What age can you give chickens vegetables?

We strongly recommend that you wait until your chickens reach 3-4 months of age before allowing them to enjoy kitchen scraps. Chicks have very specific nutritional needs during their first few months of growth, and offering too many treats can lead to an imbalance in their diet.
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At what age can baby chickens eat vegetables?

Once the baby chickens are at least a week old, they can be fed a mixture of cracked corn, wheat, oatmeal and fat-free meat. Make sure the corn is broken down into small pieces; place in a food processor if necessary. Greens are not recommended until the chicks are older as they can cause diarrhea.
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How old do chickens have to be to eat lettuce?

You should not give salad leaves to baby chicks until they are at least 4 or 6 weeks old. Chicks and growing chickens need time for their systems to be able to cope with other foods and you are best served feeding them the proper diet.
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What Age Can chickens eat carrots?

From what age can you feed chickens carrots? Baby chicks can have soft cooked carrot from as early as day three if they will eat it. With young chickens, giving them foods they are not used to often results in chaos as one picks up a piece and runs around with while the rest chase.
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Can 8 week old chickens eat fruit?

Baby chicks can eat fruit, and they especially love strawberries. Strawberries contain many vitamins and minerals, namely iron, copper, magnesium, Vitamin B and potassium.
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5 Things To Feed Your Chickens So They Lay Eggs All Year

What do 2 month old chickens eat?

Chicks should be fed the same chick starter-grower feed until week 18, when you will transition to a Purina® complete layer feed. These starter-grower feeds are formulated to provide all 38 unique nutrients your baby chicks need to start strong and stay strong – no need to supplement.
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What can 6 week old chickens eat?

With the Purina® Flock Strong® Feeding Program, keep chicks on the same feed from day 1 to week 18. Our starter-grower feeds are formulated to provide all 38 essential nutrients chicks need from day 1 to week 18. Continue to offer the same complete chick starter feed you've been feeding since day 1.
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What Age Can chickens eat tomatoes?

However, baby chicks shouldn't eat tomatoes, particularly too much ripe potatoes. Wait for the baby chicks to be a couple of weeks old before introducing tomatoes to their regular diet. Overly, one-month-old chickens can eat tomatoes without getting diarrhea or other digestive problems.
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What Age Can chickens eat scraps?

We strongly recommend that you wait until your chickens reach 3-4 months of age before allowing them to enjoy kitchen scraps. Chicks have very specific nutritional needs during their first few months of growth, and offering too many treats can lead to an imbalance in their diet.
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What Age Can chickens eat apples?

If you are going to serve young chicks apples, it is best to wait until they are at least 1 week old. Dice the apple flesh into little pieces to make it easier to consume. Always offer regular chicken feed first and then treats after. Make sure treats are not more than 10% of a chickens daily diet.
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At what age can chickens eat strawberries?

Can Chicks Eat Strawberries? Now that we know that strawberries are safe for your older chickens. Let's see if it's also safe for the young ones. Before we answer that, it is always good to remember that chicks should be kept on the starter feed at least until the 6th week.
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What do 4 week old chickens eat?

With the Purina® Flock Strong® Feeding Program, keep chicks on the same feed from day 1 to week 18. Our starter-grower feeds are formulated to provide all 38 essential nutrients chicks need from day 1 to week 18. Continue to offer the same complete starter-grower feed you've been feeding since day 1.
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What do 10 week old chickens eat?

STARTER FEED, Day 1 to 18 weeks (Chicks)

Day-old chicks through 18 weeks old require starter feed, aka starter crumbles, containing 20% protein. Starter feed contains the highest percentage of protein a layer will ever consume, which makes sense given their astronomical rate of growth in the first few months of life.
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Can baby chickens eat carrots?

They are safe for chickens when they're completely raw or cooked. That said, cooking carrots does kill some of their nutrients, so giving cooked carrots to your chickens might not provide as many of the beneficial nutrients that they'd get from eating carrots raw.
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What can baby chickens eat besides feed?

Homemade Chick Starter Feed

Eggs have the protein and vitamins baby chicks need, and lots of selenium, an important mineral that is not found in many other foods. As they get bigger your chicks can start eating leafy greens like alfalfa, clover, spinach, lettuce or cabbage.
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At what age can chickens eat sunflower seeds?

Sunflower seeds are not to be given to baby chickens. They should not be included in the chicken diet of birds aged below 30 days or one month old after they have been hatched. Above that age, you may add a few sunflower seeds to your chicks' feed. This should be done mainly with mixed feed.
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What do 16 week old chickens eat?

Your 4 month old chickens (16 weeks), should be eating Purina® Start & Grow® feed. All Purina® complete chick starter feeds are higher in protein, lower in calcium and formulated to provide all the nutrition your birds need for a strong, healthy start and lifetime success.
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What age do chickens need grit?

Chicks will not initially need any grit until you start feeding them things other than crumbles. Once you start giving them treats or clumps of grass or dandelions they will need the grit. Up until 8 weeks or so, they will need 'chick grit' which is much finer.
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What Age Can chickens eat watermelon?

Chickens eat watermelon at any age. You can feed them this fruit, which is full of nutrients right after they are five weeks born till they are old. They have strong digestion unlike human beings and other pets, which helps them to digest even the rind and the seeds of this fruit.
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Can chickens eat cucumber?

Chickens will readily eat the parts of fruits and vegetables that we traditionally do not, such as carrot tops and melon rinds. Backyard chickens enjoy lettuce, Swiss chard, kale, cabbage, tomatoes, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, cooked beans, pumpkin, squash, cucumbers and peppers, to name a few.
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How much should I feed my 8 week old chickens?

Juvenile chicks will need little over 1 pound of grower/developer feed per week until they start laying, usually somewhere between 16-24 weeks of age. This means you will need a little more than 8 pounds of grower/developer feed per juvenile. Birds from 6 weeks of age to point of lay need feed with 14%-16% protein.
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Can hens eat chick starter?

Laying hens can eat medicated chick starter as well, although it's rarely necessary. Unlike medicated feed, non-medicated feed contains no Amprolium. Instead, it's only filled with the ingredients needed to provide your chicks with the proper vitamins, minerals and proteins.
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At what age can chickens eat pellets?

MannaPro recommends introducing Organic Layer Pellets into your mature laying chickens' diet around 16 weeks of age. This feed is composed of 16% protein and is USDA certified.
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