What happened on April 5th night?

On April 5, with the American army approaching, the Nazis decide to annihilate all the Jews left in the camp. Daily, thousands of Jews are murdered. On April 10, with about 20,000 people remaining in the camp, the Nazis decide to evacuate—and kill—everyone left in the camp.
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What did the prisoners do when they were freed Night Chapter 9?

What did the prisoners do when they were freed? They went to find food.
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What day does Elie say the wheel of history turned?

"On April 5, the wheel of history turned." It was late afternoon. We were standing inside the block, waiting for an SS to come and count us. He was late." This is the beginning of the end of the Nazi rule over the Jewish people in Europe.
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What happened in chapter 9 of night?

Eliezer gets food poisoning and spends a couple of weeks recovering in the hospital, hovering between life and death. When he is better, Eliezer looks at himself in the mirror. He sees a corpse. That vision of himself has stayed with him forever.
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How does Elie feel after the death of his father?

How does Elie feel after the death of his father? Elie felt numb and was extremely upset about the death of his father but he could not cry for him, for he had no tears left. Why do the Germans decide to "liquidate" Buchenwald and evacuate the prisoner?
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What Happened On The Night Of April 9? Imran Khan's Removal | Army Chief General Bajwa

What were Chlomo's last words?

Shlomo says his final word that night and it was, "Eliezer". The next morning Shlomo's body is no longer in his bunk.
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What happened at the end of the book night?

Night's final line, in which Eliezer looks at himself in the mirror and sees a “corpse,” suggests that Eliezer's survival is a stroke of luck, a strange coincidence, no cause for rejoicing.
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What happened in Night Chapter 5?

Chapter 5 of Elie Wiesel's novel Night, opens with Elie reflecting on how he is disillusioned about God allowing such cruelty to be brought upon the Jewish people. He and his father decide to not celebrate Rosh Hashanah, known as the Jewish New Year, and refuse to fast for Yom Kippur.
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What is the last sentence in the book night?

From the depths of the mirror, a corpse gazed back at me. The look in his eyes, as they stared into mine, has never left me. This is the final passage of Night, Eliezer's final statement about the effect the Holocaust has had on him.
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What happened in Chapter 7 in night?

Chapter 7 of Night

They endure harsh elements and bitter cold as they travel for ten days to another concentration camp in Buchenwald. Throughout the ten-day journey from Buna to Buchenwald, the prisoners are doing the best they can to survive by eating only snow; even their own will to remain strong is fading.
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Who died in the wagon in Night?

When the train arrives at Buchenwald, only twelve out of the 100 men who were in Eliezer's train car are still alive. Meir Katz is among the dead.
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What is the main purpose of Night?

Elie wrote it with passion and purpose and therefore has been able to have an impact in the world. Elie Wiesel wrote Night to teach the world a lesson about dehumanizing people, not remaining mute, and the loss of religion.
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What is Kabbalah in Night?

Kabbalah (or kabbala or cabbala or cabala): a body of mystical teachings of rabbinical origin, often based on an esoteric interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures. Kaddish: a Jewish prayer recited in the daily synagogue services and by mourners after the death of a close relative.
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Do the released prisoners think of revenge night?

Do the released prisoners think of revenge? Why/why not? The prisoners do not think of revenge because they were so blinded by the abundant supply of bread to care about anything else.
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What do the Germans decide to do with the prisoners?

What did the Germans decide to do with the prisoners? They were all to be evacuated (sent to the gas chambers), ten blocks each day.
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What do the prisoners never think of after being liberated?

What do the prisoners never think of after being liberated? The prisoners never think of revenge after being liberated. What does Elie call himself after he looks in the mirror? Elie calls himself a corpse, after he looks in the mirror.
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Is Night a true story?

Night is a memoir based on real events, so it is classified as nonfiction. When Elie Wiesel wrote Night, he described his own experiences in Auschwitz...
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Why is Night called Night?

By Elie Wiesel

The title refers to the consistent night metaphor Elie Wiesel employs throughout the book. "Night" refers to the darkness of life, mind, and soul experienced by all who suffered in Nazi concentration camps during World War II.
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What is the most important quote in Night?

Never shall I forget that nocturnal silence which deprived me, for all eternity, of the desire to live. Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. Never shall I forget these things, even if I am condemned to live as long as God Himself.
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Who died in chapter 5 of Night?

He's the only one who's kept his promises . . . to the Jewish people.” Akiba Drumer's death makes it painfully clear that humankind requires faith and hope to live. After losing his faith, Drumer resigns himself to death.
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What happened to anyone who could not keep up with the march?

Terms in this set (7) What happened to anyone who could not keep up with the march? Anyone who could not keep up with the march was shot on the spot by the Nazi SS.
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What is the symbolic meaning of Night in chapter 5?

Night is a clear symbol fear to Elie. It is very significant. The title of the book refers to the fear and safety that the cover of night brings. Night is the time when the SS came for the prominent Jews in the communities both before the Jews were evacuated to the concentration camps and also in the camps themselves.
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What happens during the death March in night?

During these death marches, the SS guards brutally mistreated the prisoners. Following their explicit orders, they shot hundreds of prisoners who collapsed or could not keep pace on the march, or who could no longer disembark from the trains or ships. Thousands of prisoners died of exposure, starvation, and exhaustion.
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Why did Eliezer's father smile?

Eliezer and his dad work to keep each other awake. Eliezer's father smiles at him, and Eliezer wonders from which world the smile comes. This is his admission that his father hovers between life and death.
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What is the slogan for Auschwitz *?

KEY BACKGROUND. “Arbeit Macht Frei,” a German phrase translating to “work sets you free,” was a slogan displayed at Nazi concentration camps like Auschwitz and Dachau.
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