Do freckles run in families?

Freckles tend to run in families. People (especially kids) who have fair complexions are most likely to freckle.
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Are freckles hereditary?

Genetics and sun exposure are the primary causes of freckles. Some people are more likely to get freckles than others, depending on their genes and skin type. If a person is genetically more likely to develop freckles, exposure to sunlight can make them appear.
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Are freckles a family trait?

Of course, we can't conclusively say an angel hasn't kissed you, but if you have freckles, it's more likely that they come from traits you inherited from one or both of your parents. Freckles also become more prominent when your skin is exposed to the sun for extended periods.
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Who is most likely to get freckles?

Freckles often show up during childhood, and you may continue to get more until you're in your 20s. People with fair skin or red hair are most likely to have them. There are two types of freckles: ephelides and solar lentigines. Although both are flat spots, they're different in a few ways.
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How likely is my child to have freckles?

The average age that children develop freckles is between two and four years old. “As kids get older, they start walking [on their own], doing more activities outdoors, and naturally have more sunlight exposure,” Teng tells Yahoo Parenting. This can trigger a smattering of freckles, particularly on children's faces.
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Why Do I Have Freckles?

Are freckles dominant or recessive?

Freckling is a recessive trait, so both parents have to be carriers and pass the tendency on for it to show up, says Amit Sharma, M.D., a dermatologist at the Mayo Clinic, who researches dermatologic genetics. The so-called gene for freckling is actually a benign mutation of the MC1R gene, which regulates pigment.
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Can parents with no freckles have a child with freckles?

Because the MC1R gene variant that causes freckles is dominant, a child with at least one parent who has freckles is very likely to also have freckles. Freckles become less predictable in cases where other relatives (such as grandparents) have them, but parents do not.
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What nationality do freckles originate from?

Fun Facts About Freckles

Freckles occur in people with heritage from around the world. Because they're often seen in people with red hair, freckles are commonly associated with Ireland and Scotland, where this hair color is common as well. But anyone can get freckles.
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What race do freckles come from?

Freckles or ephelides are hyperpigmented spots observed on skin surface mainly in European and Asian populations.
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Why do I have freckles but my parents don t?

So unless you've been living in a cave your whole life, you must have a different set of genes than your other relatives do. Your parents, aunts, uncles, and brother have freckles because they carry a gene for them. You don't have freckles because you don't have this particular gene.
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What makes some people get freckles?

People with light skin and eyes have less melanin, a chemical in the skin that protects it from sun damage by reflecting and absorbing ultraviolet (UV) rays, but some melanocytes (the melanin-producing cells) make more melanin when exposed to the sun. Instead of tanning evenly, people with less melanin get freckles.
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Can freckles skip a generation?

It seems like freckle-free skin skipped a generation. That may be true of the family's phenotypes –- their observable characteristics — but their genetic information, or genotypes, will tell a different story.
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Are freckles rare?

Although freckles aren't limited exclusively to fair-skinned redheads, it is fair to say that our red-headed friends get the lion's share of freckles – and they only make up 4-5 percent of the total world population. So if you not only have freckles but you're also a natural redhead, then you're pretty special, indeed.
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Are freckles considered beautiful?

While freckles are fabulous, they haven't always been considered the trademark of a gorgeous person. For centuries, beauty was sought in “flawless” skin, perfectly porcelain complexions glorified by highbrow fashion magazines.
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Where are freckles most common?

They can appear on anyone who doesn't protect themselves from UV rays. They show up on your face, the back of your hands, and upper body. This type tends to be most common amongst people with lighter skin tones and hair color. People of Caucasian and Asian descent are more prone to ephelides.
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Why do I get freckles instead of tan?

The more melanin you have in your skin, the easier it is to get a tan. People with fair complexions have less melanin in their skin to start with. When sunlight causes their melanocytes to make more melanin, they often develop freckles instead of getting an even suntan like people with darker complexions.
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What does it mean if you have freckles?

The more melanin you have in your skin, the darker your skin color! People with fair skin have less melanin in their skin to begin with, but some of their melanocytes make more melanin when exposed to the sun. So instead of easily getting an even suntan, they sometimes get freckles.
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What traits skip a generation?

Recessive traits like red hair can skip generations because they can hide out in a carrier behind a dominant trait. The recessive trait needs another carrier and a bit of luck to be seen. This means that it can sometimes take a few generations to finally make its presence known.
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Will my baby have freckles if I do?

Babies don't have freckles, then, because they're not in the sun long enough for specks to develop. You can expect freckles to form around two to four years of age, but this timeline varies for everyone. Freckles also depend largely on the amount of UV exposure your child gets.
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What do daughters inherit from their mothers?

Girls receive an X-chromosome from each parent, therefore their X-linked traits will be partially inherited from dad, too. Boys, on the other hand, only receive a Y chromosome from their father and an X chromosome from their mother. That means all of your son's X-linked genes and traits will come straight from mom.
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What do daughters inherit from their fathers?

As we've learned, dads contribute one Y or one X chromosome to their offspring. Girls get two X chromosomes, one from Mom and one from Dad. This means that your daughter will inherit X-linked genes from her father as well as her mother.
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Who has stronger genes mother or father?

Genes from your father are more dominant than those inherited from your mother, new research has shown.
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Can everyone get freckles?

Anybody can have freckled skin, but the colour of the specks may be lighter or darker depending on your hair and skin colour. People with red-coloured hair and fair skin are more likely to have freckles, but this is just one of many factors that affect whether skin freckles.
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