Can a doctor tell if you were pregnant?

Doctors can perform urine pregnancy tests (UPT) in their office and is usually the first step in diagnosing a pregnancy. After the urine testing, the doctor can perform even more pregnancy tests such as a blood test and sonogram. Blood tests are done at your doctor's office, but are used less often than urine tests.
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Can a doctor tell if you've had a miscarriage in the past?

Tissue tests.

If you have passed tissue, it can be sent to a lab to confirm that a miscarriage has occurred — and that your symptoms aren't related to another cause.
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Can a doctor tell if you are pregnant before a test?

A doctor's blood test can detect pregnancy just a few days earlier than a home test — usually around 10 days after you ovulate.
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Can the doctor tell if you are pregnant during a Pap smear?

No, a cervical screening test detects abnormal changes to the cells within your cervix. It can't detect pregnancy, however if you are pregnant smear tests are not recommended.
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Can you have a period and be pregnant?

Can you still have your period and be pregnant? After a girl is pregnant, she no longer gets her period. But girls who are pregnant can have other bleeding that might look like a period. For example, there can be a small amount of bleeding when a fertilized egg implants in the uterus.
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Doctors Answer Commonly Googled Pregnancy Myths

Can you tell if someone is pregnant by looking at their cervix?

Some people try to figure out if they're pregnant by checking their cervical position. Unfortunately, there is no way to know whether you're pregnant by checking your cervical position. You just have to wait until you can take a pregnancy test. A cervix that is high, soft, and open is a fertile cervix.
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How early did you know you were pregnant?

Some women may begin noticing the first early signs of pregnancy a week or two after conception, while others will start to feel symptoms closer to four or five weeks after conception. Some women may not feel symptoms until their period is noticeably late, or even farther into pregnancy.
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How early did you find out pregnant?

While you may get a positive POAS test at 3 weeks, it's a good idea to wait a week or two and test again to confirm. A blood test also can detect hCG and is more sensitive than a urine test. Since it can detect pregnancy as early as 6 days after ovulation, you could be able to confirm your pregnancy at/around 3 weeks.
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How early can you tell you're pregnant?

It can take around three to four weeks from the first day of your last period for there to be enough hCG in your body to show up on a test.
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How to tell if you miscarried if you didn t know you were pregnant?

Often, a woman can have an extra heavy menstrual flow and not realize it's a miscarriage because she hadn't known she was pregnant. Some women who miscarry have cramping, spotting, heavier bleeding, abdominal pain, pelvic pain, weakness, or back pain.
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Can you tell if you had a miscarriage without knowing you were pregnant?

Many women have a miscarriage before they even know they're pregnant. If this happens it can feel like a late period with heavy bleeding.
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Why do I think I'm pregnant?

Many people experience what seem to be pregnancy symptoms shortly before their period arrives. This happens because the hormone progesterone rises both during early pregnancy and in the premenstrual period.1 In short, PMS symptoms and early pregnancy symptoms can sometimes be exactly the same.
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How does your lower stomach feel in early pregnancy?

Lower abdominal pain is normal during pregnancy and is most common between 18 and 24 weeks. Your growing uterus is pulling and straining the muscles that support it. You may feel sharp pains or just a mild pulling sensation. It often occurs when you cough, sneeze, stand up, sit down, roll over, or during sex.
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How do you tell if a woman is pregnant by looking at her eyes?

You cannot diagnose a pregnancy by merely looking at a woman's eyes. This is a historical and outdated method of detecting pregnancy.
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When does your stomach start to get hard when you are pregnant?

When does your belly start feeling hard during pregnancy? This varies, but it's usually during your second or third trimester. As your uterus grows, it eventually pushes against your abdominal wall, making your abdomen feel firm. The muscles and ligaments around your uterus stretch, too, which can cause mild cramping.
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What are signs of no period?

Depending on the cause of amenorrhea, you might experience other signs or symptoms along with the absence of periods, such as:
  • Milky nipple discharge.
  • Hair loss.
  • Headache.
  • Vision changes.
  • Excess facial hair.
  • Pelvic pain.
  • Acne.
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Can you tell if you've conceived straight away?

Some women might experience the first symptoms a week or two after conceiving, whereas others don't feel anything for months. Many women may tell if they are pregnant within two or three weeks of conceiving, and some women know a lot sooner, even within a few days.
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Can Precum get you pregnant?

You can definitely get pregnant even if the guy pulls out before he comes. Guys can leak a bit of sperm out of the penis before ejaculation. This is called pre-ejaculate ("pre-cum"). So even if a guy pulls out before he ejaculates, a girl can still become pregnant.
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Could I tell if I was 1 week pregnant?

Some women may notice symptoms, such as spotting or a headache, during week 1 of pregnancy. Others may only experience a missed period. Some women will have no symptoms at all. Whether a person has symptoms or not, the best way to determine if they are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test.
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What are the 70 early signs of pregnancy?

70 early signs of pregnancy in Indian mothers- <br/>The most comprehensive guide
  • nausea or bloating.
  • early morning vomiting.
  • tender breasts or nipples.
  • higher body temperature than usual.
  • frequent urination.
  • headaches.
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How common is a silent miscarriage?

Approximately 1-5% of all pregnancies will result in a missed miscarriage.
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