How painful is a mommy makeover?

Most patients are past pain and discomfort after the first week, but it may be seven to 10 days before you're up and driving. It will be about four weeks before you're back to 100 percent of your normal activities, including any kind of vigorous exercise.
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What is the average recovery time for a mommy makeover?

Recovery can range from one to four weeks in most cases. Q: How long do I need off from a desk job after a Mommy Makeover? A: Two to four weeks is the average. Some women feel better sooner and choose to return to work one week after surgery.
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How long are you sore after a mommy makeover?

Expect bruising for 1-3 weeks, swelling for 2-8 weeks, and soreness/tenderness for several weeks post-surgery. While complications are rare, the most common complication after a cosmetic procedure is infection at the incision sites.
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How do you feel after mommy makeover?

From feeling tired, to the healing process, to the effects of pain medications, it is normal for women who've had a mommy makeover to experience a lot of emotional highs and lows. Be prepared for mood swings and teary moments, and make sure your family and caretakers are ready for it as well.
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Are you awake during mommy makeover?

If the procedure permits it, many people prefer being awake during the procedure, while others insist on not being awake. In the context of a mommy makeover, most procedures will require general anesthesia. However, some less-invasive procedures may be performed with local anesthesia or even no anesthesia at all.
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True Stories from 3 Women with Mommy Makeovers | The Plastics | Harper's BAZAAR

What kind of anesthesia is used for a mommy makeover?

For your safety and comfort, most Mommy Makeover procedures are done with twilight anesthesia (intravenous sedation): we use fast-acting medicines that let you sleep through the procedure and recover quickly. You will be completely unaware of the procedure and the passage of time.
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Do they give you epidural for tummy tuck?

Yes, you can have a tummy tuck without general anesthesia-either IV sedation or epidural.
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Will I regret a mommy makeover?

Yes, it's normal to regret having cosmetic surgery due to the physical and emotional toll the procedure takes on your body. However, there are a few steps you can take to minimize these feelings of regret. This includes discussing your goals with the plastic surgeon and having realistic expectations.
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How hard is mommy makeover recovery?

Most of the surgeries involved in a mommy makeover require extensive rest to properly heal. The more invasive the surgery is the more time is required for healing. The amount of time it will take to recover will vary from patient to patient and what procedures were included in their makeover.
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Is a tummy tuck painful?

A tummy tuck requires significant downtime

At the beginning, you will be fatigued, swollen and sore. It is normal to have moderate pain during these first several days, although this will steadily improve. It is vital to allow yourself time to focus on rest and healing.
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What is the fastest way to recover from a mommy makeover?

10 Tips to Help You Recover from Your Mommy Makeover
  1. Schedule Time to Rest. ...
  2. Get Help Around the House. ...
  3. Take Your Medication as Prescribed. ...
  4. Get Supplies Ready. ...
  5. Sleep in a Comfortable, Neutral Position. ...
  6. Don't Smoke or Be Around Cigarette Smoke While you Recover.
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How do I prepare for a mommy makeover?

In preparing for mommy makeover surgery, you may be asked to:
  1. Get lab testing or a medical evaluation.
  2. Take certain medications or adjust your current medications.
  3. Stop smoking.
  4. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.
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Can I go back to work a week after tummy tuck?

The tummy tuck, medically known as abdominoplasty, requires approximately two weeks off work for full recovery. Most people can work at a computer after about four to five days, but plastic surgeons usually recommend two weeks to avoid any unnecessary stress on the body.
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When can I shower after mommy makeover?

It takes about 48 hours for an incision to close completely, so it is recommended that you wait at least 48 hours before showering. Showering too soon after surgery can cause your incision to re-open, inhibit the healing process, cause complications like infection, or worsen your surgical scars.
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Is plastic surgery painful?

While everyone's pain threshold is different, most agree that plastic surgery is not very painful, and recovery is usually quick and easy. If you are interested in learning more about the amount of pain after plastic surgery or would like to schedule a surgical consultation, contact Dr.
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Does a mommy makeover leave scars?

While you will have visible scars on your bare breasts after a breast lift from a Mommy Makeover, the good news is that all scarring will be hidden by your bra or bikini.
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What happens 2 weeks after tummy tuck?

What happens 2 weeks after a tummy tuck? At 2 weeks, there is still swelling in the treatment area, however, the pain, bruising, and feeling of tightness are starting to ease. The patient should continue to wear compression garments.
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What are the risks of a mommy makeover?

The possible risks of mommy makeover surgery include, but are not limited to, bleeding, infection, poor healing of incisions, hematoma, seroma, loss of nipple sensation, inability to breast feed, implant leak, capsular contracture, anaplastic large cell lymphoma, unfavorable scarring, recurrent looseness of skin, fat ...
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Does plastic surgery make you feel better?

Does plastic surgery make patients feel better? Studies have shown that people report increased satisfaction with the body part they had surgery on, but results are mixed on whether plastic surgery boosts their self-esteem, quality of life, self-confidence and interpersonal relationships in the long term.
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Do you get a catheter during tummy tuck?

Before the Surgery

You may also have a urinary catheter placed so your bladder can release urine, especially if you will have general anesthesia. You might have general anesthesia or IV sedation (monitored anesthesia care) during your procedure: IV sedation might be used for a partial abdominoplasty.
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What is the best pain medication for a tummy tuck?

Over-the-counter medication: Many surgeons recommend taking ibuprofen or naproxen 24 to 48 hours after the procedure if there is no evidence of bleeding. NSAIDS can decrease the swelling and offer pain relief which can allow patients to stop narcotics earlier resulting in fewer side effects from those drugs.
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How can I ease the pain after a tummy tuck?

Apply an ice pack: By applying a cold compress to the area over the first 48 hours, you can decrease the onset of swelling. This will both temporarily numb pain and alleviate most side effects later on. Apply the compress near the surgical site, but not directly on the incisions.
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Can you stay awake during a tummy tuck?

Before your abdominoplasty, you may be given local anesthesia, though for a longer, more complex procedure you'll probably receive general anesthesia. Local anesthesia means you'll be sedated and the area around the surgery will be numbed. You're awake during the surgery, but relaxed and feeling no pain.
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Is a thigh lift part of mommy makeover?

To further improve the figure, commonly added techniques can include the abdominoplasty (also known as a tummy tuck, a circumferential abdominoplasty and liposuction. However, women do not have to stop here; a mommy makeover can also include a thigh lift, arm lift or a Brazilian butt lift.
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Is 5 hours a long time to be under anesthesia?

Generally it is understood that if an anesthetic is longer than 5 hours that the complication rates escalate. Wound infections are more common, blood clots are more likely to form, and respiratory, fluid and electrolyte issues become a problem.
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