What does Aunt Beast tell Meg helps the beasts in the fight against the black thing?

Aunt Beast tells Meg that she finds it very difficult to communicate in Meg's language. Nonetheless, she tries to explain that the beasts live on a planet called Ixchel, another of the planets struggling against the Dark Thing. She then sings to Meg a beautiful song that sets Meg at peace with herself and the world.
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How did Aunt Beast help Meg?

Murry tessers himself, Calvin, and Meg away from Camazotz in a desperate attempt to save themselves from IT and Meg is subsequently injured, Aunt Beast is one of the tentacle beasts native to the planet they then land on who nurses Meg back to help. She is kind and loving, and helps to heal Meg's body and mind.
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What does Meg realize about the beasts?

What does Meg realize about the beasts? Meg realizes that the beasts are nice, they can't see, and they have senses and furry creatures.
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What does Aunt Beast Meg learn?

Meg learns from Aunt Beast not only that she can keep fighting, but that she should. This is where Aunt Beast comes in. In the book, Meg's father tessers himself, her, and Calvin out of Camazotz to the first non-dark planet he can find, after a failed attempt to save Charles Wallace.
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What does Meg have a hard time explaining to Aunt Beast?

Meg has a hard time explaining the concept of sight, including light and dark, to Aunt Beast. “Well it's what things look like,” Meg said helplessly. “We do not know what things look like, as you say,” the beast said.
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Pokémon Caught In Real Life

How does Meg defeat it?

In A Wrinkle in Time, Meg defeats IT with love. She rescues her father from IT, but in the process, her brother Charles Wallace is left behind in IT's...
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What does Aunt Beast look like in A Wrinkle in Time book?

The beasts are tall and walk upright. Their faces have slits where the eyes, nose, and mouth ought to be. From four arms extend tentacles rather than fingers. Soft gray fur covers their bodies.
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Why do the beasts take Meg?

The beasts seem surprised that Calvin and the Murrys are not used to meeting beings from other planets. They tell their guests that they must entrust Meg to their care because she is extremely vulnerable and weak.
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What color Is Aunt Beast?

Aunt Beast, who has no eyes or head can only communicate with Meg via telepathy, but she helps Meg prepare for the battle to come. They were the same dull gray color as the flowers.
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Why do you think Meg finally trusts the beast?

Because it is her brother and the one person who understands her.
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Why is the name Aunt Beast a good one for this alien creature?

Also, like the creatures in Arrival, Aunt Beast also has tentacles and is very loving and soothing. Her name is actually chosen by Meg telepathically as a portmanteau of a term of familiar endearment (aunt) and the creature's somewhat freaky appearance (beast.)
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How did the creature heal Meg?

If so, how? Meg was healed by Aunt Beast's tenderly love and care. Aunt Beast rubbed lotions and bathed Meg. Aunt Beast also provided warmth and food for Meg.
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How old is Meg in a wrinkle in time?

The main character is thirteen-year-old Meg Murry, who is regarded by her peers and teachers as a bad-tempered underachiever. Her family recognizes her problem as a lack of emotional maturity but also regards her as being capable of great things.
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What planet was Aunt Beast on?

Aunt Beast is one of the alien creatures that inhabits Ixchel, the planet the Murrys and Calvin land on after tessering off Camazotz.
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Is Aunt Beast in A Wrinkle in Time Movie?

In Madeleine L'Engle's original novel, Meg Murry is saved at one point by a creature identified as Aunt Beast, but that sequence didn't make it into the theatrical version of the movie.
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What is the black thing in the book A Wrinkle in Time?

The Black Thing is Madeleine L'Engle's name for evil in A Wrinkle in Time. It appears as a dark shadow surrounding certain planets in the universe. Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin must fight the Black Thing in order to rescue Mr.
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What reason does Aunt Beast give for Meg's anger at her father?

Why is she so angry? Because they left Charles Wallace behind. She thought that by finding her father he would make the situation all better, but he didn't. Describe the qualities of the "beasts".
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What did Calvin admit he would do if the beasts ever appeared on planet Earth?

The beast asks Calvin what his planet would do if three of the beasts suddenly turned up. Calvin replies that the humans would probably shoot them.
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What happens in Chapter 12 of A Wrinkle in Time?

In Chapter 12 of A Wrinkle in Time, Meg is back on the planet Ixchel with the celestial beings: Mrs Whatsit, Mrs Which, and Mrs. Who as well as Aunt Beast. Meg's father, Mr. Murry, and her popular classmate, Calvin, are also there.
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Why is Meg angry Chapter 11?

Meg is still very upset and disappointed with her father about the fact that he left Charles Wallace on Camazotz.
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What happened in chapter 10 of A Wrinkle in Time?

In this chapter, L'Engle demonstrates that evil is not merely external, as Meg would like to believe. Meg unfairly blames her father for failing to rescue Charles Wallace; although she fails to realize it, her self-righteous accusation is characterized by the same evil exuded by IT and the Black Thing.
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What was Meg's reaction to the Tesseract?

Explain Meg's reaction to the "Tesseract". She can hear her father and Calvin talking, but she cannot respond back. It sounds like they are talking through ice. Her heart stops, but slowly begins again.
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How does Mr Murry help Meg on the journey back to Camazotz?

Mr. Murray helps his daughter, Meg, on her journey back to Camazotz by telling her that he will be brave.
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What do the beasts on Ixchel use to communicate?

4. What do the beasts on Ixchel use to communicate?
  • Their soft facial indentations.
  • Their numerous tentacles.
  • Their layers of soft fur.
  • Their flapping wings.
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