Do foxes leave gifts?

Foxes deposit their gifts as a way of marking a trail, food or territory. Raccoons like to create gift galleries, also known as latrines, thus they repeatedly go in the same place. When handling these gifts, be sure to protect yourself.
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What to do if a fox follows you?

If you encounter a fox or coyote who does not immediately run away, make some noise. Yell, clap your hands, wave your arms, stomp your feet—make your presence felt, but do not approach or chase the animal. You can also carry a whistle, or other noisemaker when walking in known coyote or fox areas.
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Do fox hang out in packs?

Foxes are very social creatures that live in packs. A group of foxes are called a leash, skulk or earth, according to the U.S. Department of Interior. They are also called packs. No matter what you call them, foxes like to stick near family members.
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Should I befriend a fox?

Always remember, however, that foxes are wild animals, so you should always be careful when interacting with one. It is generally not a great idea to tame a wild fox, but it may be harmless to befriend a fox that ventures near your home. Another option would be to adopt a domesticated fox if it is legal in your state.
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What is a fox favorite food?

The bulk of a fox's diet is made up of meat protein, so the best things to feed your local foxes are cooked or raw meat, or tinned dog food. They are also fond of peanuts, fruit and cheese. Foxes can be fed all year round but should follow a set feeding routine.
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Foxes Leave Gifts on my Deck

Is it a good idea to feed foxes?

Should I hand-feed the foxes? No. Do not try to make foxes tame. While it is a great thrill to have wild foxes coming to take food from your hand, problems arise because many urban foxes are now so tame that they approach strangers in the expectation of being fed.
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Is it OK to have foxes in your yard?

Keep in mind that seeing foxes in urban and suburban areas is totally normal and nothing to worry about. Seeing them out during the day doesn't mean they're sick.
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Can foxes bond with humans?

They can form a bond with their humans, and other pets in the household. Wild foxes, on the other hand, are unpredictable. This doesn't mean that they are dangerous to dogs or other house pets, but you should beware, just in case.
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How do foxes show affection?

They groom one another, play, and cuddle. And while they hunt alone, foxes live in extremely close and affectionate family units while raising their young. Her photos prove her point, showing the foxes smiling and rubbing noses, napping and playing.
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Are foxes loyal?

You've heard expressions such as "sly as a fox" and "crazy like a fox," but not "faithful as a fox." It's not an expression, but it should be. Foxes have highly developed social systems, forming strong pair bonds and raising "kits" communally. Some male foxes take a mate, while others practice vulpine polygamy.
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Do foxes stay in the same area?

Overall, it seems that foxes focus most of their time at specific parts of their range (generally feeding and resting spots), so they may move several kilometres, but stay in a relatively small area, often using only part of their range.
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How do foxes communicate?

Communication: Foxes communicate with each other with growls, yelps, and short yapping barks. It also makes scent stations by urinating at various spots to tell foxes in the area that another fox is present. The red fox is an omnivore and its diet includes fruits, berries and grasses.
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Are foxes closer to dogs or cats?

Are foxes cats or dogs? The best answer to this is that foxes are foxes. They are related to dogs, not cats but they separated from their common ancestors many years ago.
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How can you tell if a fox is happy?

Through ears, tail, facial expression and posture, a fox very clearly shows his intentions. While a wild swinging tail is an obvious sign of threat, a cheerful waggling tail indicates enthusiasm. A horizontal positioned tail, with the tip raised tells this fox is in for some sweet fox loving.
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Why does a fox keep following me?

The main reasons that foxes come near you or your home is because they are in search of food. Foxes are scavengers, and will eat a vast range of foods from small mammals like rabbits, mice, or birds, to livestock such as chickens and ducks.
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Can I pet a fox?

From their sly personalities to their soft-looking fur, you may be tempted to get a fox of your own for a pet. The reality is they don't make great pets, and in some states it is illegal to own one. Foxes are wild animals, meaning they have not been domesticated.
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Do foxes get lonely?

They are solitary

They normally hunt and sleep alone. Only, when they are raising their kits, they get into the habit of living in small families called a 'leash of foxes' or a 'skulk of foxes' in underground dens.
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What noises do foxes make when happy?

But foxes also squeal when they are excited, Harris said. Perhaps this is the fox version of "squee." In addition to growling, foxes can also make a guttural sound in the back of their throat called "clicketing," which generally happens during the mating season, Harris said.
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Do foxes wag their tails when happy?

Foxes do, however, wag their tails when they're happy and excited. As cubs, foxes wag their tail to get the attention of the mother fox so she can feed them. Domesticated foxes do this as well when they want something from humans. Tail-wagging also occurs when foxes are excited (primarily domesticated foxes or cubs).
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Can a fox be tamed like a dog?

Yes. There are two different kinds of domesticated foxes. Fennec foxes are very small, cute and communicative, which is a main reason that they're very popular with fox owners. Red foxes are more reserved but can also be housepets.
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Why do foxes laugh?

So, why do foxes laugh? One owner says that domesticated foxes make the adorable noises to mimic human sounds of happiness & excitement.
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What is a fox personality?

Foxes are solitary and stick to themselves. They tend to avoid other animals and most people. A fox's personality is shy and timid. They will usually only get aggressive during the mating season when the males are fighting over the females.
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Why is a fox laying in my yard?

Their main goal, just like many other animals in the wild, is to eat food, mate, and avoid predators. Naturally, if a fox sees that you have a garden filled with food or a porch with a nice cozy overhang, the fox will more than likely try to scope out the area. What is this?
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Will foxes eat cats?

Although it is rare, foxes do sometimes attack (and eat) cats. However, this is usually only kittens, or very old or sick cats. This is because foxes are opportunistic predators and will attack something if they think it is easy prey. Kittens are much smaller than foxes and often defenceless.
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Why do foxes come in my garden?

Urban fox populations are far greater than those in rural areas, mainly due to the fact that a far greater amount of food is readily available. The most likely reason for a fox to enter your garden is in the search for food, removal of the food source will reduce the attractiveness of your garden to the fox.
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