Why is gradient descent efficient?

Gradient descent is an efficient optimization algorithm that attempts to find a local or global minimum of a function. Gradient Descent runs iteratively to find the optimal values of the parameters corresponding to the minimum value of the given cost function, using calculus.
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What is the advantage of gradient descent?

Some advantages of batch gradient descent are its computational efficient, it produces a stable error gradient and a stable convergence. Some disadvantages are the stable error gradient can sometimes result in a state of convergence that isn't the best the model can achieve.
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Why is gradient descent faster?

Batch gradient descent performs redundant computations for large datasets, as it recomputes gradients for similar examples before each parameter update. SGD does away with this redundancy by performing one update at a time. It is therefore usually much faster and can also be used to learn online.
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What does gradient descent optimize?

Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm used to find the values of parameters (coefficients) of a function (f) that minimizes a cost function (cost).
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Why is gradient descent popular?

Gradient Descent is preferred over analytical solutions due to its computational speed and the lack of closed-form solutions for some Regression models. This necessitates the implementation of iterative numerical methods.
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How Gradient Descent Works. Simple Explanation

How does gradient descent helps to optimize linear regression model?

Gradient Descent is an algorithm that finds the best-fit line for a given training dataset in a smaller number of iterations. For some combination of m and c, we will get the least Error (MSE). That combination of m and c will give us our best fit line.
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Is gradient descent greedy?

Gradient descent is an optimization technique that can find the minimum of an objective function. It is a greedy technique that finds the optimal solution by taking a step in the direction of the maximum rate of decrease of the function.
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What do gradients have to do with optimization?

Gradient is a commonly used term in optimization and machine learning. For example, deep learning neural networks are fit using stochastic gradient descent, and many standard optimization algorithms used to fit machine learning algorithms use gradient information.
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Does gradient descent guarantee global minimum?

Gradient Descent is an iterative process that finds the minima of a function. This is an optimisation algorithm that finds the parameters or coefficients of a function where the function has a minimum value. Although this function does not always guarantee to find a global minimum and can get stuck at a local minimum.
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How does gradient descent work in deep learning?

Gradient descent is an iterative optimization algorithm for finding the local minimum of a function. To find the local minimum of a function using gradient descent, we must take steps proportional to the negative of the gradient (move away from the gradient) of the function at the current point.
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Is Newton Raphson always faster than gradient descent?

Gradient Descent always converges after over 100 iterations from all initial starting points. If it converges (Figure 1), Newton's Method is much faster (convergence after 8 iterations) but it can diverge (Figure 2).
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Which gradient descent provides the fastest convergence?

Mini Batch gradient descent: This is a type of gradient descent which works faster than both batch gradient descent and stochastic gradient descent.
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Which is the fastest gradient descent?

Explain:- Mini Batch gradient descent is faster than batch gradient descent and stochastic gradient descent.
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What is the advantage of stochastic gradient descent as compare to batch gradient descent?

SGD can be used when the dataset is large. Batch Gradient Descent converges directly to minima. SGD converges faster for larger datasets.
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What are the benefits and the limitations of using stochastic gradient descent?

Advantages of Stochastic Gradient Descent
  • It is easier to fit into memory due to a single training sample being processed by the network.
  • It is computationally fast as only one sample is processed at a time.
  • For larger datasets it can converge faster as it causes updates to the parameters more frequently.
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What is the advantage of stochastic gradient descent compared to traditional gradient descent?

SGD is stochastic in nature i.e it picks up a “random” instance of training data at each step and then computes the gradient making it much faster as there is much fewer data to manipulate at a single time, unlike Batch GD.
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Is gradient descent optimal?

Gradient Descent is an algorithm which is designed to find the optimal points, but these optimal points are not necessarily global. And yes if it happens that it diverges from a local location it may converge to another optimal point but its probability is not too much.
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Why does gradient descent always find the global minima?

Gradient descent finds a global minimum in training deep neural networks despite the objective function being non-convex. The current paper proves gradient descent achieves zero training loss in polynomial time for a deep over-parameterized neural network with residual connections (ResNet).
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Does gradient descent always decrease loss?

The gradient always points in the direction of steepest increase in the loss function. The gradient descent algorithm takes a step in the direction of the negative gradient in order to reduce loss as quickly as possible.
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Why is gradient descent slow?

Gradient descent is the basic minimization algorithm and for large problems is often unusable because the full gradient calculation is too "expensive" to do every step or perhaps at all.
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How does gradient descent avoid local minima?

Momentum, simply put, adds a fraction of the past weight update to the current weight update. This helps prevent the model from getting stuck in local minima, as even if the current gradient is 0, the past one most likely was not, so it will as easily get stuck.
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What is the time complexity of gradient descent?

Gradient descent has a time complexity of O(ndk), where d is the number of features, and n Is the number of rows. So, when d and n and large, it is better to use gradient descent.
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Is gradient descent a heuristic?

Gradient-based methods are not considered heuristics or metaheuristics.
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What is the goal of gradient descent in regression?

In linear regression, the model targets to get the best-fit regression line to predict the value of y based on the given input value (x).
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What is gradient descent explain what it is and how it works in a linear regression?

Gradient Descent is the process of minimizing a function by following the gradients of the cost function. This involves knowing the form of the cost as well as the derivative so that from a given point you know the gradient and can move in that direction, e.g. downhill towards the minimum value.
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