Do hamsters know your voice?

As mentioned before, hamsters can recognize your voice as well as your scent. Therefore, it's a good idea to use this bit of knowledge to heighten their familiarity with you. After all, any little bit of connection will help.
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Do hamsters understand when you talk to them?

Hamsters are intelligent creatures who can even learn their name. If you talk to your hamster and use their name frequently enough to get them used to hearing it, they might even learn to come when called. A hamster's teeth are constantly growing.
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How do you tell if your hamster likes you?

If the hamster likes you, they will be interested in the sound of your voice. Watch the hamster's behavior when you walk up to the hamster cage and place your hand near it. If they show interest in you by coming up to you or looking at you, they like you.
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Do hamsters like being kissed?

In fact, they thrive on it. While you may not be able to smooch on your hamster, you can show him love.
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What do hamsters think of humans?

You might be surprised to learn that hamsters not only like affection but thrive on human interaction. There are different ways to show a hamster affection, but the important thing is that you do so regularly once you've gained your new pet's trust.
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8 Things Your New Hamster is Trying to Tell You: New Pet Tips (Petco)

Do hamsters know you love them?

According to Betsy Sikora Siino, hamsters bond with one to two people, which means that your hamster may tolerate guests and other family members, but he'll only bond and recognize you and possibly one other person.
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Do hamsters know when your sad?

A new tool to assess moods in the furry little rodents can tell if they are optimistic or depressed. Hamsters can experience happiness, optimism, sadness and depression much the way that we do, suggests a new study that describes a method for determining the feelings of these cute and cuddly popular pets.
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Do hamsters smile?

It's unfortunate for pet owners everywhere, but we all know that hamsters don't smile. Like many other animals, these adorable rodent's aren't wired to think that bearing one's teeth is a sign of pleasure or affection.
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Do hamsters fart?

Hamsters can fart although it is rare for them to smell or make a noise. Farts, or releasing flatulence, are a normal part of digesting food. If passing gas is severe, there could be something wrong with your hamster's digestive tract or the food he's eating.
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Why is my hamster biting me softly?

Why Do Hamsters Bite? Tame hamsters are those that have been handled regularly, so they're used to people and don't get scared easily. On the other hand, hamsters that have not been handled much are usually not very tame, and they often bite if you try to pick them up.
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Why do hamsters lick you?

While sometimes hamsters lick you to show affection, they may have a salt deficiency if they are licking you excessively.
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What noises do hamsters make when they're happy?

Also known as “bruxing,” hamsters sometimes rub their teeth together, causing a clicking sound. This sound is usually a good sign of a content and happy hamster, similar to a purring cat! When you hear your hamster clicking their teeth, you can rest easy, knowing all is well in their world!
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Do hamsters miss their owners?

Hamsters are solitary by nature, and do not miss company necessarily. This means that they can live on their own, and not miss the owner too much. However a hamster not handled regularly will need a lot more space and activities, to consume all of his energy.
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How long is a hamsters memory?

When there's less sunlight the hamster would get ready to hibernate. This shows that a hamster is developed enough to have a long-term memory that lasts for months to years. It should also be stated though, that many studies have pointed towards memory being used for survival.
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Do hamsters get lonely?

No. Hamsters do not get lonely. They can live in a pair or small group if they have no choice, but there will be fights every now and then, and half the time they need to be separated into individual cages.
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Do hamsters like to cuddle?

Much. Cuddling. Hamsters are cute, tiny and notoriously afraid of humans. But you can actually train your little hammie to enjoy your snuggles which, face it, is kind of your goal in life.
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Do hamsters cry?

Hamsters don't really cry and if you do see any moisture around their eyes it's usually due to humidity, so you won't see them actually tearing up over something like a bad experience. However, hamsters can make crying noises when they're scared, in pain, or sleeping.
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Do hamsters have periods?

Hamsters have a short and consistent estrous cycle (4 days), a predictable time of ovulation, and a short gestation period (16 days).
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How do you teach your hamster its name?

Hold out your hand with a treat in it, then call your hamster's name. Say its name slowly and clearly. If your hamster does not immediately come over, call its name again and reposition your hand so that the treat is more visible. Then, as your hamster approaches, repeat its name using the same inflection.
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Why does my hamster raise her tail?

Just like other animals, hamsters do in fact use their tails in order to communicate. Female hamsters will raise their tails to indicate to a male hamster that they are interested in mating.
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Why does my hamster run in circles?

Hamsters instinctively exercise, and that's one reason why yours may run in circles. He needs ample cardiovascular activity on a daily basis, and he gets it on a wheel or by making hamster laps.
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How do you cheer up a hamster?

Cheer Up Your Hamster By Spending More Time With Them

So just being near their cage where they can see you can really help them with their depression and also make them feel a little more comfortable and safe. You can even try talking to them in a gentle tone just to help let them know that you're there for them.
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Is 2 years old for a hamster?

Hamsters live on average for two to three years.
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How do you know if your hamster is bored?

A bored hamster will be very lethargic and sleep more than usual. They may start biting their cage or climbing up the bars, this is also a sign of stress.
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