Why did samurai wear masks?

Samurai masks, called mempo, were facial armor worn by Japanese Samurai warriors. They were made out of leather and iron and were designed not only to protect the warrior's face but also intimidate their enemies.
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When did samurai start wearing masks?

The menpō (half-mask with detachable nosepiece) and the sōmen (full face mask) are believed to have been introduced around the mid to late 15th century, and the hanbō (chinguard) in the second half of the 16th century.
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What was important about a samurai's helmet and mask?

Visual symbols of leadership, these helmets set apart those who were morally accountable for battlefield decisions, according to the samurai code. They could also be used to identify warriors after death, and were part of the military regalia in which they were buried.
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Why was the helmet important to the samurai?

The samurai helmet has the curved sides to protect from short range sword attacks. It is main purpose is to identify the commander and show status and wealth of the daimyo. Not all samurai wore colorful and decorative helmets (kawari kabuto). In the Muromachi period, they were rather simple.
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Why do samurai masks have mustaches?

The samurai mask has mustache and beard. The purpose of the mustache is to give it more natural look and also more war-like look. During the peaceful ego period all the men were asked to shave their beards because having a beard may mean the daimyos want to fight and want to revolt against the shogunate.
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Why Did Samurai Use Masks? How Many Types Existed? What do they mean?

What did the samurai think about death?

“Death before dishonor” was not an empty slogan to the samurai. They lived and died by the strict warrior code, believing that death in battle or even seppuku was preferable to living a life of dishonor.
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Why did samurai not use shields?

A shield was impractical for horseback fighting. Fighting on foot was for the low classes of Japan, their force of ashigaru surrounded the samurai on foot. So basically, two handed spears and bows were hugely popular in Japan and hand held shields aren't particularly useful for archers and spearmen.
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Why did samurai cut their hair?

In this way, the samurai shaved the hair on the top of their head to prevent itching from getting hot when wearing a helmet. To do your own chonmage, shave the hair on the top of the head, tie the remaining hair and fix it with vegetable oil.
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Why do samurai have 2 swords?

The concept of the daisho originated with the pairing of a short sword with whatever long sword was being worn during a particular time period. The tachi would be paired with a tantō, and later the katana would be paired with another shorter katana.
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What does a oni mask symbolize?

An Oni mask is used in the Japanese culture and is a common tattoo choice for those who believe in good and evil forces, as well as different power that surrounds us. This mask is a symbol of protection for those who believe in the spiritual world.
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Are oni masks evil?

While its origins point to the oni being evil, its demon portrayal has mellowed down in recent times. In fact, oni creatures now are sometimes depicted as protective beings. Men would wear costumes during festivals with oni masks to apparently ward off any evil spirits or bad luck.
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Why do samurai helmets have horns?

In pre-Meiji Restoration Japan, some Samurai armor incorporated a horned, plumed or crested helmet. These horns, used to identify military commanders on the battlefield, could be cast from metal, or made from genuine water buffalo horns.
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What did samurai do for fun?

In the 250 years of peace that followed, the elite samurai class no longer waged battles, turning instead to cultural pursuits and leisurely pastimes. Hawking and falconry were popular activities, as were plant cultivation and the art of flower arrangement.
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Why do ninjas cover their faces?

The whole idea of being ninja is about disguise and concealment; you must not stand out. So, they dressed up like common folk in the day. While at night, they still avoided all-black costumes, as it would cast a darker silhouette against the darkness.
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Did samurai have facial hair?

To the early samurai, long and unruly facial hair – or the “horsehair beard” – was considered a sign of intimidation and those unable to grow these bushy symbols of manliness were shunned and ridiculed.
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Why are ponytails disrespectful in Japan?

Japanese schools have banned female students from wearing their hair in ponytails as they fear the “nape of their necks” could “sexually excite” male students.
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Do samurai still exist?

Although samurai no longer exist, the influence of these great warriors still manifests itself deeply in Japanese culture and samurai heritage can be seen all over Japan - be it a great castle, a carefully planned garden, or beautifully preserved samurai residences.
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What does a samurai top knot mean?

It is most commonly associated with the Edo period (1603–1867) and samurai, and in recent times with sumo wrestlers. It was originally a method of using hair to hold a samurai helmet steady atop the head in battle, and became a status symbol among Japanese society.
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What do you call a female samurai?

Onna-musha (女武者) is a term referring to female warriors in pre-modern Japan. These women fought in battle alongside samurai men. They were members of the bushi (samurai) class in feudal Japan and were trained in the use of weapons to protect their household, family, and honour in times of war.
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Is samurai armor bulletproof?

Bullet resistant armours were developed called tameshi gusoku ("bullet tested"), allowing samurai to continue wearing their armour despite the use of firearms.
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Did the samurai use guns?

During it, guns were still manufactured and used by the samurai, but primarily for hunting. It was also a time when the samurai focused more on traditional Japanese arts, with more attention being given to katanas than muskets.
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How did samurai sleep?

The nobility and samurai would also sleep on tatami mats, called goza, while commoners slept on straw or straw mats (like commoners in the West). It wasn't until the late Muromachi period (around the 16th century) that tatami mats were used to cover entire floors.
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What happens if a samurai lost a battle?

If a samurai felt that he had lost his honor (or was about to lose it) according to the rules of bushido, he could regain his standing by committing a rather painful form of ritual suicide, called "seppuku."
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How did samurai stay calm?

Research shows the most powerful way to combat stress or anxiety — to stay calm — is to have a feeling of control. For samurai, training tirelessly and visualizing the worst that could happen gave them a feeling of control while in battle.
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