When do you plant peas?

The best time to plant peas is as soon as the ground is thawed and can be worked in late winter or early spring. Peas can also be a fall crop in many areas. They can be planted in the late summer or early fall, especially in areas where spring warms too quickly for good pea production.
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Can you plant peas out now?

Pea seeds can be sown directly into the soil outdoors from February through to June. If the weather is unseasonably cold, start your peas off in a greenhouse or on a sunny windowsill, and transfer your seedlings into the garden when temperatures rise.
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How long does it take to grow pea?

Most varieties of peas are ready to harvest 60 to 70 days after planting. Peas mature quickly, so check daily once you see the flowers in bloom. Pick snow peas when the delicate pods begin to show immature seeds inside.
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When should green peas be planted?

Peas thrive in cool, damp weather, making them an ideal candidate for early spring planting. In mild climates, you can also plant for a fall harvest, but spring plantings generally yield more. Get peas in the ground as soon as possible in early spring, once the soil temperature reaches at least 45 degrees.
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When should peas and beans be planted?

Unlike the tender beans above peas are more hardy plants and can be sown outside in late March/early May with a second sowing in late May. I prefer to get them in early as you are more likely to avoid the common pea troubles, powdery mildew and pea moth caterpillars prevalent from July onwards.
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How to Plant Peas Like a PRO- When to plant, which seed type and how deep to plant pea seeds

Can I grow peas in summer?

Growing Sugar Snap Peas in Summer

Another way to enjoy peas in the middle of summer is to try to grow pea shoots. Grow them indoors on a windowsill as long as the outdoor temperature is above 70 F, or sow them outdoors as temperatures begin to cool.
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Can you plant peas and tomatoes together?

Members of the Brassica family such as cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cabbage are all suitable pea plant companions. These plants also pair nicely with peas in the garden: Corn. Tomatoes.
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How cold can peas tolerate?

How Low of a Temperature Can Peas Stand? Peas are able to do just fine in temperatures as low as 28 degrees F. (-2 C.) If temperatures don't fall below this mark, peas and pea seedlings will be just fine.
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Do peas need full sun?

Peas and Beans

Peas and green beans like cooler temperatures. They need some sun (about four to five hours per day) to produce flowers and pods, but they tend to fade out as the temperature warms. Planting them in a cool shady spot will lengthen your growing season.
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What should not be planted near peas?

Plants in the allium (onion and garlic) family are not good partners for peas because they tend to stunt the growth of peas.
Plants to Avoid Planting Near Peas
  • Onions.
  • Garlic.
  • Leeks.
  • Shallots.
  • Scallions.
  • Chives.
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What is the fastest growing vegetable?

1. Radishes. Radishes are one of the fastest vegetables, taking just three to four weeks to reach harvest time. They're also exceptionally easy to grow.
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Should you soak peas before planting?

According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, you should soak pea seeds before planting, as it will help germination. A good rule of thumb is to soak the seeds in water overnight prior to planting. This will make them grow faster.
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Do peas need to climb?

Peas come in two heights: bush peas and climbing peas. All benefit from some kind of support. Though bush peas are only 2 to 3 feet tall, they will flop on the ground if you don't give them something to climb on. Climbing peas may reach 6 to 8 feet tall and they need a sturdy trellis.
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Can I plant peas in pots?

Peas are a versatile crop that can be grown in raised beds or borders, and equally will live happily in pots on the patio or balcony. Though they require a little effort, they are not difficult to grow, so give peas a chance in your kitchen garden plans.
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Should I start peas indoors?

To get your peas off to a good start and won't have to worry about pesky birds, rotting seeds or problems when transplanting, start your peas indoors. With only a few items you can germinate your pea seeds today and in a week have them in the garden.
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How do you grow peas in the winter?

It is known for its excellent winter hardiness and produces numerous small, but well-filled, pods. Sow seeds 5cm deep in drills, 10-15cm apart, with 45-60cm between rows. The wide row-spacing allows you to get between them to pick.
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Do pea plants need a lot of water?

Water deeply once a week. Never allow the soil to dry out totally or you'll drastically reduce pea production. The critical time for watering is when the plants are blossoming and producing pods. When pods are maturing in hot weather, water daily if needed to maintain pod quality.
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Do I need to cover peas?

Sowing Peas

Mice love peas, while pigeons like to nip off the tender young shoots. This is one reason to sow them under cover, where you can keep an eye on them!
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What is the best fertilizer for peas?

Peas prefer low-nitrogen, high-phosphorus, high-potassium fertilizer such as 5-10-10. In 5-10-10 fertilizer the “5” indicates the fertilizer contains 5% nitrogen. The first “10” in 5-10-10 indicates there is 10% phosphorus in the fertilizer.
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Will pea plants survive a frost?

Growth and Pea Production

Young pea plants can survive light frosts, which are classified as air temperatures between 28 and 32 degrees Fahrenheit. These light frosts are actually beneficial to young frost-hardy pea plants, encouraging more vigorous growth and more pods, Cornell University also notes.
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Will frost hurt peas?

Peas are frost-hardy, cool-season vegetables that can be grown in areas where there is a long, cool growing season. Peas can be classified as garden peas, snap peas or snow peas. Since peas are a cool-season vegetable, they will be fine if exposed to a light frost, although a hard frost may damage the blossoms.
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Can you plant peas in the same place every year?

Though peas and other members of the bean family are beneficial garden crops as they add nitrogen back to the soil at the end of every growing season, planting peas in the same location every year is still not recommended.
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What to plant with tomatoes to keep bugs away?

More Herbs & Flowers to Plant with Tomatoes to Keep Bugs Away: Don't just stop at planting Marigolds with your tomatoes. For further protection from pest bugs, you can also plant basil, beans, bee balm, borage, sweet alyssum, chives, garlic, nasturtium, mint, anise, onion, and parsley.
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What to plant after peas?

The most popular vegetable to plant after peas is cucumbers, which often can be trained up the same trellis used by the peas. Indeed, members of the squash family quickly make themselves at home in pea soil, and the same is true of root crops like carrots and parsnips.
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How far apart do you plant pea plants?

Spacing Requirements

Seeds should be planted at a depth of ½–1 inch and between 2–3 inches apart. Space rows of peas at least 18 inches apart.
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