How much sunlight do money trees need?

Although the money tree can tolerate direct sunlight when grown outdoors, the indoor-grown plants should receive bright to medium indirect light for at least 6 hours a day.
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Do money trees require sunlight?

Bright indirect light: A money tree needs daily light, but direct sunlight will scorch its leaves. It grows naturally in partial shade beneath the canopy of other trees, so provide a similar environment for it in your home.
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Can money tree survive in shade?

Remember, money trees are tropical plants, so they thrive in environments with long periods of shade or indirect light.
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Where should you place a money tree?

Place your money tree in a spot with lots of bright, indirect light, like a south- or west-facing window, but take care to keep it out of direct sunlight, which can burn the leaves.
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How often do you water money trees?

The best way to keep a money tree plant happy? Give it a good watering every one to two weeks, allowing the soil to dry in between, according to The Sill. Of course, if your plant is getting more light, you'll also need to up its water intake so that it doesn't get too dried out.
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Does A Money Tree Need Sunlight?

What is indirect sunlight?

Indirect sunlight occurs when something in the path of light from the sun diffuses or filters the sunlight before it hits your plants. Examples include sheer curtains, a piece of furniture, a tree outside your window, or even another indoor plant placed in front to protect the lower-light plant.
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How can you tell if a money tree is healthy?

Feel the top inch— if it's dry, you should water your Money Tree. If your Money Tree goes too long without water, the leaves will entirely turn brown and may even begin to start dropping from the plant. Try to avoid this as it is a serious stressor for the plant. Money Tree leaves should be a healthy and vibrant green.
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Where is the best place to put a money tree in your house?

Traditional feng shui principles designate the southeast area of your home or office as your home's “money area.” Not only is this the most obvious money tree location, but it's also thought to be the most prosperous. The East area of your home is known as the “health and family bagua area” in traditional feng shui.
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What are the disadvantages of money plant?

According to vastu, it is not auspicious to plant the money plant outside the home. It easily dries in the weather outside and does not grow. A stunted growth of the plant is inauspicious. It becomes a reason for financial scarcity.
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Why are the leaves falling off my money tree?

A Money Tree dropping leaves is most commonly due to overwatering or underwatering, but multiple sources of stress will also cause leaf drop. Drafts, temperature stress, pests, acclimation, disease, repotting, or planting in an unsuitable pot or soil can also cause leaf drop.
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Can a money tree be put outside?

Money trees can survive outdoors in USDA zones 10 through 12, but otherwise need to be houseplants.
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How do you take care of a money tree indoors?

As a tropical plant grown indoors, the money tree likes warm temperatures and lots of humidity. For best results, keep temperatures between 65 and 90 degrees. Avoid placing the houseplants near drafts, such as by exterior doors or heating and cooling vents.
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Can money plant survive without sunlight?

Commonly known as the money plant in South East Asia, it's most commonly grown as a houseplant in Asian countries. This extremely low-maintenance vine grows easily without direct sunlight. Excellent climber, you can grow it even in the bathroom, kitchen, or living room.
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Can money plant grow in low light?

Money plant generally grows well in direct sunlight in garden, in indoor places, or low light conditions. A partially sunny and partially shady area is also preferred for good growth of money plants. This plant can sustain a high amount of sunlight but one must remember that scorching rays will burn the leaves.
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Should I Unbraid money tree?

Mature, unbraided trunks are usually resistant to bending and movement. At this point, it is not advisable to try to braid the trunk of the tree. If the trunks do not bend properly, they may snap, leaving you with an injured plant. If this happens, your tree may slowly recover, growing new stems and leaves.
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Why is money plant called Devil's Ivy?

It is also called devil's vine or devil's ivy because it is almost impossible to kill and it stays green even when kept in the dark. It is sometimes mistakenly labeled as a Philodendron, Pothos or Scindapsus in plant stores. It is commonly known as a money plant in many parts of the Indian subcontinent.
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Where should money plant be kept in living room?

North – As per Vastu Shastra, the north direction belongs to Kuber. Hence, placing the money plant in a blue bottle facing the north direction can attract wealth and prosperity.
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Why do the leaves on my money tree curl?

Overwatering can cause the leaves of the Money Tree to curl. They usually curl down, although some people have reported that the leaves of their plant curled up from overwatering. This condition can be remedied by reducing excess watering, and only water when the top inch of the soil around the plant is dry.
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How big can a money tree get?

You most likely know it as that houseplant with the cool braided trunk and shiny green leaves, but the money tree—Pachira aquatica—hails from swampy regions of Central and South America, where it can grow up to 60 feet tall.
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What does it mean when a money tree has 6 leaves?

Seven leaves mean more good luck. Most money trees have five or six leaves on each stem, but you'll occasionally find one with seven leaves on the stem. If you do, you might want to consider buying a lottery ticket — seven leaf stems are rumored to bring extra luck.
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Why is my money tree sad?

Usually the reasons for a dying money tree are overwatering, underwatering, low humidity excessively hot or cold temperatures or too much sun. Money tree leaves turn yellow and drop off due to root rot caused by overwatering whereas the leaves wilt and turn brown due to low humidity and dry soil.
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Should I cut yellow leaves off money tree?

Simply cut the unwanted leaves off so that new ones can grow and replace. Do not leave yellowing leaves on until they turn brown since it can spread decay to other parts of the plant.
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How long can a money tree live?

If properly maintained, domestic money trees can last anywhere from 10 to 15 years. Interestingly enough, money trees that grow in the wild (in South and Central America) are known to last over 30 years or more.
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Is light through a window considered direct sunlight?

Is light through a window considered direct sunlight? It depends. If the sun's rays directly hit the plant – such as through a south-facing window – this is considered direct sunlight. If the sun is bright but the rays don't directly hit the plant, this is considered indirect light.
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