always metaphorically drilling to deeper layers of understanding when it comes to their topics of interest. Abstract, complex subjects which are very paradoxical or “grey” (instead of black vs.
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What drives ENTP crazy?

Here's Who Drives an ENTP Crazy:

You've hurt their feelings just by breathing, and you can hardly see them because the morally-righteous pedestal they've scaled is beyond your line of vision.
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Are ENTPs dramatic?

ENTPs can be a bit dramatic sometimes, but it is purely in jest. They won't enjoy drama that seems to be affecting the lives of others, and truly dislike when people want to drag other people into their theatrics. ENTPs simply enjoy being a little over the top in a playful way, and don't mind having a little fun.
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What is the most aggressive personality type?

Our study, published in Personality and Individual Differences, identified a group of individuals with dark traits who report above average empathic capacities – we call them "dark empaths". Since this study, the dark empath has earned a reputation as the most dangerous personality profile.
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What do ENTPs struggle with?

ENTPs often struggle with understanding and accepting their own emotions, and so they can feel like the enemy for them. They prefer to focus on logic and things they can prove, and so anything not concrete can be a challenge.
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Does ENTP overthink?

ENTPs are naturally overthinkers, which can certainly cause them to exhibit certain OCD-like qualities. This of course, does not mean they actually have OCD, instead it just means like anyone else they can show some behaviors and traits which are similar to those of someone who has obsessive compulsive disorder.
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Do ENTPs like conflict?

ENTPs are rarely afraid of conflict, and can actually be drawn to it. They enjoy exploring different choices and paths, wanting to learn and grow from it.
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Which is the meanest MBTI type?

ENTJ - - many may think the answer is actually INTJ, however the ENTJ is the most ruthless type. It is Because while both xNTJ types are both goal oriented (to the exclusion of everything else..
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