Which is faster list or map?

So a map is really faster if you need to check the key appearance in a collection, and do not need to keep the order (there is a SortedHashMap for that, but I don't know it's performance), but it will take more memory.
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Which is better Map or list?

Use a map when you want your data structure to represent a mapping for keys to values. Use a list when you want your data to be stored in an arbitrary, ordered format.
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Which is faster list or HashMap?

HashMap is faster than HashSet because the values are associated to a unique key. In HashSet , member object is used for calculating hashcode value which can be same for two objects so equals() method is used to check for equality.
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Why Map is faster than list in Java?

HashMap allows duplicate values but does not allow duplicate keys. The ArrayList always gives O(1) performance in best case or worst-case time complexity. The HashMap get() method has O(1) time complexity in the best case and O(n) time complexity in worst case.
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Which one is faster ArrayList or HashMap?

The ArrayList has O(n) performance for every search, so for n searches its performance is O(n^2). The HashMap has O(1) performance for every search (on average), so for n searches its performance will be O(n). While the HashMap will be slower at first and take more memory, it will be faster for large values of n.
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Python - List comprehension vs map function TUTORIAL (speed, lambda, history, examples)

Which is better HashMap or ArrayList Java?

ArrayList stores the elements only as values and maintains internally the indexing for every element. While HashMap stores elements with key and value pairs that means two objects. So HashMap takes more memory comparatively.
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Which is faster and uses less memory in Java?

Which is faster and uses less memory? Enumeration is very basic and meets basic needs.
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What is the difference between list and Map?

Lists:: A list is an ordered collection of elements that are distinguished by their indices. List elements can be of any data type—primitive types, collections, sObjects, user-defined types, and built-in Apex types. A map is a collection of key-value pairs where each unique key maps to a single value.
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Why searching is faster in HashMap?

A HashMap has a constant-time average lookup (O(1)), while a TreeMap 's average lookup time is based on the depth of the tree (O(log(n))), so a HashMap is faster.
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Which is faster ArrayList or LinkedList?

ArrayList is faster in storing and accessing data. LinkedList is faster in manipulation of data.
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Why HashMap is faster than hash table?

HashMap is not synchronized, therefore it's faster and uses less memory than Hashtable. Generally, unsynchronized objects are faster than synchronized ones in a single threaded application.
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Why is HashSet fast?

The result clearly shows that the HashSet provides faster lookup for the element than the List. This is because of no duplicate data in the HashSet. The HashSet maintains the Hash for each item in it and arranges these in separate buckets containing hash for each character of item stored in HashSet.
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Is HashMap synchronized?

HashMap is similar to HashTable in java. The main difference between HashTable and HashMap is that HashTable is synchronized but HashMap is not synchronized.
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Is map in Python fast?

Map is faster in case of calling an already defined function (as no lambda is required).
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What is faster than list comprehension?

For loops are faster than list comprehensions to run functions.
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Is map in Python faster than for loop?

map() works way faster than for loop. Considering the same code above when run in this ide.
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Is hash table faster than array?

Searching over a data structure such as an array presents a linear time complexity of O(n). In other words, as the data structure increases in size, the search time increases in a linear fashion. Simply put, using a hash table is faster than searching through an array.
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Why HashTable is faster than ArrayList?

HashTable is a Collection of Key Value Pair. Each object in the HashTable is defined by a Key and Value. Generally the ArrayList is quicker than the HashTable to insert elements in some cases. But when you have to lookup for an element the HashTable (using the key to search) is faster than the ArrayList.
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Which operation is faster in hashing than array?

In cases where I have a key for each element and I don't know the index of the element into an array, hashtables perform better than arrays (O(1) vs O(n)). The hash table search performs O(1) in the average case.
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Which is faster HashMap or LinkedHashMap?

HashMap as do not maintain any insertion order of its elements hence is faster as compare to TreeMap also do not sort its elements on the basis of its value so also faster than LinkedHashMap. LinkedHashMap is faster as compare to TreeMap but is slower than HashMap.
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Is Set faster than list Java?

Generally the lists are faster than sets. But in the case of searching for an element in a collection, sets are faster because sets have been implemented using hash tables.
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Which is faster uses less memory?

Answer is DATAREADER as it fetches only one row at a time whereas Dataset stores it as a table as whole.so it need much more network resourses.
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How does ArrayList increase in size?

The load factor is the measure that decides when to increase the capacity of the ArrayList. The default load factor of an ArrayList is 0.75f. For example, current capacity is 10. So, loadfactor = 10*0.75=7 while adding the 7th element array size will increase.
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Which leads to high network traffic?

4. Which of the following leads to high network traffic? Explanation: WRL rewriting requires large data transfer to and from the server which leads to network traffic and access may be slow. 5.
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