Can Covid jab cause vasculitis?

Taken together, these reports suggest that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine has the potential to induce IgA vasculitis, although it is a rare adverse event.
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Are you at risk of experiencing an autoimmune disease flare-up from COVID-19 vaccine?

There is a risk that flare-ups may occur. That being said, it has been observed that people living with autoimmune and inflammatory conditions are at higher risk of experiencing severe symptoms from a COVID-19 infection.
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What are some of the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine?

Some people have no side effects. Many people have reported side effects, such as headache, fatigue, and soreness at the injection site, that are generally mild to moderate and go away within a few days.

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Are long term side effects possible with the COVID-19 vaccine?

Benefits of Vaccination Outweigh the Risks Serious side effects that could cause a long-term health problem are extremely unusual following any vaccination, including COVID-19 vaccination.

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What are the severe allergic reactions to COVID-19 mRNA vaccines?

“Overall, severe allergic reactions to COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, including life-threatening anaphylaxis reactions such as low blood pressure and difficulty breathing, are rare, on the order of five cases per million vaccine doses administered,” noted Dr. Guerrerio.

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Statin Side Effects | Atorvastatin, Rosuvastatin, Simvastatin Side Effects

Has anyone had severe reactions to the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine?

Monitoring of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine has found 10 cases of anaphylaxis after the administration of 4,041,396 first doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. In 9 out of these 10 cases of anaphylaxis, the recipient of the vaccine had onset of symptoms within 30 min of administration.

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Can the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine cause allergic reactions?

There is a remote chance that the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine could cause a severe allergic
reaction. A severe allergic reaction would usually occur within a few minutes to one hour after
getting a dose of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine. For this reason, your vaccination provider
may ask you to stay at the place where you received your vaccine for monitoring after
vaccination. Signs of a severe allergic reaction can include:
• Difficulty breathing
• Swelling of your face and throat
• A fast heartbeat
• A bad rash all over your body
• Dizziness and weakness

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Do COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have long-term effects?

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were created using messenger RNA (or mRNA) technology, which has been used for about 10 years in cancer treatment, with no long-term effects detected. And even before that, scientists had been working with mRNA technology for years. 3. mRNA technology does not alter your DNA.

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What are the possible side effects of the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines?

Possible side effects: Pain, redness, or swelling at the site where the shot was administered, and/or tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, fever, or nausea throughout the rest of the body. If these side effects occur, they should go away in a few days. A few side effects are serious, but rare.

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What are the common side effects of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine?

Commonly reported side effects in the clinical trial included injection site pain (sore arm), redness and swelling, fatigue, headache, muscle and/or joint pain, chills, fever, swollen lymph nodes, nausea and decreased appetite.

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Is it normal to get symptoms of the COVID-19 vaccine?

It is normal for these to occur. Common side effects include pain, redness, and swelling in the arm where they received the vaccination, as well as fever, chills, tiredness, headache, nausea, and muscle pain.
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What are the possible side effects of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine?

Possible side effects: Pain, redness, swelling in the arm where the shot was administered; tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, fever, nausea throughout the rest of the body. If any of these side effects occur, they should go away in a few days.

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When do COVID-19 vaccine side effects appear?

You probably experienced COVID-19 vaccine side effects fairly quickly when you had your initial injections. The same is true for COVID-19 vaccine booster shots: Most people notice side effects within the first 24 hours. The symptoms typically only last a day or two. Some people don't notice any side effects.

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Should you get the Covid vaccine if you have an autoimmune disease?

The American College of Rheumatology COVID-19 Vaccine Clinical Guidance recommends that people with autoimmune and inflammatory rheumatic disease (which includes lupus) get the vaccine unless they have an allergy to an ingredient in the vaccine.
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Can COVID-19 cause an autoimmune disease?

Widespread and long-term inflammation during severe COVID-19 may cause the immune system to produce antibodies to pieces of the virus it wouldn't normally recognize. Some of those pieces might resemble human proteins enough to trigger the production of autoantibodies.

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Should people with psoriasis get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Yes. If you have psoriasis, you should get the COVID-19 vaccine — unless your healthcare provider tells you otherwise. People with psoriasis may have other conditions (like diabetes or obesity) that increase their risk of a serious COVID-19 infection.

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Are there any safety concerns concerning mRNA technology of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine?

FDA does not have specific safety concerns with a vaccine that utilizes this technology.

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Is it normal that I feel worse after second COVID-19 shot?

This is normal and expected, but it doesn't happen to everyone. Even if you feel worse after the second shot, the side effects should still resolve within a few days.

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Why do people who had COVID-19 have a strong reaction to the vaccine?

The next time you encounter the pathogen, these responses will kick in faster and stronger, because your immune system is already primed to recognise and respond to it. This is why people who have already recovered from COVID-19 may experience more of these mild reactions.

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Do mRNA COVID-19 vaccines cause heart inflammation?

These cases typically occur in male adolescents and young adults after the second dose, and within a week of vaccination. It is important to seek medical care if symptomatic (chest pain, shortness of breath, having a fast beating, fluttering, or pounding heart).

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What are the average ages of people who had myocarditis after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination during the first 8 months of 2021?

Of the 1626 reports that met the CDCs case definition for myocarditis, 1195 (73%) were younger than 30 years of age, 543 (33%) were younger than 18 years of age, and the median age was 21 years (IQR, 16-31 years) (Figure 1).
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Are people who have had COVID-19 more prone to reinfection than vaccinated individuals?

Vaccines add protection. A study published in August 2021 indicates that if you had COVID-19 before and are not vaccinated, your risk of getting re-infected is more than two times higher than for those who got vaccinated after having COVID-19.

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How do you know if you are allergic to the COVID-19 vaccine?

An immediate allergic reaction happens within 4 hours after getting vaccinated and could include symptoms such as hives, swelling, and wheezing (respiratory distress).
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Is it normal to get a rash after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine?

Skin problems such as itchiness, rashes, hives and swelling can occur in some individuals after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, but it's not clear how common these reactions are or how frequently they recur with a subsequent vaccination.
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What to do if you get an allergic reaction from the COVID-19 vaccine?

If you get a COVID-19 vaccine and you think you might be having a severe allergic reaction after leaving the vaccination provider site, seek immediate medical care by calling 911.
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