Can you buy a carton of double yolk eggs?

Or, if you want to take matters into your own hands, you can actually buy them. There's a Pennsylvania-based egg company called Sauder's that actually sells something called Double Yolk Eggs, which are double yolk eggs by the carton.
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Can you buy a dozen of double yolk eggs?

The ritzy, recently opened Brighton Beach grocery store Gourmanoff made our list of New Wave grocery stores for its ample caviar selection, and perhaps predictably, its regular egg selection is also somewhat posh.
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Can you buy packs of double yolk eggs?

Double yolk eggs are usually a rarity, but Morrisons has launched packs of double yolk eggs - just in time for the Easter period. Double yolk eggs are extremely rare, due to only a certain number of chickens being able to produce them. There is normally just a one in 1,000 chance of finding one.
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How rare is a carton of double yolk eggs?

Ever cracked into several eggs in your dozen to find double yolks in more than one? A fan did recently, and he wrote to us in amazement to find out why. Here's what we shared: Double yolks are fairly rare – you might find them in 1 of every 1,000 eggs.
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Why don't they sell double yolk eggs?

"They want uniformity." And, by definition, a double-yolker is not uniform. As a result, these jumbos — whether they foretell good luck or a scrambled future of misfortune — nowadays rarely make it to the grocery store.
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?ENTIRE Carton of Double Egg Yolk!!?? ? | FRUGAL LIVING ?

Does Trader Joe's sell double yolk eggs?

While Mark J did buy a carton of regularly marked eggs from Trader Joe's, their supplier for these particular eggs, Sauder, does produce full cartons of double-yolked eggs that they label and sell as such.
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What chicken breeds lay double yolk eggs?

Any breed can lay a double yolked egg, but it may be more common from breeds that are good layers, like Rhode Island Reds, Sussex, and Leghorns. Double yolkers are a favorite for over easy eggs!
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How do farmers get double yolk eggs?

Double yolks are usually produced by young chickens. Since their reproductive systems have not fully matured, they periodically release two yolks instead of one. Double yolks can also come from older chickens nearing the end of their egg producing period.
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How do you get double yolk eggs?

You can get a double-yolk when the ovary is too 'enthusiastic'. The ovary produces one yolk, and instead of waiting for the normal period of one day, it quickly produces another yolk. The two yolks then move together through the rest of the process, and get laid as a single egg—with two yolks inside.
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Why do I keep getting twin eggs?

Without any outside interference, the odds of getting a double-yolker are about one in every thousand eggs. Why do double yolks happen? Double-yolk eggs are a byproduct of rapid ovulation. That means two yolks are released in quick succession into a hen's oviduct (aka Fallopian tube) and end up in the same shell.
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Do all jumbo eggs have double yolks?

As the hand packers fill their Jumbo egg cartons with Super Jumbos, more than 50% of those will include an extra yolk. So that makes something fairly rare in nature suddenly appear rather common, simply because they have all been grouped together during the packing process and put into the same cartons.
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Are double yolk eggs more expensive?

Some people actually pay more money for these eggs, so if you get one by accident consider yourself fortunate! The nutritional value of a double yolk egg is just about the same as a jumbo egg, but you might not want to use them in baking since it could throw off the recipe because of the two yolks.
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How can you tell if an egg has a double yolk?

A -There's a process called “candling” which basically involves holding the egg up to the light and seeing through the shell. I'm told that if you put a 100-watt bulb in a small box with a hole in it slightly smaller than the egg, then place the egg over the hole, you can see the yolks.
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Are double yolk eggs sold in stores?

Since commercially-sold eggs in the United States are sold by weight and also candled prior to packaging, any double-yolk eggs are discarded (although in the UK they are not) and you could go an entire lifetime eating store bought eggs and never encounter one.
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Can you get 22 yolks in one egg?

Double yolks in eggs (also known as double yolkers) are, in fact, quite rare, but if you like the yolk more than the white in eggs, then it's a rather nice surprise when you open it; to find you have two or more yolks!
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How rare is a triple yolk egg?

A one-in-25-million chance

"I managed to find some data from the British Egg Information Service suggesting a double-yolk egg is about one in 1,000 and a triple-yolk egg is about one in 25 million," she said.
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Are double yolk eggs healthy?

“Double-yolked eggs are safe to eat and are usually longer and larger than a single-yolked egg.” When considering the nutritional value of a double egg, remember the yolk is a nutrient goldmine, with 13 essential vitamins and minerals, as well as 40% of the eggs' high-quality protein.
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How rare is a quadruple yolk egg?

According to the British Egg Information Service, the odds of discovering a quadruple-yolker are a staggering one in 11 billion, according to a news release from Dakota Layers.
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Are double yolk eggs good for you?

Double yolk eggs are perfectly healthy and safe to eat, even though they have a different white-yolk ratio. A double yolk means double the amount of protein and nutrients.
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Do double yolk eggs count as 2 eggs?

Really it all comes down to size. If your recipe calls for egg yolks only, you need to pay attention to the yolk size. Sometimes your double yolkers will have half-size yolks, so two would count as one. But if they are full-size, you'd count them as two separate yolks.
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What are the odds of getting 3 double yolk eggs?

Three double yolks in a row, what are the odds of that? It turns out, that number is easy to calculate: In general, one out of every thousand eggs is a double, which would calculate the odds at 1,000 x 1,000 x 1,000, or one in a billion.
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Can you get an egg inside an egg?

Though the egg-inside-of-an-egg phenomenon is rare, it does happen. It's due to a counter-peristalsis contraction, which happens when an egg is pushed back up into the chicken's reproductive system and becomes embedded in another newly forming egg.
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Do double yolks mean twins?

There was a study done in 1849 by some guy who claimed a hen brooded 10 double-yolk eggs which produced nine sets of twins. Nobody really believes this. Twin chicks from double-yolk eggs of chickens or any other birds are extremely rare. It happens, but hardly ever.
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How often do chickens lay double yolk eggs?

Double- or triple-yolk eggs are more common in young birds (found in pullets between 20 and 28 weeks of age), while in some breeds they can be genetic—particularly heavier breed hens. Double-yolk eggs occur in about 1 of every 1,000 eggs.
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What is the most yolks in one egg?

Guinness World Records aside, the greatest number of yolks found in a single chicken egg is said to be nine. Yep, nine yolks in one egg. Must have been quite the omelet.
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