What is a drone comb?

Drone comb is the raised cells you will see in a hive, these have drone pupu in them. The drones are the male bees of the colony, drones main role in life is to mate with virgin queens, and also help spread the queens pheromone throughout the hive.
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Should you remove drone comb?

"There is no point in removing drone comb, the bees will just replace it!" "Bees will only raise as many drones as they need!"
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What does a lot of drone comb mean?

Too many drones in the hive means that your queen wasn't mated properly and is only laying unfertilized eggs. Drone cells are easy to recognize. They are domed and larger than worker bee cells.
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What does drone comb look like?

Drone comb looks more like an eraser at the end of a pencil. Again this comb had a band of capped honey at the top and the darker cells are capped honey. This is a challenging identification but the slightly darker cells are capped honey and the remaining capped cells are capped drone comb.
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Why is my hive making queen cells?

This can happen when the queen is aging or ill, has run out of genetic material needed to fertilize her eggs, or has died. To keep up the colony numbers, the bees produce a new queen to take over the responsibility of laying eggs.
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beekeeping for beginners. Drone comb. Entire frame of drone brood what to do.

What does healthy brood look like?

The pattern of brood, pollen and honey is often described as a rainbow, such is the pattern it makes. The cap on brood cells should be smooth and slightly convex (this is more pronounced with drone cells). If the caps are sunken, rather than raised, then this could indicate a disease.
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Should I destroy drone cells?

In many cases most of the equipment should be destroyed since a large percentage of worker cells have been transformed to drone cells. You can however scrape all remaining drone brood and place the frame into a strong colony and it may be fine.
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Why are my bees making drones?

If you do a hive inspection in the spring and see the presence of drones, this means that it's swarming season. This is the time when you need to start watching your hive for swarming activity. Drones mean that a new queens will be looking to mate and possibly take half the hive with her.
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Do drone bees come out of the hive?

Any drones left get booted out of the hive. In fall, it is common to see drones being pulled out by worker bees or drones lying dead in the grass. By winter, there should be few to no drones left in the colony. Once the days become warmer and flowers start to bloom again, worker bees start to raise drones.
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Where should I place my drone comb?

The concept is simple: insert a frame of drone comb into a colony at the edge of the brood nest, allow the queen to fill it with drone eggs, wait while the mites infest the cells, then remove the frame before the mites emerge.
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Why do Varroa mites prefer drones?

Varroa mites prefer to breed in drone brood. Drones take 24 days to develop whereas workers take 21, so drones give the mites time to fit in more breeding cycles. The mites identify the drone brood by its different smell, which is a result of the more protein rich diet fed to drones.
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How do you get rid of drone bees?

b) Cutting: Without a plastic foundation, the drone comb can be removed by cutting it from the frame using a hive tool or knife. Dispose of the drone brood away from the bee yard. The frame can be placed back in the colony immediately afterward.
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How much drone brood is normal?

Registered. In the summer 10% drone brood is normal. If you remove it they will make more. If you add some from another hive they will adjust it down to what they want.
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Does drone trapping work?

Drone trapping is a great way to reduce the number of Varroa mites, without the use of chemicals, during the honey production season. It is based on the life cycle of the Varroa mite, and the mite's preference for drone brood.
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How do you encourage bees to build a comb?

Beekeepers commonly feed growing colonies sugar syrup in order to encourage them to build comb—typically to “draw out” frames of foundation. The question then is whether bees will draw out more foundation if they were being fed concentrated or dilute sugar syrup.
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Do drone bees sting?

Drones are male bees and their sole purpose is to mate with the queen: they don't work, don't make honey and can't sting. Since a queen only needs to mate once, most of the drones won't even get the chance to fulfil their role. But worker bees keep them around, just in case a new queen needs mating.
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Do queen bees mate with drones from their own hive?

A virgin queen bee will never mate inside of her own hive as she needs to take flight to mate. By mating during flight, a queen bee is able to increase the odds that she will mate with drones that did not originate from her own colony, and thereby minimize the chances of inbreeding appearing in the next generation.
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Do drone bees collect nectar?

A drone bee is the only type of adult male bee in the hive, and he is entirely reliant on female worker bees to stay fed and alive. Drones do not collect pollen and nectar, nor do they make honey or royal jelly—they must receive all food from their “sisters” to survive.
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Do drones eat honey?

Even eating itself is relaxing, because young drones do not even feed themselves! When drones are born they quickly learn how to solicit workers for food – especially nurse bees, which will feed them a mixture of honey, pollen and brood food.
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How many drone bees are in a hive?

Honey bee colonies contain three distinct types, or castes, of individuals. Each hive contains a single female queen, tens of thousands of female workers, and anywhere from several hundred to several thousand male drones during the spring and summer months.
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What is drone brood?

Drone brood is defined as male bees developing in wax comb cells from unfertilized eggs by a process known as parthenogenesis. The development of drones (24 days) is longer than that of queens and workers (16 and 21 days, respectively) [21].
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Will bees move honey to make room for brood?

The bees will move honey “upstairs” to the supers if it's available. Beekeepers can then harvest honey from only the supers, leaving honey in the brood boxes for the bees to use in winter. Expanding the space in this way also challenges the bees and might help prevent a swarm.
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How often should you check a beehive?

For beginning beekeepers, an inspection every seven to 10 days during spring and summer is a good target. Inspecting more than weekly will make your bees unhappy by disrupting hive activity and setting them back a day. Inspection is best conducted on a moderately warm, dry day—above 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
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How many frames of brood should a hive have?

A queen should lay between 5 to 7 frames of brood in 21 days. As honey and pollen build up that may increase to 8 or nine( not more brood, just less per frame due to space taken by pollen and honey). I have seen Hawaiin Cordovans that layed out 10 frames and never left a cell for pollen and nectar.
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