Can lava be removed?

Contractors with experience removing lava flows said it can take months for the lava to harden and cool enough to remove safely.
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Can we remove volcanoes?

� To date there have been no successful efforts to start, stop or reduce a volcanic eruption; however, the ideas exists and discussion is underway.
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Why can't we get rid of volcanoes?

Sulphur gases can create acidic fog, which we call “vog,” for “volcanic fog.” It can kill plants and cause breathing problems for people nearby. Mixing these already-dangerous volcanic gases with other gases from burning our trash would make the resulting fumes even more harmful for people and plants near the volcano.
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How can we reduce lava?

There is no way to stop the flow of lava, scientists say. Many have tried in the past, including famed U.S. Gen. George S. Patton, who attempted to bomb lava in its tracks.
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Is obsidian real?

Obsidian is an "extrusive” rock, which means it is made from magma that erupted out of a volcano. If it was an igneous rock that formed from magma underground and did not erupt, it would have been called an "intrusive" rock.
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If Lava was Removed - Minecraft

Does obsidian exist?

obsidian, igneous rock occurring as a natural glass formed by the rapid cooling of viscous lava from volcanoes. Obsidian is extremely rich in silica (about 65 to 80 percent), is low in water, and has a chemical composition similar to rhyolite. Obsidian has a glassy lustre and is slightly harder than window glass.
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Can lava melt diamonds?

To put it simply, a diamond cannot melt in lava, because the melting point of a diamond is around 4500 °C (at a pressure of 100 kilobars) and lava can only be as hot as about 1200 °C.
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What happens when lava touches ice?

When lava meets ice, it neither explodes nor tunnels through; rather, it forms strange-looking bubbles. These bubbles are initially the same color as lava, but quickly turn black. One of the experimenters called these bubbles “scrambled eggs from hell”.
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What happens if lava reaches the ocean?

When lava comes into contact with ocean water, it produces a gas plume known as laze - lava and haze. Laze forms through a series of chemical reactions as hot lava boils the colder sea water.
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What happens if you drop a nuke in a volcano?

The explosion of the bomb mixed with the build-up of pressure inside a volcano could amplify the eruption. The force would release even more ash and lava, spreading it even further than it would've gone with the volcano's own power.
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Can we stop Yellowstone?

YVO gets a lot of questions about whether Yellowstone, or another caldera system, will end all life on Earth. The answer is—NO, a large explosive eruption at Yellowstone will not lead to the end of the human race.
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What happens if you drill into a volcano?

Drilling at the surface isn't likely to create any measurable seismic activity, but the risk is that it could cause a string of explosions if the drillers were unlucky and happened to hit a hypothermal pocket. The gases released could, in turn, cause more explosions and even an earthquake or eruption [source: Starr].
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Can a volcano run out of lava?

The lower, or subducting, plate's crust disappears into the Earth's mantle. There, it gets recycled, becoming part of the mantle. When a volcanic explosion is so massive that the magma underneath is completely depleted, it forms a caldera, or bowl-like depression.
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What will happen if Yellowstone erupts?

The enormous amount of volcanic material in the atmosphere would subsequently rain down toxic ash; across the entire US, but principally in the Northwest. The ash would also kill plants, animals, crush buildings with its weight, block freeways, and ruin the country's farmland for a generation.
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Who would win lava or water?

First, lava is more than three times denser than water; because humans are made mostly of water, it's three times denser than us, too. The laws of physics therefore dictate that we will float on its surface, not sink.
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Who will win lava or ice?

The ice itself doesn't melt completely. In fact, the lava just slides down the cool surface. While a thin layer of ice instantly melts, steam from the reaction causes the lava to bubble and create huge vapour puffs.
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Can you freeze lava?

Magma and lava solidify in much the same way that water freezes. When magma or lava cools down enough, it solidi- fies, or "freezes," to form igneous rock. One difference between water freezing and magma freezing is that water freezes at 0°C and magma and lava freeze at between 700°C and 1,250°C.
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Does lava have gold in it?

The fact that active volcanoes produce gold is not that surprising, Dr. Noble said. Significant quantities of gold are also being found along mid-ocean ridges, where so-called "black smokers" emit magma from beneath the ocean floor. Such spots are loaded with minerals, he said.
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What is hotter than lava?

Answer and Explanation: Magma is hotter than lava, depending on how recently the lava reached the surface and if the magma and lava are from the same magma chamber below the... See full answer below.
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What would happen if you threw a diamond into the sun?

You can shine like a diamond, but do go too close to the light... Yes. Diamonds are made from pure carbon, and carbon will burn in an oxygen atmosphere to produce carbon dioxide. However, you needn't worry about leaving a diamond in the sun.
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Is Crying obsidian real?

Crying obsidian is a decorative block that is used to create respawn anchors. They appear like purple blocks and these blocks produce purple dripping particles as if it is "crying".
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Is obsidian sharper than diamond?

Surprisingly, the edge of a piece of obsidian is superior to that of a surgeon's steel scalpel. It is 3 times sharper than diamond and between 500-1000 times sharper than a razor or a surgeon's steel blade resulting in easier incisions and fewer microscopic ragged tissue cuts.
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Is obsidian toxic?

Is Obsidian Dangerous? While obsidian is powerful, it is not dangerous. The only potential; danger that comes from this particular stone is in its rough form because it can have very sharp edges. In the past it has been used for blades and heads of arrows, but beyond this it is a safe stone for the most part.
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