Can corn on the cob turn into popcorn?

You can make popcorn from a cob, but only if the cob is specifically a popcorn cob (sweetcorn and other varieties won't pop). It's relatively easy to make popcorn from corn cob, and it can be done using a stove or microwave. You can purchase popcorn cobs from a local farmers' market, Amazon, or you can grow your own.
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Can any corn become popcorn?

As it turns out, the corn that we typically eat is different than the kernels that become popcorn. Only one variety of maize will make it – Zea mays everta. Though it looks like a typical corn kernel, this particular variety is the only one that can pop and turn into a delicious snack.
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How do you turn corn into popcorn?

Put whole corn cob, or extracted kernels, into a medium-size paper bag. Fold the end of the bag over twice, and microwave on high heat until popping slows to between 2–3 seconds. Be careful of steam when you open the bag. Enjoy your popcorn on the cob!
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Is corn on the cob the same as popcorn?

The most obvious difference between popcorn and corn on the cob is its appearance. Popcorn while on the cob has a deep orange-yellow color. Sweet corn is mottled yellow and white, field corn is solid yellow, and white corn is, of course, white. There are many other varieties as well.
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Can you grow popcorn?

Because popcorn takes a month or longer than sweet corn to mature, it is best to plant the popcorn first. You could also choose to grow only popcorn, and not worry about isolation. You must direct seed popcorn. Seeds germinate best when soil temperatures are close to 60°F.
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Popping corn on the cob in the microwave

What kind of corn is used to make popcorn?

Zea mays everta

Some strains of corn (taxonomized as Zea mays) are cultivated specifically as popping corns. The Zea mays variety everta, a special kind of flint corn, is the most common of these. Popcorn is one of six major types of corn, which includes dent corn, flint corn, pod corn, flour corn, and sweet corn.
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Can you dry corn to make popcorn?

If you just can't wait to eat a bit you can speed up the process with a dehydrator. Shell a few ears and lay the kernels on a dehydrator tray. Dehydrate between 120-130°F, checking few hours until it's popping well. To save space, shell your popcorn and place it in airtight containers.
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Can you grow popcorn kernels?

Once you've located fertile seeds, you are ready to grow your own popcorn. Plant the seeds exactly the same as you would sweet corn (soak the kernels for 12 hours before planting, then set them 1 to 1-½ inches deep and 8 to 10 inches apart).
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Can I use white corn to make popcorn?

The first step is to heat the oil in the pot - just enough to coat the bottom - then a layer of popcorn kernels. You can use white or yellow - either works.
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What causes corn to pop?

As the kernel heats up, the water expands, building pressure against the hard starch surface. Eventually, this outer layer gives way, causing the popcorn to explode. As it explodes, the soft starch inside the popcorn becomes inflated and bursts, turning the kernel inside out.
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Can baby corn make popcorn?

Generally canned, the vegetable is most often encountered as a tasteless indicator of a mediocre stir-fry. But baby corn is getting renewed value thanks to Tiny But Mighty, a new line of popcorn.
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Does popcorn grow on a cob?

Popcorn can be ear-harvested, where the whole ear of corn is cut and stored for eight-12 months, until the moisture levels in the kernels reach optimum levels. At this point, the kernels are stripped from the cobs and graded to eliminate ones that are too small to pop efficiently.
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Can I grow corn from store bought corn?

Fill a dish with 1 inch of water and place the corn cob in the water. Place in a sunny spot and then admire your corn as it grows! Within a few days you will begin to see the shoots sprout upwards, you will also see the roots grow in the water.
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Can you grow popcorn from the store?

No, you can't open a bag of popcorn from the grocery store and plant it. Most store bought popcorn isn't fertile because of the heating and sterilization processes it undergoes. You'll need to buy fertile popcorn from your local garden center and there are plenty to choose from on the internet.
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How do you make homemade popcorn kernels?

In a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium heat, combine the oil and 2 popcorn kernels. Cover the pot and wait for the kernels to pop, which might take a few minutes. In the meantime, place a large serving bowl near the stove so it's ready when you need it.
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Is popcorn made from real corn?

Popcorn is actually a special variety of corn, and it is the only one that pops. The key to popcorn is the unique design of its kernels. Most importantly, its kernel consists of a very hard, mostly nonporous outer shell called pericarp.
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Can you use sweet corn to make popcorn?

Popcorn corn

You cannot make popcorn from fresh sweet corn. In order for popcorn to pop it needs a very strong hull, that allows pressure to be built up within. The hull of fresh sweet corn is not strong enough for that.
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Do humans eat field corn?

People may pick ears of field corn when its sugar content has peaked and cook it on the cob or eat it raw. Ears of field corn picked and consumed in this manner are commonly called "roasting ears" due to the most commonly used method of cooking them.
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Why is my corn not popping?

Popcorn kernels will not pop if they contain too little or too much water moisture inside the kernel. The popcorn kernels which do pop have 14-15% moisture in the hull and anything less or more will cause the popcorn kernel to not explode. You can test the moisture of your popcorn by using your fingernail.
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Can flint corn be popped?

Red Flint corn makes great popcorn; however, when freshly harvested, only about 40 percent of kernels will pop. To increase popping efficiency, let the corn dry for a few weeks (out of the bag) in a cupboard or on a counter.
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Is popcorn the only seed that pops?

Corn isn't the only thing you can pop. Here's how to get it poppin' (sorry) with quinoa, sorghum, and more. You already know that popcorn is a gift to humanity, and one that we should all be making and eating as frequently as possible.
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Can glass gem corn be used as popcorn?

Glass Gem is predominantly a popcorn (a subcategory of flint corn) and can be ground into cornmeal for use in dishes such as polenta or grits, or popped. This variety was selected for its majestic beauty and colors. However, it does have good corn flavor.
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