Can a Devil Fruit user swim in freshwater?

Fresh or salt water, it doesn't matter, it still drains a devil fruit user of their strength as long as it's ankle deep. We've seen Luffy and others exposed to fresh water and still be unable to swim.
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Are there any Devil Fruit users who can swim in water?

The Sui Sui no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to swim in the ground or walls, making the user a Free-Swimming Human (遊泳自由人間, Yūei Jiyū Ningen?, Viz: Free Swimmer). It was eaten by Senor Pink.
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Can people with Devil Fruit powers swim in lakes?

Also, Oda said in SBS that Devil Fruit users are vulnerable to all types of water, not just salt/sea water. Basically any type of "standing" water (ocean, lakes, rivers, etc) will affect them, while "moving" water (rain, waves, etc) won't.
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Can Devil Fruit user swim in river?

Yes they can. Devil fruit users only lose their abilities (of both their DF and swimming ability) when in waters from the sea. So any oceans, seas, larger lakes and rivers will effect DF users. Whereas smaller lakes and rivers, ponds, and in this case, swimmings pools will not effect them.
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Can Devil Fruit users float?

No, there are no Devil Fruits that allow a user to swim in water. Every Devil Fruit user has the same basic weakness. Since wood is lighter than water, he might be able to float on the water though.
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Explaining Devil Fruit Weaknesses | Tekking101

Can Luffy go in freshwater?

Fresh or salt water, it doesn't matter, it still drains a devil fruit user of their strength as long as it's ankle deep. We've seen Luffy and others exposed to fresh water and still be unable to swim.
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Who has the Mizu Mizu no mi?

The Mizu Mizu no Mi is a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to control, manipulate, and create water. It was eaten by Kirin Kusogawa, a member of the Hidden Pirates.
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What happens if a Devil Fruit user drinks sea water?

DF users are only weak in standing water (ie lakes, seas, oceans, etc) Nothing happens if they drink or shower.
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Can Smile users swim?

A SMILE fruit is intended to grant the consumer the power of animal transformation, much like a Zoan-type Devil Fruit, by a process which involves transmission of the Lineage Factor of a real animal. Like normal Devil Fruits, SMILEs render those who consume them unable to swim.
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What is the weakest Devil Fruit in one piece?

1 Weakest: Beri Beri no Mi

Beri Beri no Mi is a Paramecia type of Devil Fruit that allows its user to turn their body into small spheres. It was eaten by Marine officer Very Good, who was first introduced at the end of the Enies Lobby arc. This Fruit is extremely weak and it has some major drawbacks.
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Does water weaken Devil Fruit?

Oda stated in an SBS that Devil Fruit users are susceptible to all types of water, not just seawater. This includes the white sea surrounding Skypiea. He elaborated on this, saying that "moving" water, like rain or waves, does not weaken Devil Fruit users, while standing water, like lakes or rivers, does.
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What happens if a Devil Fruit user eat another Devil Fruit?

The concept is that once a devil's spirit is already within a person, it will not welcome another devil spirit. There would be an internal conflict so to speak and the person who consumed two devil fruits would inevitably die.
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What if a Fishman eats a Devil Fruit?

A fishman devil fruit user would not be able to swim in the ocean, but obviously wouldn't drown if he fell into the sea, he would be stuck. [ just like what happened to Jack when Zunisha drowned his fleet.]
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What is a water devil?

Noun. water devil (plural water devils) Any water-based cyclone, usually much smaller than a tornado in magnitude. We saw a water devil form in the late afternoon on the lake.
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What is the weirdest Devil Fruit?

10 Weirdest 'One Piece' Devil Fruit Powers
  • Bubble-Bubble Fruit. ...
  • Horm-Horm Fruit. ...
  • Smooth-Smooth Fruit. ...
  • Human-Human Fruit. ...
  • Berry-Berry Fruit. ...
  • Swim-Swim Fruit. ...
  • Boing-Boing Fruit. ...
  • Mutt-Mutt Fruit: Dachschund Type.
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Why can't DF users swim?

bc not only do devil fruit users lose their ability to swim, they lose all of their strength in water (higher than at least their waist) deeming swimming impossible anyway. They do know how to swim. But they can't. They lose all their energy, thus become incapable of swimming.
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Can whitebeard swim?

Inability to swim: Whitebeard is unable to swim and leaving him drowning because of his Devil Fruit abilities.
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Can Kaido swim in water?

He cant drown himself and he can breathe underwater. The dragon form was not his df ability at all. But he has a human form.
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Can Luffy swim before?

Like others exposed to Devil Fruit, Luffy cannot swim; when he is submerged in water or contacts the Sea-Prism Stone, he loses his strength and cannot move on his own. In addition to his Devil Fruit powers, he has immense strength, durability, speed, reflexes, agility, endurance and stamina.
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Is there a Earth Devil Fruit?

The Tsuchi Tsuchi no Mi (lit. Earth Earth Fruit) is a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to become and manipulate the rocks and soil. It was eaten by Frost Zeke, the Navigator of the Outlaw Pirates.
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Has Luffy awakened Devil Fruit?

After Luffy took what seemed to be a fatal blow, he soon found himself awakening to a new power within his Devil Fruit and is now starting to unleash the full extent of his new abilities thanks to his newly acquired Gear Fifth form.
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What is the best Devil Fruit?

Bari Bari no Mi allows the user to produce unbreakable barriers, giving them protection from most enemies in their way in the process. Even someone as strong as Kozuki Oden couldn't break the barrier produced by this fruit, making it the most powerful Devil Fruit when it comes to defense.
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Can there be 2 of the same Devil Fruit?

It has been stated multiple times more than one Devil Fruit cannot exist at the same time. The fruit grows again after the user dies. Any fruit that seems as though it already exists is just a very similar fruit but not the same one.
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What is the most useless fruit in One Piece?

One Piece: The 14 Worst Devil Fruits Introduced So Far
  • 8 Ori Ori no Mi. ...
  • 7 Guru Guru no Mi. ...
  • 6 Kame Kame no Mi. ...
  • 5 Kilo Kilo no Mi. ...
  • 4 Hito Hito no Mi. ...
  • 3 Jake Jake no Mi. ...
  • 2 Shari Shari no Mi. ...
  • 1 Beri Beri no Mi.
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