Can ants vomit?

She found that beyond nutrients, ants are passing along proteins, hormones, and fragments of genetic material — RNA. In colonies the exchange of vomit can be seen happening 20 times in a minute. The vomit is usually a clear liquid.
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Can an ant throw up?

Carpenter ants 'throw up' on each other to say hello

When ants 'talk' by exchanging liquid mouth-to-mouth, they're not just communicating vital information about the colony, they're also passing on hormones that influence how the lucky recipients of their vomit will grow and develop.
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Do ants throw up their food?

Ants don't just share their work, but their food too. They regurgitate a drop of liquid food from their social stomach that is like nectar or honeydew, and pass it on to their fellow ants by mouth-to-mouth contact.
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Why do ants vomit in each other's mouths?

So, by vomiting into each other's mouths, ants aren't simply exchanging nutrients, the study authors wrote. Instead, the ants are creating a digestive social network in which energy and information circulate constantly throughout the colony to be collected by the individuals that need these resources.
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Why ants are kissing?

Social insects communicate mouth-to-mouth. If you've ever watched ants, you've probably noticed their tendency to "kiss," quickly pressing their mouths together in face-to-face encounters. That's how they feed each other and their larvae. Now, scientists report that the insects are sharing much more than food.
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Could You Pass the Bullet Ant Test? | National Geographic

Do ants have language?

Ants also combine pheromones and touch with unique body language, such as raising their abdomen in the air, to communicate. Similar examples of human body language signals include giving someone a thumbs up or nodding your head. Some species of ants make noises to communicate with each other.
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Do ants have brains?

Each ant's brain is simple, containing about 250,000 neurones, compared with a human's billions. Yet a colony of ants has a collective brain as large as many mammals'. Some have speculated that a whole colony could have feelings.
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Are ants blind?

Compared to vertebrates, ants tend to have blurrier eyesight, particularly in smaller species, and a few subterranean taxa are completely blind. However, some ants, such as Australia's bulldog ant, have excellent vision and are capable of discriminating the distance and size of objects moving nearly a meter away.
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Why do ants carry dead ants?

Ants transport their dead there in order to protect themselves and their queen from contamination. This behavior has to do with the way ants communicate with each other via chemicals. When an ant dies, its body releases a chemical called oleic acid.
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Do ants kiss when meeting?

It's Communication. Talk about intimate communication. Researchers have found that ants pass along chemical signals with their nest mates by sharing saliva.
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Why do ants hug each other?

A lack of good vision makes physical contact an integral part of their lives in order to communicate and eliminate threats to their colonies. That's one theory as to why ants touch every other ant coming from the opposite direction.
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Can ants see?

Ants can detect movement and see the areas around them, but rely more on senses and information they get from their legs and antennae than from their eyes. Ants tend to use sounds, touch and chemicals called pheromones to communicate and get around than their eyes.
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Do ants fall to death?

Ants do not take damage from falling, so they do not die. Ants are very lightweight insects, and once dropped (in a few seconds), they achieve their terminal velocity and continue to move at the same constant speed. It is almost physically impossible to kill an ant from a fall.
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Do ants feel pain?

Over 15 years ago, researchers found that insects, and fruit flies in particular, feel something akin to acute pain called “nociception.” When they encounter extreme heat, cold or physically harmful stimuli, they react, much in the same way humans react to pain.
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Can ants get high?

The answer is yes. Ants can indeed get high from the consumption of narcotics. A study from 2016 shows that ants can even get addicted to drugs [1]. If ants are exposed to drugs, they'll easily get hooked by it – and they might even like it more than sugar.
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Do ants pee?

No, ants do not pee. In fact, most insects don't pee. All the waste that needs to be expelled comes out of one hole as one waste. Their poops aren't wholly solid, though, because there is a moistness to them due to liquid content.
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Do ants fart?

Yes. In insects, we usually call it the “gut,” but it does more or less the same things in insects that intestines do in humans.
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Do ants poop?

Ants do poop, though their excrement is usually referred to as frass, and is generally dry and powdery. However, they do not urinate, instead, removing the moisture from their urea to create uric acid, which is excreted as a solid with their frass.
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Do ants cry?

While this might appear to be a strange question, it's actually normal for these insects to “scream”. Well, some asked if, in fact, these insects produce sounds because whenever they use water to eliminate them from their patio, they hear screeching sounds.
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Do ants have funerals?

It's true that ants don't have funerals and they don't give speeches at these funerals, but they do have underground cemeteries, sort of. And they do stack their dead in all kinds of interesting ways.
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What happens if a queen ant bites you?

Initially, the venom causes a burning sensation, swelling, and pain at the sting site. However, sting sites can develop into pustules (pus-filled blisters) that can linger for a couple of weeks. The ant venom causes localized cell death, and the pustules are the result of our immune systems cleaning up the cell debris.
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Why are ants attracted to sperm?

Sperm contains sugar molecules, like every cell in one's body. The extra sugars secreted in semen add to the effect. Ants can drink from fresh and sugary liquid to gain energy, and prefer sugar to keep themselves up and moving. Though it may be gross, ants might drink semen and gain nutrition from it.
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