How many times do guinea pigs poop a day?

A 'normal' guinea pig will produce up to 100 poos a day. This number is naturally lower in older or less mobile guinea pigs. If the number of faecal pellets drops below 50 a day it may be a sign that something is wrong.
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How often should guinea pigs poop?

Because some guinea pigs poop more than others, it's not that easy to say how much they should poop in a day. What we can tell you, however, is that it's a lot. Healthy piggies can poop up to 100 times in one day, which means you might be cleaning the hutch out three or four times a day.
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How many times a day do guinea pigs pee?

The average cavy poops (or pees) 150 to 200 times a day. And skinny pigs do it even more because their metabolism is higher. So, if you're going to avoid getting peed on, you're going to need some tricks up your sleeve.
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How long after eating do guinea pigs poop?

​Although guinea pigs have a longer colon than other rodents, around 60% the length of their intestines, the cavy digestive ​system wastes no time. The process from start to finish can be as quick as a few hours, with about 20 hours being average.
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How do I stop my guinea pig from pooping so much?

You might get overwhelmed by your guinea pigs' poops when you first bring them home, but you can get into a routine quickly. Always make sure to maintain a consistent amount of hay and water so that they don't develop digestive problems. In addition to vacuuming, you need to deep-clean the cage at least once per week.
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Let's Talk Guinea Pig POOPS!

Do guinea pigs poop constantly?

Guinea pigs poop a lot. They're e always eating and their digestive system moves very quickly. If you stick to the high-fiber diet that your piggies need, you can expect them to poop anywhere from 100 to 300 times each day. It's literally.
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How many times a day do you need to feed a guinea pig?

When to Feed Guinea Pigs. Because Timothy hay is such a vital part of the guinea pig's diet, it should be made available at all times. Other than the hay, it's a good idea to feed your cavy two times a day. Both in the morning and in the evening, to help prevent overeating and, consequently, obesity.
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How often do guinea pigs drink water?

Guinea pigs normally drink about 100 mL/kg (3.3 ounces/2.2 pounds) of water daily, as cited in the book “Ferrets, Rabbits, And Rodents Clinical Medicine And Surgery.” This amount might increase or decrease slightly because of ambient temperature or humidity, activity level, or illness.
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How much should a guinea pig poop a day?

A 'normal' guinea pig will produce up to 100 poos a day. This number is naturally lower in older or less mobile guinea pigs. If the number of faecal pellets drops below 50 a day it may be a sign that something is wrong.
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Are toilet paper rolls OK for guinea pigs?

Yes, guinea pigs can chew on toilet paper rolls. And it's perfectly safe as long as your furry friends aren't making a meal of the toilet paper roll. Nibbling kind of comes with the territory for cavies. They'll chew almost anything that they can get their paws on.
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Is it OK to keep guinea pigs in your bedroom?

It is critically important to the long-term health and happiness of your guinea pig that you place its cage central to family activity or at the immediate periphery. Do not put cages in children's bedrooms. The guinea pig should be part of family life, even if it is designated as one person's pet.
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Is it easy to potty train a guinea pig?

Guinea pigs can be trained to go to the bathroom in a litter box. Some get the hang of it quickly, while some never learn. That's just how it is. Just remember that it's not your guinea pig's fault if they poop outside the litter box - sometimes they can have accidents or simply forget.
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Can you vacuum guinea pig poop?

Yes, you can use a vacuum to clean up guinea pig poop. Using a vacuum to clean up guinea pig poop from their cage is quicker and more convenient than trying to do it with your hands. There are even vacuums made specifically with small pets in mind.
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Is guinea pig poop toxic?

In addition to the bacteria naturally present in all feces, guinea pigs with conditions such as salmonella or lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) can pass those conditions onto humans through direct contact with feces or even through the air.
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Do guinea pigs poop where they sleep?

The only thing a guinea pig does more than eat is poop. And trust us, it poops a lot. And because guinea pigs aren't like humans or cats and dogs who prefer to ablute away from where they eat and sleep, cavies pretty much go wherever they are.
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What should healthy guinea pig poop look like?

Healthy guinea pig poop color tends to usually be medium to dark brown (somewhere between brown and black). A normal guinea pig poop should be uniform in consistency and oval-shaped. They shouldn't break into pieces when guinea pigs step on them but at the same time shouldn't be dry.
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How do I know if my guinea pigs are happy?

Signs of happiness/ friendliness: If your guinea pig is pleased with you, he will find ways to express this in body language. A common sign of happiness is rapid hopping up and down, similar to popcorn popping. Another sign of friendliness is rubbing noses, which guinea pigs will often do with each other.
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Can you put water in a bowl for guinea pigs?

So, I did a little investigating. Water bowls are safe for guinea pigs to use. As long as safety precautions are taken, water bowls are an excellent substitute for water bottles. In fact, some guinea pigs prefer bowls to water bottles.
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Do guinea pigs need water at night?

Vets don't make any clear recommendations on the length of time a guinea pig can survive without water, but no pet should be deprived of water for more than 12 to 24 hours. Simply put, it's best to ensure your pet always has access to water.
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Do guinea pigs like warm or cold weather?

Your Guinea Pig's Preferred Climate

Some rodents, like ground squirrels or Eastern chipmunks, hibernate when the weather turns cold, but guinea pigs don't. Instead, guinea pigs are most comfortable in air temperatures of about 65°F to 75°F. Anything below about 60°F is probably too cold for your pig.
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Can you overfeed a guinea pig?

Overfeeding can be damaging to your guinea pig's digestion tract, and cause obesity. To prevent yourself from overfeeding your guinea pig, all you need to do is serve your guinea pigs the right portioned meals and cut down on unnecessary sugary treats.
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Can you feed guinea pigs once a day?

About 1/8 cup of pellets once a day—supplemented by hay and fresh vegetables as described below—will be enough. Timothy hay: Provide an unlimited quantity of fresh timothy hay every day. Guinea pigs need continuous access to hay to aid their digestion and limit the growth of their teeth.
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Do guinea pigs need vegetables every day?

Guinea pigs' need fresh greens and vegetables every day to help them get enough vitamin C (they can't produce it themselves). Our vets' advise one teacup of greens and veg, per guinea pig, per day, which can be split into morning and evening feeds.
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What does healthy pig poop look like?

The stool of the normal pig should be firm and well- formed. When a normal show pig is on free-choice feed and water, the stool tends to loosen to the consistency of a cow patty as feed consumption increases.
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