How do bees get past the queen excluder?

But there are ways to entice your bees through the queen excluder. One way is to simply leave the excluder out of the hive until the bees have started to draw comb in two or three of the honey frames. Once they are “committed” to the project, you can usually add an excluder with good results.
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Can a queen bee get through a queen excluder?

The idea behind a queen excluder is that the worker bees can easily pass through the wire mesh, and the queens cannot. They also exclude the drones. Beekeepers place excluders above the brood box to keep the queen from laying eggs in the honey supers.
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Will bees build comb above a queen excluder?

A beekeeper should make sure drawn comb is directly above the queen excluder with any foundation above that. Better for comb. Use of a queen excluder will almost certainly mean less honey production, but the main benefit of it is that the combs will remain light colored, because no young bees are reared in them.
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How do beekeepers keep the queen from leaving?

During the first few days after introducing the bees, lock the queen in a separate place. The workers will be forced to stay and build combs since they can't leave without the queen. Once there are some combs, release the queen and the colony will stay put.
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What do bees do when they reject the Queen?

(We have a million of 'em.) In all seriousness though, if the queen is rejected, she will die. According to School of Bees, workers who see the queen as an invader will form a ball around her and sting her until she is dead.
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Honey Bee Queen Excluder, Designed to keep the Queen OUT, also excludes some worker bees

How long will bees stay in a hive without a queen?

Even without a queen, a honey bee can complete her normal adult lifespan of about four-to-six weeks. However, the colony she belongs to will not be able to survive more than a couple of months unless the queen is quickly replaced. Without a new queen, the colony will dwindle as the members die one-by-one.
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How do bees decide who is Queen?

Any fertilized egg has the potential to become a queen. Diet in the larval stage determines whether the bee will develop into a queen or a worker. Queens are fed only royal jelly, a protein-rich secretion from glands on the heads of young workers.
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Are Queen Bees born or made?

Queen bees are born as regular bee larvae, however the worker bees will selectively choose the healthiest larvae which are then placed within their own special chamber and fed more honey (also known as “Royal Jelly”) than the normal “worker” or “drone” larvae.
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Will a hive make a new queen?

Regardless if the queen was lost to swarming, supersedure, or your deadly hive tool, the bees will work on a replacement if they have young enough larvae. Usually the bees can raise a new queen just fine, and a virgin will hatch out of the cell.
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Should the queen excluder be removed for winter?

The next rule to follow is when do we take off the queen excluder? Under normal conditions, the excluder will be taken off when you harvest your honey in the period of July to August time frame. This will allow the queen to migrate to the top of the hive and stay warm during the cold months.
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Why you shouldn't use a queen excluder?

Not using an excluder means that you run the risk of the queen laying drone brood in the Flow frame cells. The likelihood of this happening can be minimised by placing an empty (foundationless) frame in the brood chamber and allowing the bees to build their drone comb.
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How do you encourage a comb building?

It seems that nectar (or a light syrup that mimics nectar) is ideal for stimulating wax production. Many beekeepers use 1:1 syrup as a comb-building stimulant, others prefer an even lighter syrup of one part sugar to two parts water (1:2). This works fine, especially in the spring.
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Will a queen excluder prevent swarming?

Some beekeepers place a queen excluder under a brood box after hiving a captured swarm onto undrawn foundation. This helps prevent the colony from absconding while the bees draw some comb. After that the queen will start laying and the risk of the swarm disappearing is much reduced.
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Do you leave supers on over winter?

Yes, you can leave a honey super or several on the hive over Winter. In fact, most beekeepers do have a super or two designated for use by the bees. The size of the box designated as the “food super” for the bees varies from one beekeeper to another and from one region to another.
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Do bees reuse brood comb?

If you know your bees died of starvation or cold, chances are it is safe to reuse brood combs that are in decent shape, even if they are moldy or have some dead adult bees still on them. Reusing combs with dead larvae in cells is risky.
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Is there a King bee?

There's no such thing as 'king bee' in the wildlife. A honeybee queen is the single most important bee in a colony, as she produces the population in a colony. Studies show that the mating between queen bee and its drone bees are quite complicated.
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What is the lifespan of a queen bee?

Honey bees (Apis mellifera) are eusocial insects that exhibit striking caste-specific differences in longevity. Queen honey bees live on average 1–2 years whereas workers live on average 15–38 days in the summer and 150–200 days in the winter.
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How much does a queen bee cost?

Costs vary to some degree: prices range from $15 to $25 for small numbers of queen bees.
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How does a queen bee get pregnant?

When a virgin queen flies to a site where thousands of male honey bees may be waiting, she mates with several males in flight. A male drone will mount the queen and insert his endophallus, ejaculating semen.
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Do queen bees mate with their own drones?

It took another ten years or so for another scientist (Woke, 1955) to postulate and prove that queen bees not only take multiple mating flights, but also mate with multiple drones during this flights. We now know that queen bees mate with approximately 10 to 20 drones, typically over the course of several flights.
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Do bees like to be petted?

Bumblebees are gentle creatures that humans have befriended. Petting a bumblebee is not a common experience and attempts to pet one should be around somebody well-versed in bee behaviour. Some bumblebees may allow people to lightly pet them. Their hairy bodies make them soft to touch.
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Can a worker bee become a queen?

A bee becomes a queen bee thanks to the efforts of the existing worker bees in the hive. A young larva (newly hatched baby insect) is fed special food called "royal jelly" by the worker bees. Royal jelly is richer than the food given to worker larvae, and is necessary for the larva to develop into a fertile queen bee.
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What does a virgin queen bee look like?

1) A wet, just-emerged virgin has the appearance of a mated queen. 2) Once her exoskeleton dries or hardens, her abdomen shrinks to give her a stubby appearance. 3) She looks slightly fatter and longer after returning from a mating flight.
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Do bees have genders?

A queen bee is the only female bee in the hive that gets to reproduce. Worker bees are all female, and are all offspring of the queen. But there are males in the hive called drones. Drones fly off to reproduce with other young queens who will start a new colony.
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Where do bees go if their hive is destroyed?

If a hive is completely destroyed, meaning that the queen bee and all of the larval bees are lost, then there is no way to restart a colony and salvage it. In partially destroyed hives or in the case of a dead queen bee, a new queen can be inserted, around which the drones and workers will once again unite.
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