How do half orcs come about?

Half-orcs can be explained without the implication of rape. The race came from Tolkien and his half-orcs stemmed from interbreeding between orcs and unsavory humans allied with Sauron or Saruman.
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How do half-orcs come about DND?

Whether united under the leadership of a mighty warlock or having fought to a standstill after years of conflict, orc and human communities, sometimes form alliances. When these alliances are sealed by marriages, half-orcs are born. Some half-orcs rise to become proud leaders of orc communities.
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Do half-orcs have to be half human?

Half-orc is a term used to describe the offspring of an orc or half-orc parent and a parent of any other species. Since the beginning of the First War, orcs have interbred with a number of species: mostly humans, but half-ogres and half-draenei are not unheard of.
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Can half-orcs breed?

Orcs and humans have both held the Armlet of Strength and half-orcs are capable of interbreeding with both orcs and humans and continuing to produce fertile children. Interestingly, half-orcs like half-elves can also breed with other half-orcs and have created a fairly stable half-orcrace.
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How are half-orcs made LOTR?

History. Half-orcs were the product of the union of Men and Orcs, probably the same process which created the Uruk-hai. They were not as wide spread as Uruk-hai, but they were still deadly. It is recorded that Half-orcs came to be by an evil act of sorcery where Saruman bred Dunlendings with his Orcs.
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Half-Orcs in 5e Dungeons

Are Orcs dead Elves?

In Tolkien's works, Orcs are a brutish, aggressive, ugly, and malevolent race of monsters, contrasting with the benevolent Elves and serving an evil power, though they share a human sense of morality. There is a suggestion, among several somewhat contradictory origin stories, that they are a corrupted race of elves.
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How are Orcs made from mud?

In short, orcs aren't made from mud but rather incubated in it. According to Tolkien's extensive backstory, the first orcs were fallen elves, corrupted and tortured into these horrific new forms.
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Can an orc and elf have a child?

According to AD&D-era lore, elves cannot breed with orcs at all. In Dragon magazine #60 (April 1982), the article "The Half-Elven Point of View" states: Elves and orcs cannot interbreed, which is interesting since both races can breed with humanity. The Complete Book of Elves (1992), p.
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How did morgoth create orcs?

They were created by the first Dark Lord, Morgoth, before the First Age and served him and later his successor in their quest to dominate Middle-earth. Before Oromë first found the Elves at Cuiviénen, Melkor kidnapped some of them and cruelly deformed them, twisting them into the first Orcs.
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Are Uruk Hai half-orcs?

In the movies Uruk-hai are described as a crossbreed between Orcs and "goblin-men". This is presumably a reference to the Goblin-men and Half-orcs in Saruman's service, creatures that blend the traits of Orcs and Men. These Uruks are sent after the Fellowship, and their leader is Lurtz, a movie-only character.
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Do all half-orcs have green skin?

Most half-orcs have grayish or greenish skin, jutting jaws, prominent teeth, a sloping forehead and coarse body hair, which causes them to stand out from their human brethren, though their canines are noticeably smaller than a full-blooded orc's tusks.
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Can orcs breed with humans?

Orcs and humans can interbreed, and in this union create half-orcs. Humans and orcs have been enemies for decades and half-orcs represent something both races prefer not to think about.
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How old do half-orcs live?

Age: Half-orcs mature a little faster than Humans, reaching Adulthood around age 14. They age noticeably faster and rarely live longer than 75 years. Alignment: Half-orcs inherit a tendency toward chaos from their orc parents and are not strongly inclined toward good.
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How are orcs born 5e?

Gruumsh fled and created the orcs from his burning hatred and blood, for the purpose of one day destroying the elves. Thereafter the elves were infused with Corellon's blood, and other deities created the other common races in imitation of the elves.
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Why are half-orcs better than orcs?

The strongest orc in a tribe would be more powerful than the strongest half-orc. The big difference between the two is that half-orcs were intended to be used by player characters. In D&D 4th edition, half-orcs gained Half-Orc Resilience, the ability to recover health when reduced to half hit points.
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How are half-orcs named?

Half-orcs usually have names appropriate to the culture in which they were raised. A half-orc who wants to fit in among humans might trade an orc name for a human name. Some half-orcs with human names decide to adopt a guttural orc name because they think it makes them more intimidating.
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How do LOTR orcs breed?

In The Book of Lost Tales, it is said that Orcs were "bred from the heats and slimes of the earth" through the sorcery of Morgoth. Again, Tolkien later changed this, as Morgoth could not create life on his own. This led to the most popular theory that Orcs were created from corrupted Elves.
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Did Morgoth create trolls?

[edit] History. Morgoth created or corrupted Trolls at the end of the First Age (twilight of the Elder Days). Their exact origins are unknown, though it is theorized by Treebeard that Trolls were "made in mockery of" Ents, similar to the theory that Orcs were a twisted parody of the Elves.
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Did Morgoth create dragons?

Dragons were ancient, intelligent, powerful creatures, as feared as they were admired in Middle-earth. Their exact origin is debated, though it was clearly stated that they were created by Morgoth in some sense, millennia before the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.
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Can humans and Hobbits mate?

By that standard, perhaps, hobbits are humans—just short ones. On the other hand, perhaps the existence of occasional half-elvish children is a magical phenomenon, and despite the even closer human-hobbit genetic relationship, no interbreeding is possible under natural conditions.
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What do you call a half-elf half-orc?

Uniya is the term used in Jrusar for people in Exandria who have both elvish and orcish lineage and so are both half-elf and half-orc. Another name for uniya is elf-orcs.
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Do two half-elves make a half-elf?

Half-elves may mate and breed, but will always produce the off-spring of the other parent (a half-elf elf pairing will produce elven children, while a half-elf human pairing will result in human children). Second generation half-elves only result if two half-elves marry.
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How did Sauron make Orcs?

Due to his corrupting influence, he swayed many of the Maiar, lesser divine beings including Sauron himself, to his cause. After the Earth was created, Melkor was the first to learn of the awakening of the Elves, and before the other Valar can find them, he kidnaps and cruelly tortures some, twisting them into orcs.
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Why is gothmog deformed?

Peter Jackson wanted to show a hideously deformed orc, one that would aptly convey the "ugliness" of Mordor. The upper left side of Gothmog's body is swollen and pock-marked from a disease of some sort, as described by the design department. His pale, yellow skin may also be a consequence of this illness.
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How was AZOG made?

Azog's origins are unknown. He entered history in the year TA 2790 due to King Thrór's desire to revisit and perhaps restore the lost realm of Khazad-dûm. Thrór encountered Azog there, and Azog beheaded him, carving his name in Thrór's head and throwing the body back to Nár the sole Dwarf who had accompanied the King.
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