What is the other title of an Apologie for poetry given to it by another publisher?

While The Defense of Poesy is well known, it is also referred to as “An Apology for Poetry”. Sidney wrote this in 1579, however died before it was published in 1595.
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What is the another title of An Apology for Poetry?

Sir Philip Sidney's An Apology for Poetry, also known as The Defence of Poesy, was written in 1579-80). It has at least one great claim to fame: it's the first work of 'literary criticism' in English.
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What is the other title of an Apologie for poetry given to it by another publisher?

His “The Defence of Poesy” was originally published under two different titles, The Defence of Poesie and An Apologie for Poetrie.
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What is the theme of An Apology for Poetry?

There are so many Themes in Apology of Poetry by Philip Sidney that are Significance of poetry, Defense of poetry, Criticism on contemporary tragedy and comedy, The superiority of poetry over history and philosophy, Poetry and religion and theme of Nationalism.
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Why does Philip Sidney in An Apology for Poetry shed light on the creator rather than on the creation?

The "fore-conceit to which Sidney refers reveals his tendency towards creator rather than creation - "the poet hath that idea"- and there is power which enables man to "learn why and how that maker made him." A physical reference is far stronger than a purely spiritual one, enabling man to act against his "infected ...
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HSST English classes for Literary criticism Module 13

Who is called the poet's poet?

Spenser was called "the Poet's Poet" by Charles Lamb, and was admired by John Milton, William Blake, William Wordsworth, John Keats, Lord Byron, Alfred Tennyson and others.
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What according to Sydney is the value and purpose of poetry?

Poetry, according to Sidney, is an art of imitation, a representing, counterfeiting, or figuring forth; to speak metaphorically, a speaking picture, with this end,—to teach and delight.
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Why does Sidney prefer poetry to history and philosophy in an apology for poetry?

In Sidney's view, poetry is superior to philosophy and history because of its ability to present vivid, compelling examples to the reader not simply of what has been or will be, but what should be. The philosopher can only articulate an abstract description of an ethical principle.
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Who coined the term mimesis?

Plato deals with the value of 'mimesis'. Aristotle is the first to deal with 'mimesis' as a theory of art. He dwells on the concept of 'mimesis' as an aesthetic theory of art and 'considers imitation in terms of the form in which it is embodied'16.
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What does Longinus mean by puerility?

Puerility (from the Latin puer--boy) is the fault Longinus associates with pedants: it is comprised of "learned trifling," a hair-splitting (often seen in the pages of College English, and anything coming out of an MLA convention) which becomes "tawdry and affected." Parenthyrsus is the expression of false, empty, or ...
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How does Sir Philip Sidney an apology for poetry related to Aristotle and Plato?

He maintains that poetry is good because it is rational, not because it is divinely inspired. In this sense, Sidney's "Apology for Poetry" addresses misconceptions about Platonic and Aristotelian ideas as much as it expresses support for specific neo-Platonic and Aristotelian stances about poetry.
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What is poetry according to Wordsworth?

According to a well defined definition of poetry by Wordsworth that “Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful passion”. Internal feelings of the poet proceeds poetry. It is a matter of feeling and temperament. True poetry cannot be written without proper mood and temperament.
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Who called the poet a Vates?

This agrees with Sidney, who in The Defence of Poesie asserts: Among the Romans a poet was called vates, which is as much as a diviner, foreseer, or prophet (Duncan-Jones 214).
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How does Wordsworth define poetry?

Wordsworth also gives his famous definition of poetry as "the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility", and calls his own poems in the book "experimental". A fourth and final edition of Lyrical Ballads was published in 1805.
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Why does Sidney refer to pugliano?

He compares his knowledge of poetry to that of the knowledge Pugliano has about his horses. People respect Pugliano because he has spent so much time tending the horses and studying them. Sidney then calls his audience to wonder why Poets aren't respected in the same way for understanding their craft.
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Who said poetry is mother of lies?

The philosopher who called poetry "Mother of all Lies" is Plato, who banished poetry from his ideal world.
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How does Sidney distinguish poetry from philosophy?

Quoting Aristotle, Sidney says that poetry is more philosophical and more serious than history. Poetry is superior to philosophy because it has the power to stir or move the mind of the reader in a way philosophy cannot do. The poet wins the mind of the reader.
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How does Sidney defend poetry in an apology for poetry?

Sidney's replies to these objections:

He says that “no learning is so good as that teacheth and moveth to virtue, and that none can both teach virtue, and thereto as much as poetry”. (b) His answer to the second objection that poets are liers is that of all writers under the sun the poet is the least lier.
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What are the special claims for poetry made by Sir Philip Sidney?

Sidney writes, “There is no art delivered to mankind that hath not the works of nature for his principal object , without which they could not consist, and on which they so depend, as they become actors and players, as it were, of what nature will have set forth.” He claims that poetry could not exist without nature as ...
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What is a male poet called?

'Poet' is uses for male poem writers and 'poetess' for female, in very strict terms.
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Why is Spenser called poets?

Edumund Spenser was (and is) called "the poet's poet" because of the very high quality of his poetry and because he enjoyed "the pure artistry of his craft" so much. He is also called that because so many other poets thought that he was a great poet.
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Who is called Cavalier poets?

The best known of the cavalier poets are Robert Herrick, Richard Lovelace, Thomas Carew, and Sir John Suckling. Most of the cavalier poets were courtiers, with notable exceptions.
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What is Wordsworth most famous poem?

Selected Poems is a collection of Wordsworth's most acclaimed and influential works, from his best known poem, 'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud', to an extract from his magnum opus The Prelude.
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Why is Wordsworth called as a poet of nature?

Wordsworth was called by Shelly “Poet of nature”. He, too, called himself “A Worshiper of Nature”. He held a firm faith that nature could enlighten the kindheartedness and universal brotherhood of human being, and only existing in harmony with nature where man could get true happiness.
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