Why did Fowler come to meet Ausable was he able to achieve his target?

Fowler was a young and romantic writer. He had come to see Ausable know about the life of a secret agent. Fowler was fascinated n by them and thought of them as mysterious and romantic. He was not able to achieve his target as Ausable was a boring man.
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Who was Fowler Why does he come to meet Ausable?

Why had Fowler wanted to meet Ausable? Answer: Fowler was a writer and he had wanted to meet Ausable, a renowned secret agent. Fowler wanted to know how Ausable trackled dangerous situations. He was disappointed when he saw Ausable as he didn't look like what Fowler thought a secret agent should look like.
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Who was Fowler Why did he come to meet Ausable why was Fowler disappointed on meeting Ausable?

Ans : Fowler was a very young and romantic writer. He wanted to meet Ausable, the secret agent to learn how Ausable tackled with some exciting events. He was disappointed because he thought Ausable was an unfit secret agent on account of his fat body and American accent.
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Why did Fowler feel let down when he met Ausable?

Fowler felt let down when he met Ausable because Ausable did not fit into the description of an agent, that Fowler had ever read. Moreover, the place where he stayed was not the setting for a romantic adventure.
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Why did Fowler and Max visit Ausable?

He lived in a small room on the top floor of a French hotel in Paris. Fowler was a young and romantic writer. One day, he visited Ausable in the hope of finding some unusual happenings there. He was also a spy and dealt in espionage and danger.
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class 10 HSLC 5 March important question answer for exam 2021

Who were Ausable and Fowler Where and how did they meet Max?

He was staying in a hotel. A guest named Fowler comes to meet him. Ausable gives an order to the waiter for a bottle of wine and two glasses. When they entered the room, they were surprised to see an intruder named Max in the room.
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What made the Fowler successful in the end?

Expert-verified answer

He acted smart to lift his net over the quails and before they could fly immediately he himself heaped the quails into a basket and took them home. The fowler never lost hope and was never affected by the failure. He tried his best every day to succeed in catching his prey back home.
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How did Fowler feel when he first met Ausable?

Ans. Fowler felt let down and disappointed to meet Ausable. He had a different picture of a secret agent in his mind. He thought they should look to be very mysterious and romantic but he found Ausable a very fat and boring man.
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How did Fowler feel after meeting Ausable *?

Fowler felt rather let down after meeting Ausable.
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What was Fowler's first thrill of the day?

Who is Fowler and what is his first authentic thrill of the day? he would encounter a romantic adventure. His first authentic thrill of the day came when he saw a man in Ausable's room pointing a pistol towards Ausable and himself.
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Did Fowler find this episode thrilling or disappointing give reasons for your answer?

Expert-verified answer

Fowler found the episode very thrilling. He was impressed by the way Ausable got rid of Max with his tactful nature by killing him without doing anything on his own. He told Max about a balcony just below his window and how he was expecting the police any time to protect his report.
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Who was Ausable the meeting between Ausable and Max?

Describe the meeting between Ausable and Max.

Ans: – Max was a secret agent like Ausable. When Ausable entered his room he was startled to find Max in his room with a pistol. It seemed that they had known each other . Ausable thought that Max was in Berlin.
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Who is Fowler a description of his meeting with Ausable Class 10?

Fowler was a writer who came to meet ausible.

His first authentic thrill was when he entered a room to find Max with a pistol demanding papers on missiles. He threatened ausable that he will kill him and ausable tactfully handled him by telling the story of the balcony which never existed.
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Who was Ausable?

Ausable was a secret agent who handled Max cleverly. He told Max that he would complain to the hotel authorities. There was a knock and he said it is the police. Max asked Ausable to send the police back and in the meantime Max would go and wait on the balcony — and this is how Ausable got rid of Max.
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How did Fowler feel after meeting Ausable excited overwhelmed disappointed none of the above?

Explanation: Fowler was excited to meet Ausable because he was expecting to meet a dashing secret agent with dangerous missions and beautiful lady accomplices. But when he met Ausable he was disappointed because he was nothing like the secret agent Fowler had expected.
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Who is Fowler?

Fowler was a writer who had come to meet Ausable. He expected that he would encounter a romantic adventure. His first authentic thrill of the day came when he saw a man in Ausable's room pointing a pistol towards Ausable and himself.
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What was Anil age?

∴ Anil's age is 27 years.
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Who was Max Class 10?

2. Max: Max is a secret agent and a rival and enemy of Ausable. He is slender, a little less than tall. He appears crafty and has a countenance of a fox.
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Who is Horace Danby?

Horace Danby was a fifty year old man who used to collect rare and expensive books by robbing once in a year. He was a lock Smith by profession. He was an unmarried man who used to Stay with a house keeper.
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What happened to Max at the end?

Answer: In a ruined world already tearing itself apart, this was the last thing tethering Max to the remnants of civilization, and severing that final tie set him adrift, which we subsequently saw in The Road Warrior and Beyond Thunderdome. On one hand, he floats through this desolate existence, just surviving.
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How did the Fowler catch the quails class 5th short with answer?

1. How did the fowler catch the quails? Ans. The fowler used to imitate the notes of the quails to attract the birds and after the birds gather at one place, he flung his net over them and catch them.
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How did the Fowler catch the quails class 5th answer?

The fowler used to imitate the note of th quail till the bird had been drawn togather. He flung his net over them and whipped the sides of net together, so as to get them all huddled up in a heap. Then he creamed them them into his basket.
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How did the Fowler catch?

A fowler, who came to catch the quails, used to imitate the note of the quails to attract the birds together. He would fling his net over them to catch them all at once before going home to sell them for a living.
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Who was Max Why was he inside the Ausable room?

Answer. Max was another secret agent. He had a pistol in his hand. He was inside Ausable's room as he wanted to grab the important report on a new missile.
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Who is Fowler briefly describe how Ausable defeated Max's plan to take away the report?

Answer. Answer: Ausable pretended that like there was an balcony so that max could feel that if he was in danger he could jump in the balcony and get away. but when he jumped he fell on the ground and mayhave died and ausable defeated themax scheme.
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